Cringiest fandom

Why is it rick and morty

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People who post cringe threads are a lot more cringey than any fandom there is.

Or we simply enjoy laughing at autists

>t. Reddit and Memy Fag

t. emasculated atheist

I'd laugh more at these cringey fags if they weren't a violent organization of thugs.

Pickle Rick vs Pandas when?

those ppl that dress up in the realistic goofy outfits
you know the ones...

We get it, you don't like a word. No one cares.

you are like a little baby
watch this

They completely captured the reddit market

please no don't bring that back up

if you honestly think it's anything other than Sonic or MLP you are deluding yourself. every other fandom may have cringy aspects to it's fandom but nothing will ever be on the level of these two fandoms

I honestly think the Sup Forums fanbase is somehow worse than the tumblr one.

Is it because you're a bitch? Because you certainly sound like one.

>dress up in the realistic goofy outfits
Does it count as dressing up if you surgically alter your face?

They are the two fandoms with fuck all social justice warriors. Especialy sonic
That's admirable.

I laugh knowing they a controlled opposition they are thinking they are leading a revolution while backed by mainstream corporations and politicians. They are still behind IRA.

The hell?
Are you serious?


Both fandoms are tend to be conservative.

>Anger is a gift
>No gods, no masters

I like the concept, but I hate those designs, the execution, and the tattoo artist is clearly mediocre.

The concept is shit too.

Your opinion bro.

I think that should tell you about people who don't believe in social justice

Really speaks to the state of modern conservatism.

Why do Americans take forgotten European ideologies like radical Socialism and Nazism seriously?

Invader Zim, Steven Universe, My Little Pony, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Rick & Morty fans are all invariably cancerous in varying degrees.

For tattoos, I think if you need your entire width of a fat fucking back to fit a message, you might want to rethink your concept.
Also never use currently popular characters for giant portrait shit.
If you cannot be reasonably sure that you would stand by that tattoo in 30 years, or anyone even gets it, you probably are better off not getting it.

If anything, the Sonic fandom is looking up. Less autistic kids and more normalfags who just want to play genesis games.
Or they're ironic memesters thanks to Sonic Boom and the twitter and youtube channel.

Idk man have you seen the SU fandom?
Or hell remember homestuck?

For the same reason they take ridiculed American propagandists seriously.
They live in a bubble of constant manipulation from so many sides that discerning the truth has become an almost impossible task.

Not really? You sound defensive

I don't think I have seen anyone try to make SU tats about anarcho-communism.

>killing Nazis
Like that Muslim in Berkeley?
Like that black in Dallas?
Like those Hispanics in Berkeley?
Or like that elderly war veteren?

Politics and memes aside, can you imagine having this shit permanently etched into your back? Imagine how the embarrassment will geometrically increase with each passing decade, as you grow and change as a person and your tastes, interests, etc change accordingly. Imagine having to keep yourself covered up all the time at age 40, 50, 60, so no-one asks about the long-forgotten-about cartoon characters currently fading and sagging down your back.

There's no way in hell Homestuck MLP and sonic could be less cringe than Rick and Morty.
I get the hate of the pseudo intellectuals and all that but you can't look me in the eye and wholeheartedly tell me they are worse than Chrischan level cringe.

hit the nail on the head desu

this so much.

i don't hate the tattoo, though it could go without the retarded anti-fa thing. don't hold yourself to a temporary organization that just started recently. rick and morty have been around more than fucking antifa. before that it was what anarchist? whatever to all that nonsense. if they want to be antifa that's fine but don't tattoo it, it's like getting republican/democrat tattooed. just fucking lame

the size thing is just ridiculous it could totally fit on a part of forearm or a leg. it's such a huge piece and i have a strong feeling the antifa might get covered up relatively soon. if trump doesn't get a second term it's and shit normalizes a little bit, antifa shit is going to disappear and look lame as fuck.

People like Chrischan is a single man and isn't indicative of the whole group. I would say at this point though Homestuck is by far the worst.

MLP atheists were the mess that created the fedora meme. And this was before all the alt-right mgtow shit made atheists become more conservative.

Dude, Antifa has been a thing for decades. Americans are just terribly slow on the uptake.

Then you're beyond retarded. I mean, don't get me wrong, the SU Sup Forums fanbase is actual cancer, but at least they haven't succeeded in getting someone to try committing suicide over a fucking picture.

Antifa are on the verge of being branded a domestic terrorist organisation in the US. If that happens, imagine having their logo tattooed on your person.

>MLP atheists were the mess that created the fedora meme
No, *tips fedora* predates MLP

Atheist bronies were a huge part of popularizing the stereotype.

You don't see many people who've been in ANTIFA for that long though
Eventually everyone has to move out of their parent's place

Are... are you trying to say Antifa did the Omagh bombings? I'm perplexed

You're saying like Sup Forums hasn't done the same exact thing.

damn, don't get arrested ever. if a cop sees that you're fucked.

really? because in america it's been a thing just recently. and it didn't really start to label themselves as antifa until after trumps presidency this year. the whole alt-right triggered the activist/anarchy kids to kick it up a notch.

I would say the /sug/ crowd during actual premieres is not so bad.
But at other times it's just creepy waifufagging and people who seem oddly obsessed in their hatred, so you really can't seem to get a sensible word in, let alone get an agreeable discussion going.

Yeah, here in Europe it's old hat.
Every time there's a neonazi rally, there's like a hundred skinheads, two thousand antifa and a thick line of cops keeping them from clashing while the boring protesters with their ideas of tolerance and inclusion are half a mile away minimum, having nothing to do with the stone throwing and violence.
But recently the black bloc has gotten more uppity. Gonna need a bit more good old police brutality to reign that in.

