I must break you

>I must break you.

I'd let dolph break me if you know what I mean

Apparently with ease.
>During a practice round, Sylvester Stallone told Dolph Lundgren to "really go at it" like how normal boxers do for 15 seconds. He ended up with a swelling pericardia sac around his heart and had to be rushed to the emergency room by plane. His insurance company thought he was faking it, saying that his injuries looked more "from head-on collisions when the steering wheels hit you in the chest". Stallone replied, "Have you seen Dolph Lundgren?! That's a truck! That's a steering wheel! That's a head-on collision!" His insurance company honored the claim soon after that.

>Carl Weathers nearly quit the film when Dolph Lundgren tossed Weathers into the corner of the boxing ring. Weathers shouted profanities at Lundgren while leaving the ring and announcing that he was calling his agent and quitting the movie. Only after Sylvester Stallone forced the two actors to reconcile did the movie continue. This event caused a four-day work stoppage while Weathers was talked back into the part and Lundgren agreed to tone down his aggressiveness.

Pussy Hollywood divas.

this is what my highschool bully said to me
I dropped out 3 months later and I've been neet for 2 years

>Nigger will reenact Glorious USA Victory in Rocky 8
I don't even know what to think anymore

They don't want you to do that

Hey, whatcha doing rabbi?

Big if true

He actually didn't have a choice when he said "I must break you"

He needed to win that match, his daughter was home sick in cancer and he needed the money to pay for treatments

He had no choice

I'm 6' 5" 300lbs. Ivan Drago ain't shit

how is that different from an italian representing the US? Blacks have been in the US longer and are the defining trait of the US over European states.

Does he actually say that?

>Stallone tried to have realistic boxing match with Dolph
>Stallone got his 3 ribs broken from punch

nigga their entire life revolves around their bodies like athletes. if an actor gets hurt or disfigured in any way it can be the end of their career.

Dolph was aesthetic.

Because people hate niggers more than Italians don't be daft

Why don't you go back now?

>black panther one of the highest grossing movies of all time

Case in point: Brendan Fraser.

Its a massively hyped Marvel movie user, do I need to describe to you the things Marvel could put to moving picture that would still make bank?

career ending JUST injury