Who killed him?

who killed him?

It was the Vipers

the gabagool

I always thought Meadow when in the restaurant would've sat next to Tony thus preventing the hit from taking place assuming the assassin was the guy who went into the bathroom, the shot would be blocked when he comes out. Therefore the question that dictates whether or not Tony is slain is: Does his daughter make it into the restaurant? The answer, we'll never know.

he was already dead

Did you even watch the final episode?

This arab terrorist.

the whole couple of seasons eluded to it with the whole terrorism paranoia and Tony even talking to the feds about his suspicions.

dude goes to the toilet gets his bombs and shit ready which are under his jacket the screen going black signifies the detonation where everyone in the building is wiped out.

Nobody. The cut to black was when the FBI burst into the restaurant and arrested him. If you read Chase's commentary it's crystal clear.

Not for a while, I was going off memory, what's wrong with what I said?

gary cooper



It was the foie gras

>server comes out of toilet
>tony cannot resist the smell of fresh gabagool
>eat one piece
>feels like his heart is stopping
>falls on the ground and with dying breath says
>Ah, so i was The Sopranos™ all along.

One, Furio needs to be sexier, more threatening, and a character arc based in Italy. Two, whenever Furio's not onscreen, all the other characters should be asking 'Where's Furio?"

>gabagool mentioned

She did make it to the restaurant. It cuts to black as soon as she enters. That's when it's heavily implied he was killed

Valery finally came out from hiding in the pine barrens.


People were ready to testify. I always thought it was New York or Patsie maybe coming back on him. Remember he had Patsie's brother killed who was his TWIN BROTHER.

I don't know


Nobody. Every enemy that starts brewing to be the main bad guy of the season ends up being defeated or talked down before ever impacting Tony's lifestyle. Junior, Richie, Ralphie, Johnny, and Phil. The implication is you could stop the series at any random time, because you already know how things will pan out.


A thought that came to me recently was that the only two people left in his crew that were actually loyal him at that point were Bobby and Sil, who end up dead and most likely brain dead. So really could have been anyone.

>It's Lillyhammer makes a Sopranos reference

This, but unironically

New York most likely.

They allowed the hit on Phil, mainly so they didnt have to do it themselves, but they couldnt let the crew be let off easily, or else their street cred would be shit.

Phil’s hit was also botched, his entire head got crushed in front of his family, which is generally a big no no in the mob. So to allow a christian funeral.

It also just makes sense, the entire New Jersey mafia was a skeleton crew, and would be easily absorbed by New York if the head its cut off.

This is what I always thought. Tonys crew had been significantly weakened by the last episode. The only person in line to succeed Tony was Silvio and he was brain dead. Paulie couldn't do it either. He's just a yes man who would work for any boss.

New York, probably Little Carmine, ordered Tony to be shot so they could take over the Jersey operation.

You know, when it was all said and done AJ really did himself a favor by not taking anything seriously. He wouldve fallen into the same trap as Tony. Now at least he gets to live

>implying he got killed and didn't just live the rest of his life in paranoia with his top guys killed or ratting out to the feds
He could be killed at any time but the only real indictation of that is his talk with Bobby, which means he'll just be paranoid about being whacked for the rest of his life too.

what was his fucking problem, /gabagool/?

>he and Bobby talk about the suddenness of death
>finale ending cuts to black abruptly, without forewarning, while providing tension through Tony's paranoia of several characters in the restaurant possibly being dangerous
yeah he definitely got arrested, brainlets

Remember chris' dream when he comes out of his coma in season 2.. he says mikey told him to tell Tony "3 o'clock". Check the angle Tony should have been looking when he got shot, its 3'oclock

he was his wife's bitch

Mikey Parmesan's death was amazing. The show honestly had the most kino quips/dialogue during murders.

>implying you wouldn't be her bitch too

He ordered the hit on himself while high on peyote

Was she fucking AJ behind the scenes?

Are you retarded? The cut to black couldn't be anymore obvious as to what it means. Do you think Chase was just trying to hack it up and leave le open ending at the end of his masterpiece?

Because Meadow is in front of Tony, the restroom is in the back, she doesn't block the shooter.

Wrong, even if he wasn't killed the feds were already onto him. In any case, everything the show is about was leading up to Tony's demise, your brainlet interpretation about "bad guys being defeated" (kek) is retarded.

You are forgetting about Patsie, who at one point was ready to kill Tony becaise he had his twin brother whacked. Then there's Paulie, which we already know is not exactly loyal so he probably knew what was going to happen, that final scene with him is very suggestive.

>the only real indictation of that is his talk with Bobby

The feds have been "on to him" since season 1. Tony will never change, Carmella can never rid herself of Tony, the Soprano family as a whole is forever tied to each other. Silvio ends up in the exact same position as Tony in the hospital. He'll probably recover. It's not about bad guys or good guys, the point is Tony always weasels himself out of trouble but also always has an axe hanging over his head, here it's represented by the member's only jacket guy and the nod to The Godfather bathroom scene. He's meant to imply an imminent threat, but there's always been an imminent threat in Tony's life. The main problem I have with the "Tony dies, the end" interpretation is that it does nothing to reinforce or play on the themes that the show had throughout. His death itself means nothing in the context of the show because it would be coming as a complete afterthought from a story perspective. So much so that nobody even cares who did it, not really. Fucking Patsy being such a high suspect only speaks to that more. Doing it for the meta reason to "deny the audience the satisfaction of Tony being killed on screen" is nothing but out of place, how much of the audience even wanted to see that in the first place after 6 seasons? That explanation implies Chase doesn't even understand his own work.

I don't think you've watched the show.

I think you lost the argument.

I wholeheartedly agree. I've tried explaining to people multiple times that the ending wasn't to be taken so literally. Tonys time was up and had been for a while. He would spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder and wondering when the final blow would be struck; either by bullet or fucking stroke or heart attack.

It was supposed convey his constant feeling and what his life had become