>Like that black in Dallas?
You mean the one who finally had enough of the cops jailing and murdering black people for no goddamned reason at all and decided to shoot back? The one who was tired of smug whites constantly blaming the victims for being railroaded into prison en masse and even for their own murders?

You're probably dumb enough to think that Black Lives Matter - a peaceful civil rights organization whose main forte is walking around in circles with placards begging the police to stop murdering them - is a "terrorist" group. Believe me, if enough black people decide to start giving as good as they've been getting, you and your kind will look back on the good old days of BLM protests with wistful fondness.

Living your fantasies through a terrible film by a hack director doesn't make you less of a bitch

>all of this garbage
Please leave, tumblr is more your speed.

This. Awkward kids openly love Sonic while the cool kids are secretly into it.
Only the awkward kids are into Homestuck though.

MLP will always be the reigning champ.

>Peopled used to have tattoos that scare your enemies or bring you luck

Does some horse or pointy headed drawing (will be known as such in 10 years or lol bazinga) do the same?

Well, if niggers can keep themselves from murdering each other wholesale, maybe I'd be concern. That is if they can keep themselves from being ethnically cleansed by the beaners.

You are wasting your time. Antifa and their supporters are brainwashed retards that cannot deal. With logic or opposition. Good thing they are ineffective as Shit otherwise they may be a threat.

If there weren't so many like him I would agree but deviant art is a grand place to learn of the cringe levels in the sonic fandom. It may change with new sonic shit coming out that isn't edgy Bullshit but I still think that fandom in particular is a rank all its own.

MLP and Homestuck both have cancerous fandoms full of the unwashed and drama queen sjws, but Homestuck isn't nearly as fucking creepy as Bronies, so I'll have to say MLP is slightly worse than Homestuck.

>evil morty
At least he knows which side antifa actually is

You must like aweful shit like rick and morty.

Here's your reply.

This has no right to be this well executed.
Also blue board, ffs!

Why do Europeans cheer as their children and wives get raped and all their rights get curbed every time they get blown up or stabbed?

>its whitey who makes us rob, kill and deal drugs

Pls nigga pls

>Why is it rick and morty

Seems like somebody has never seen the creepy Goof fans that are out there

Oh no, not this again.

>ignoring Homestuck and MLP fandoms


>if trump doesn't get a second term it's and shit normalizes a little bit, antifa shit is going to disappear and look lame as fuck.
this says so much and it just slipped by. Implying trump is an abnormality and that all this red v blue stuff is just being squeezed out of the US by the tacit mandate Trump gives to racist fruitcakes.

No, I am saying they need to get on IRA's level and start bombing Mount Rushmore like suggested, not pull down statues that nobody gives a shit about.

extremism, where you go when you run out of ideas, or never had any.

Sonic hasn't even been the main thing on DA since like 2009 or something.

Everything retarded you've seen with Sonic you also see in the Steven Universe or Homestuck.

What's actually funniest is the Sonic fans having grown up, look at their stuff and just wonder what the fuck they've been doing.

>yfw you realize this is a dude, and he's wearing a bra.

>Black Lives Matter - a peaceful civil rights organization
This is your problem. You need to stop pussyfooting and embrace extremism already. Learn a thing or two from IRA, you fucking pussy.

Tarantino is no Fucking hack, and the movie isn't that bad, it's even better once you notice the only respectable soldiers in the film are Nazis.

Yeah. White people really deserve to be exterminated.

If your ideals are worth anything, you should be ready to do anything for them.

calm down, edgelord

C'mon, man post better bait.

There is no part of me that believes that is more then one person into that shit.

This is the most baffling and idiotic thing I've ever said "up the ra" to.

But up the fucking ra.

White Americans don't have a culture outside of warped versions of the traditions of their European ancestors. If there is a pure white race, America is the family from it that isolated themselves on a single island and inbred themselves into mutants.

I was looking for a resturant, and I saw one called a "chinese" resturant. I don't know what "chinese" is, but it sounds austistic as fuck, so I decided to go in and observe the cringe. Everything was all red, so edgy, and there was a lot of furry dragon shit, gross! When my food came, they didn't even give me a fork, just some autisticks, who eats with sticks? Only the most autistic losers trying to be cool, these chinese are the cringiest group of people I have ever seen.

It actually is whitey who did all that, but he's still retarded if he thinks actually doing it is justifiable.

Or if he thinks BLM is actually composed of blacks who care about black welfare instead of white virtue signalers and a few ghetto apes who think there's easy money in it.

Me, I'm the cringiest fandom.

>radical Socialism
>forgotten European ideologies

How did you manage to forget about your current economic system, Yurofriend? Did they 1984 you that hard?

The way I see it, it is always the most popular fandoms that are the cringiest. Even if you don't really think of it, if you look for game of thrones cringe or whatever is the most popular show now you will get the most cringe just by numbers. When overwatch first came out that was the cringiest, harry potter movies, etc. Normalfag cringe is the worst because their cringe isn't seen as weird but as socially acceptable.

Antifa really needs to up IRA though. They should just blow up Mount Rushmore like they suggested instead of taking down statues nobody cares about.

Mlp had them early on but they mostly left for some reason.

wait what? I thought that was something else.

You aren't a fandom, you're just a dumb fan.

Wait a fucking minute, they had surgery done to get tbat look?

Look at it and tell me that is all the same person

Because we've never really deviated from some form of liberalism.

Is that Remi on the "Weebs" folder?

You're probably really smart user. Explain how that other user is a bitch?