I'm okay, I think I just need to let some arrows fly

>I'm okay, I think I just need to let some arrows fly.

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This quote is too real, too graspable.
You can feel his emotions. Please don't post it again it is uncomfortable.

What roles would you like to see Brendan in now that he's back?

the jews assaulted his taint.


Are we living in the post JUST era?


goddamn he looks exactly like my dad when he was younger.

pls be ok dad ;.;

What have I become..?

An old retired hitman that seems genuinely pathetic but still knows the tricks of his trade very well who ends up having to defend a cocky girl in her early twenties who ends up falling for him.


twist: she actually falls for the cock carousel and Brendan ends up putting her down

>whoever is unjust, let him be unjust still.

Teddy in the Spanish-American war

>I have a just for you, hmmmhm


*pokes your taint*

a traveling cowboy possessed by an evil native american spirit who takes shelter from a storm in a kind family's home that gets attacked by bandits and all except the youngest brother and sister dies horribly and they go on a quest of vengeance with the cowboy

he's gonna shoot his molester with an arrow isn't he

A broken man who takes his revenge on life and succeeds in turning his existence around finding true love and purpose, while the people that did him wrong slowly descend into depression and irrelevance.

damn he looks jewey


A mystic fisherman philosopher who befriends a young man suffering deep in the throes of a failed marriage and a gold-digging ex-wife, all of which culminates in an apocalyptic confrontation between Brendan's character and the ex-wife's champion, her lawyer-turned-lover.

What is this hairstyle called?

the chairman maostein

Phillip "Let Me See That Ass Work" Berk

only right answer

Is there a Green Arrow photoshop already?

Green Arrow.

That's like the whites shot trayvon Martin extending blame on indivuals to entire ethnicities is pathetic brainlet behaviour

I know how Brendan feels I do the same with my violin. Like it reminds me I was good enough to learn something once in my life and maybe one day I can learn again

An old mailman with little hope in life who finds out he has a talent for dancing and goes on dancing with the stars where he loses but falls in love with his partner

"dead in the front, party in the back"

>I'm okay, I think I just need to let some arrows fly.
As an ESL speaker, what does this mean?

>implying you wouldn't shoot with an arrow if you had the chance

sheriff truman
twin peaks s4

nothing, in the interview, he literally grabs a bow and arrows and shoots two bullseyes after he says this

Some user once posted a story where he is the father of a mtf tranny and he tries to drug the tranny to get him to be normal while also pretending to be supportive. Brendan then ends up having a breakdown and killing his daughter (male). The tranny is played by Paul Dano.
It sounded really kino.

My empire of JUST



Change that to he ends up training a talented, but arrogant girl in ther early 20's to be a hitman, that ends up falling for him in the end. He kills her in the end because she firmed an emotional attachment, a big no no for his guild.

From the sound of the article Brendan has a pretty large house and good amount of property plus enough petty cash to buy and transport a horse. How does he manage that with the alimony?

Checked as kino.

>He excuses himself as I ponder what this means. A few minutes go by. When he returns, it's with a leather quiver full of arrows strapped to his back. He steps out onto his porch. Outside, he lofts a bow, nocks an arrow. Down below on his lawn, maybe 75 yards away, is an archery target. He releases the arrow straight into the target's center. Bull's-eye. Then nocks a second arrow, and does it again.

>Finally, he exhales. “I feel a lot better now,” he says. He hands me the bow: “Okay, now you try.”

>You'd think that being rich would be a breeze

I would actually love to see him star as the Vault Dweller to a Fallout movie.

I'm putting together a team

He said that to an interviewer, then literally fired some arrows at a target to work out his emotions.

That is prime Kike right there

oh I see... I thought it would be an idiom or something. Thanks!

Have him play a middle class guy that gets destroyed by his wife in a divorce. Multiple false accusations: False rape, false child molestation, false domestic violence, etc. Start the movie showing how devoted he is to his family and then out of nowhere his wife is filing for divorce.

Show both the husbsnd and wife's life. Show how he has to live out of his car so that he can keep her accustomed to her lifestyle. Show how she has a new boyfriend move in. Show her deliberating with others/lawyer on how to best the system, but it make so that it's just what she wants thats in her best interest. Show the depression he goes through and how he can't see his kids. Show the court proceedings and how biased they can be.


Im a native English speaker and I thought it was a saying as well when i first saw it

He probably had assets not tied into his acting career. Assuming he had a decent accountant. And given that he's not a public person (and that his kids are often at his house), he probably has gotten on better terms with his ex and worked out a better rate. Plus he's gotten some work before this new series

2018...i am unjusted

That sounds phenomenal user

>Brendan Frasier as Benny
would it be kino?

>What is this hairstyle called?
The Schwarzenpecker style

what the fuck role is Brendan playing, the narrator? he's not in any other scenes.

He's playing the Mark Wahlberg equivalent from the movie version, you know the one where Kevin Spacy got recasted after the shooting finished

A dark post apocalyptic Mummy sequel where an older, more grizzled O'Connor, who has lost his family and his faith in mankind, must be brought out of a self-imposed exile to save the world from the latest undead scourge.

No way, that's sexist. She EARNED that money by fucking him in the ass.

That was deep

Take my tears and that's not nearly all
Tainted love

>people think these things are human

literally stage 2 of they live

Is there a PROBLEM in this thread?