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it's probably the best non-ensemble capeshit after iron man 1

Did it even have any real competition this month?

>lowered it 20 million

lel its making more $hekels than guy ritchie's shitty king arthur:

whiteb0iz blown the fuck out
all movies henceforth will be 100% nigs fighting for gibs n shieeet. that's why boxing and worldstarhiphop are so popular. can't go wrong with seeing nigs beat on each other.

lel the blackening continues. the jews can't be stopped you goys are too weak now.

>Over $700m in 10 days
1 billion confirmed

G-guys, it won't make 1 billion, right? We have proof that chinks are extremely racist and won't go see it


>Disney gets fucked with TLJ
>does some serious bookcooking to ensure Black Panther does well


WTF! My wife and I love huge black cocks now.

>Overseas, some aggressive estimates are as high as $90M, but the reality of the situation is that the Chinese New Year is over and a drop is expected in such markets as Taiwan and Hong Kong, so a foreign second weekend around $70M would not be surprising.

no worries though, it will perform better than expected domestically

>Disney gets fucked with TLJ
>Spends millions buying their own box office for Black Panther because user must feel validated

I don't buy this.

Blacks are 13% ish of the US population and let's assume all of them see it. China doesn't like blacks in film, most whites are tired of the marvel treadmill and BP isn't a ten poll character. I literally don't know a single person who has seen the film which is unlikely if it's getting this kind of market penetration.

I wouldn't put it past Disney to flat put lie about numbers since who can contradict them. They put all their eggs on the diversity astroturfing and they can't let it fail.


>most whites are tired of the marvel treadmill
You underestimate the power of the white soy

>Marvel releases a movie that is not a quipfest and with a good villain and is doing well
This is a good thing retards

>more movies will be used to virtue signal for white guilt / female inequality

>mfw white cucks are the ones paying money for most capeshit
when will they grow up

Disney buying their own tickets. Nothing to see here.

>Buy your own tickets
>Make twice the profit

We love blackpipo

When it's too late.

i feel it basically was ensemble capeshit given the prominence and screen time for all the heroes that aren't t'challa.

>most whites are tired of the marvel treadmill

I just now realized many things people think are being made for children are actually being watched by grown up bald men who refuse to let go and embrace adulthood
It's so fucking bizarre but hilarious at the same time

>th-they're just lying about their revenue! all the people I know in real life, such as my mother and um my cat, haven't seen it! its a trick!

Who gives a shit? Rational people are aware that it's just an alright movie being pumped up because of social significance being confused with quality. Get on with your life, mate.

We can have a reasonable discussion about it bruh or we can just shitpost reaction images and lower the tone

Let's do better, together

>I literally don't know a single person who has seen the film
yea, but that's because you don't have friends to begin with

People are just THAT excited about infinty war that they'll go watch this dumpster CG of a movie.
Also It's confirmed that disney bought the reviewers who will deceive everyone like the usual

You should go out of your cave avery once in a while, these circle jerks are eating your brain

>that pic
Keep posting it user

>DC wojak is brown

2 weeks DCbro, nobody cares about the reviews anymore

>2 weeks DCbro, nobody cares about the reviews anymore

Meant to

>Tfw Sup Forums will now deny they ever said it'd have a huge second week drop and blame it on Sup Forums instead

Wow you're mad

>Did it even have any real competition this month?
It's February. There are usually no films in february besides some academy award nominated wide releases, and maybe a date movie for valentines day.

I'm in NYC and I had to wait until a non-imax, 11:30pm screening last night because literally every other screening in my area before then was packed as fuck. There isn't some conspiracy at work here, it's just a really popular film.

they are already on the "it's all fake" level. you can't refute the ultimate excuse.

>it will perform better than expected domestically
Of course, Amerifatland is the most niggerlover country in the world.



It's quickly losing steam. It was ahead of TLJ as of a couple day ago, now it's already behind to the tune of $5million.

Jesus Christ America really is BLACKED

My original best case prediction was, that BP would do 800-850 million WW. It seems that it's going to go far, far past that.

You know i'm right. People are just so excited for Infinity War that they'll get their hands on anything that might be remotely related to it

>the ticket sales are fake
>the shooting victims are fake
>everything I don't want to hear is fake

it wasn't ahead, it just beat the daily grossing


Daily reminder that Black Panther, in its opening weekend, surpassed Justice League's entire domestic gross

how can i make money from the capeshit/nuwars/identity politics memes?

wow i almost forgot that capeshit X made more money than capeshit Y

>China doesn't like blacks in film
fuck off with that shit

from PRC but in HK right now for CNY, i'ma see this film when it comes out in march. Know tons of people who want to see it too

t. Chinese

Not action movies

Somebody update this.

Fucking chinks and their retarded capeshit addiction.



the cope

>Sup Forums eternally BTFO


>pro-vegan cartoon
>haha grumpy "grampa" in a Star Wars tshirt
>kid walking around in leather thong and collar

Oh. Of course. The gay/vegan/pedo overlap is immense.

why do people only care about capeshit box office on this board?
Jumanji just outgrossed Return of the Kings domestic but i didnt see one 'oh no no no' post about that

>BP isn't a tentpole character
Neither were guardians or iron man, no one gave a shit about guardians before the movie and iron man was a d-lister for decades

Sup Forums is Sup Forums

But it spent $300 million on marketing.

why do you hate that society has finally become alt-right, is for ethnology-nationalism, and isolationism, and homogeneous culture.


Because it hasnt released in China, Russia or Japan yet.

They took the red pill. They realized literally everything is fake since they’re in the Matrix.

Niggers deserve genocide
And it's coming soon

who the fuck decides they are going to buy tickets to see another Marvel trash