British sitcom

>british sitcom
>episode ends on a nihilistic note
>nothing has been learnt or achieved, all the characters are simply put in their place and reminded what hopeless losers they are

>american sitcom
>each episode ends in a different faggy moral lesson - ''I guess that's why friends are important and you should never judge a book by its cover''
>literal advert appears in the bottom of the screen while the episode is still running
>''stay tuned for 'My Gay Midget Best Frenemy' - and coming next Tuesday: 'My 2000 lb Tranny Home Invasion Nightmare'

Other urls found in this thread:

are you implying that the british one is better? lmao

So you're saying that British characters do the same shit over and over again while learning nothing, and American characters actually learn and grow every week? Got it. And yeah, it sucks that we get commercials plastered all over everything, but the alternative is needing a TV License, so it could be worse.

She looks so ridiculous and out of place there.

Pic of the day.

Itt: Yanks

>My Gay Midget Best Frenemy




i dont understand how anyone can find this cow attractive
bruh she gross af

>British "humour"
>"I suppose tomorrow I'll kill myself, and no one will miss me. It's a shame that I'll be mildly inconveniencing my landlord and whoever has to remove my dead body from the premises. Cheers."

>American "humor
>"Honey, I know that you spent all day fixing dinner, but that doesn't mean I wanna spend all night throwing it back up again!"
>audience laugh track explodes for an unbroken 30 seconds while actors blankly stare at each other to continue exchanging asinine dialogue

Comedy is the shittiest-tier of entertainment, no matter what side of the Atlantic you hail from.

Yes it is.


God tier genres:
Shit tier genres:
>Slice of life

>literal advert appears in the bottom of the screen while the episode is still running
They have literal pop-up ads now in the center of the screen on basic cable.

Not to mention that the U.K version has a top tier comedian at the leading role

>complains about gay midget trolls on his sitcoms
> proceeds to cum to elf and troll dp porn...
make up your mind ffs

Objectively, yes.

>british "humour"
>rodney you PLONKA
>north is a bit shite, innit
>why did i think i would have a chance with her. absolutely pathetic
>the tories hate poor people

>america """"humour""""
>PENNY *knocks* PENNY
>hey guys TRUMP SUCKS *thunderous cheers and whooping from audience*
>ha ha lets all forget this happened, go out and get frosty chocolate milkshakes

>'My 2000 lb Tranny Home Invasion Nightmare'
Holy shit what channel is this on, Id love that show


I still think there is a feeling like we have to teach morals to kids with comedies. British shows don't generally even have kids from what I can tell, so not the same pressure. Also doesn't help that the UK is basically if Seattle was its own country.

Always Sunny is fucking bleaker then anything on English TV and it's American.

*that is a comedy and not BLACKED mirror

Brit comedy is intrinsic, genuine. There is an authenticity to it that make me smile and chuckle. It's a tragedy some can not appreciate it as do I.

Everything is a recurrence what is there to be learned and gained in growth from life when everything you'll ever do end up repeating itself?

Me? Work five days a week and in the interim of my days off I either drink, or hang out with a co-worker. There is no life lesson to be learned as American sitcoms, it's bleak and dry like a Brit sitcom.


>Implying I´m Brtitish
Sorry user. Their countries are getting filled with mudslimes tough

He was a literal nobody until The Office.

What are stand-ups?

Whatever you are, you don't matter.

>someone was autistic and obsessive enough to actually spend a decent chunk of his day making this

The absolute lowest, irrelevant form of comedy.

He was a nobody stand-up before The Office.

British sitcoms and dramas = end point already thought out, stops before they run out of ideas

American sitcoms and dramas = just keep going make shit up on the fly until everybody loses interest

They're both shit and complimentary

>and that's why we must be open to new experiences, specifically about gays, trans, blacks, mexicans

>what if yo phone was ur dad and it raped your daughter and she loved it

I mattered enough for you to reply
Only if you are a woman
I thought he made it big there

The Simpsons is a British sitcom then, according to this

>british "humor"

>british sitcom
>fucking kill your main character by car

>he says after creating a full page of mutt memes to show his nan

>I mattered enough for you to reply

Fat amerimutt BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

sounds about right


At least some people derive amusement or entertainment from them

switch thriller and horror

>God tier


Why so sweaty?

