Gonna watch pic related later, what am i in for?

gonna watch pic related later, what am i in for?

eh i watched last night and i'll i can say is
its a movie

>movie is titled Lady Bird
>main character is not a female bird

lost teen trying to figure out life

period teen coming of age

Slightly rebellious teenage girl comes to the underwhelming realization that conformity isn't so bad anyway

yeah but is it enjoyable?

Rebel teenage girl realizing that not being rebel is okay

Watch The Florida Project instead.

Is that the girl from the Ed Sheeran music video?

Sure, I mean I won't watch it again

it's alright
funny too sometimes

jesus christ that guy is ugly and his music sucks
how can someone so visually offensive and musically untallented be rich and famous?

Does she show her feet in the film?

Yeah, but it's very niche.

I do admit it's feels realistic tho.

>Expecting somthing from an actress that can't act...

I would rather lurk /fit/ than watch that movie

It is obnoxious which I guess is kind of the point, misguided as well because the movie wants the audience to sympathize with her desperately in the most inappropriate moments. It is not visually appealing to look at and the humour is very quirky. You could be spending that time better else where op.

redpilled religious conservative kino

I didn't want to watch it because female director. Is it really watchable?


a worse version of The Edge of Seventeen
watch Edge instead.

It's better to shitpost Sup Forums instead

It could almost work as a Frances Ha prequel

if you've seen one of these you've seen them all

if you haven't seen one sure watch this

Why do critics always rate coming of age movies so highly? You've seen one and you've seen em all and they all stop being good once you hit 16.

this. I'm from Sacramento and grew up here in the 2000s and the fucking lines were so retarded and off base. Hella nitpicking here but NO ONE says "East Sacramento" and "Hella Tight" like they did. It's like Greta grew up here but vaguely remembered it and just focused on the pseudo hipsters past Midtown instead of literally everywhere else here.

thats literally it
he managed to sneak into top tier fame on a few hit songs, executives realised he had that ''he isn't good looking therefore he is UNIQUE'' thing going, so they made him do all sorts of interviews where he was quirky and normal and approachable, BAM literally most played artist instead of some ''average'' couple of top 10 hits a year soft singer handsome boi

A sweet Irish girl who is not going to sweetly fuck you user. Sorry.


Sersh looks cute even with acne scars

Because he was homeless. People loved the rags to riches story

I hope you like it! I worked really hard on it.

Too bad people don't like fags to bitches stories so your parents could be famous too.

Pretentious boring trash.

She had acne scars?

Thanks for introducing yourself, but I was actually hoping to talk about the movie.

typical teenage girl coming of age movie. Pretty good, but if you're not into that sort of thing you won't like it.

>Why do critics always rate coming of age movies so highly?

Because it touches on people's heartstrings. I agree with you that as you get older, they begin to seem monotonous.

>the family struggle
>the first love
>internal conflict
>everything works out in the end

That being said, I still like Dazed and Confused, Superbad, and Fast Times at Ridgemont High. They're still fun to watch despite being coming of age movies.

Suck my diiiiiiiiiiiiiick.

A template jews want young girls to behave like.

watching this movie was like smelling greta gerwig's pussy, but like, her imagination's pussy. and i think her imagination wipes back to front.

I'm in Oakland and people here say "hella" all the fucking time and have since I moved here in 2011. It's annoying really.

That's cuz she was and is a "pseudo hipster"

Fairly respectful Catholic school girls?

A longing for their lost youth, when all the possibilities in the world lay open in front of them, before they threw their life away by becoming a movie critic.

You can see Gerwig's pussy in some of her earlier mumblecore movies.

a typical coming of age film that got overrated because we're in the fuck drumpf era

Wrong on both counts.

Gay on only count.