The phantom pain. Only so much regret you fits in the human brain. Losing a piece of yourself is harder than people realize. Far harder than she was thinking when she got tricked into mutilation as basically still just a kid.

Imagine if you were a brilliant painter. Able to create images with physical arts that made people marvel, you weren't just a good painter, you were a prodigy, exceptional, a virtuoso. No one else was as good as you at a young age with your innate ability when they had tried their whole lives.

Imagine that whispers from those other people started creeping into the corners of your life, saying, "People only like you because of your painting." "Aren't you tired of just being 'the painter'?" "People only ever want to talk about your paintings, not you." And you're young, and you begin to agree with them that you are more than just a painter, and the world that knows you for your painting should know you for your personality, even though it's not your personality that is exceptional. They begin to say, "Maybe you should just get rid of your ability to paint..."

You decide to take a lawnmower and stick your hands in to mangle them forever, so you'll never paint again. Everyone around you applauds you for being so strong and brave as to reject society's pigeonholing you. It's so wonderful what you've done and for a while you get attention for it. then the attention fades, and you've got nothing to do with your time. And then you realize that you really loved painting. You try to paint again but can barely produce smudges on the canvas. You bring these smudges to others and they humour your effort, but you can tell it's only faking. And then you truly realize the gravity of the irreversible action you've taken. You eliminated not only the thing that others loved about you, but the thing that you loved about yourself, and no matter what you do you cannot re attain it. Ever. Imagine having to deal with that feeling of loss, every day.

Holy fuck. When did this pasta come about? (is it a pasta?) It's God damn glorious.

Except she still has plenty of tit left.

>Except she still has plenty of tit left.

I think Ariel Winter was screwed regardless.

Her tits developed as giant pendulous fat sacks. There was no 'upper tit', only 'bottom tit'. It's like those African tits you see that are positively enormous but attached to the chest by a 1 inch section of skin. It's horrible.

What she needed to do was get breast reduction + augmentation. She needed to remove some of the extra skin + get implants to fill out the tit properly and keep it from being a limp sack.

As it is she got rid of some of the bulk but they're still horribly shaped africa tier trailer park tits.

top is literally seinfeld though

yeah and i guess a fully blown balloon is the same as a half blown, right retard?

t. virgin

>There was no 'upper tit', only 'bottom tit'. It's like those African tits you see that are positively enormous but attached to the chest by a 1 inch section of skin

Nope, and the vid where her tits slipped out of her top proved it. Her tits were absolute aesthetic perfection. It's clea you've never seen a picture of her pre-suicide breasts in your life.

Yes. and he's right.

Those are her post-op tits brochacho. You can see the underboob surgical scar.

>She looks so ridiculous
t. mad jelly roastie
>out of place there.
i agree with this tho

ur favorite british sitcom go
except peep show, the office or the IT show

>'My 2000 lb Tranny Home Invasion Nightmare'


>Those are her post-op tits brochacho

No, these photos are from 2015. But I really enjoy all you newfag retards who have absolutely no idea about Ariel's tits' history who keep trying to come into these threads dating her photos incorrectly because you weren't around when they were first published.

Ending of the UK office was goat tier. Last scene is literally brent crying and begging for his job back. Americans can't dare to end a show on that note.


Theres always that one waifu curator.

I'd say that the significant difference between the British sitcom's nihilism and the American sitcom's moral posturing is that the British nihilism is largely sincere while the American moral posturing is offensively hollow and disingenuous.

>comparing many of the best britcoms with the worst type of American sitcoms

Why the fuck can't we just all agree to appreciate the great from both nations as they are, and ignore all the shit. Let's be honest, there's only so many good 8/10 or higher comedies out there, so you shouldn't be picky because it comes from one country or another.

It's a bleak message about the consequences of not taking work seriously. Rather than some sunshine and roses moral like American sitcoms.

>American characters actually learn and grow every week?
This is what burgers actually believe.

>gate keeping pics of some girl's hits
You really need to get out of the "house", bro

IT Crowd is shit. Peep Show and The Office are great. Inbetweeners is my favourite if I can't choose Peep Show though.

Why was the audio quality of the British office such shit? I’m not even talking about the accents, I can’t understand half of the dialogue because they mumble so goddamn much.

I'd argue that Sunny, Curb and Seinfeld are British sitcom made by Americans.

el goblino...

I heard that they originally intended to end Friends by having Rachael leave for Paris and Ross and Rachael not getting together, but the network pushed for a happy ending.

Glad I'm not the only one who found this. I have never before needed subs for a British show (outsides of a few Scottish characters with extremely thick accents) until The Office (UK).

>Desperately posting anti-British propaganda
>Against someone who made an Eternal Anglo meme post
The absolute ever-loving STATE of American education

Americans have too optimistic of an outlook on life. They get saddled with massive student debt paying three times the tuition of a state school when the private college is only slightly better (if at all) than the state school. They spend all their life saving (and sometimes even put their children in debt) trying to treat a hopeless illness, extending life by mere weeks, when they could have just stayed home and died in dignity surrounded by family and friends (and pass on your wealth to your children and grandchildren who will forever be grateful).

Optimism, when it becomes completely separated from reality, can be a deadly thing. That is not to say you shouldn't always hold out hope for betterment of situation and work towards the goals that will get you there.

>''stay tuned for 'My Gay Midget Best Frenemy' - and coming next Tuesday: 'My 2000 lb Tranny Home Invasion Nightmare'
This shit is even more prevalent on UK tv than US tv. "I Was A Teenage Amputee Prostitute" and "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant With A Litter Of Mice" are BBC staples. You're being dishonest, user.

Try again.

These are both shitty and sitcoms have been shit since the late 90s.

Jesus, all the non-gay men in that picture must have been rock hard.


>blaming Brits for the US becoming a mixed-race LA CRETURA hellscape
>celebrating the Germans and Spanish and French as noble and decent
>the USA became independent from Britain purely because of the actions of the Spanish, French, and Germans
>the independent USA then had its demographics transformed from a homogeneous British society into a mixed "melting pot" of Euromutts and non-Europeans because of the Spanish, French, and Germans
>even continental Europe of all places starts to become mongrelised because of the actions of the noble French and Germans
>still somehow blame the evil "anglos" for all of this
Germanic Nazi retards don't even understand the reality of their own ideological worldview.

>implying late 90s to early 10s wasn't peak sitcom

nasty coalburner with a queen of spades tattoo

>american sitcom
>Jewish execs are so greedy that they'll milk a series so long that their child actresses grow up to transition into disgusting tit cow sluts

How the fuck do they even explain this chick in the show? Isn't she supposed to be the nerd?

Sorry you got btfo my guy

>British comedy
>lasts two to three series
>bows out and leaves audience wanting more without overstaying welcome
>becomes legendary enough that murcians immediately remake it

>American comedy
>lasts 37 seasons
>peaks at season 3 and slowly beats itself to death until ratings collapse
>audience sick of the show by the time it ends instead of remembering it fondly

Lmao Americans man.

>those goblin claws
who exactly finds this look attractive?


>implying you can't be both """attractive""" and a nerd

My highschool had them, and I'm sure yours did to. Just like Ariel Winter on Modern Family, they weren't popular because they were colossal cunts who thought themselves better than everyone.

>when you do the math and realize that American sitcoms that managed to stay good for half-a-dozen long seasons have more hours of quality content than 5 British sitcomes combined

Take your meds. And read books. Actual books.You just earned our daily medal of anti-education.

Even fags like big tits, it’s the pussy they’re afraid of

Literally none of that was wrong

>British comedy
>Has to pump the breaks for a bit to show the lesbian relationship is safe and consenting
>Back to comedy guys
>Takes a break from funny to show that the black husband of the white woman is caring and no-nonsense
>Back to comedy guys!
>Takes a break from funny to show that the white womanizing man is struggling with his sexuality, and that's ok
>Back to comedy guys!