Is it kino?

is it kino?

it's out? if so i'll watch in tonight

yes its out

so far it's ok, the writing is a bit cheezy/pulp. stereotype characters but i'm only 30 mins in.

I hope so. I want to love cyberpunk again.

Giving Duncan Jones a budget was a mistake.

It looks exactly like Altered Carbon

It even opens with the same water shot

to be fair they all rip that off of GITS
but yes its incredibly derivative

Not really great. Nothing you haven't seen in a noir story before and setting it in the Moon universe feels as tacky as The Cloverfield Paradox's "connections" to the cloverfield universe. Also it's about as "cyberpunk" as Black Mirror. It's passable though, I suppose.

They even had the same "girl with pale makeup and dyed hair and bright colored blue lipstick" from altered carbon

is it good though, what is it about?

The ending of Moon sets up a “world” pretty damn well.
But I’m genuinely too afraid to watch Mute, I feel like I’ve waited years for this and now it’s on fucking Netflix.

idk come cyberpunk stuff starring the it clown's brother

It's okay

that's a Enki Bilal reference

There's posters occasionally like "remember the 156" or whatever, but I guess he didn't know what to do with that.

It's about a mute amish man trying to find a life in a cyberpunk future city.

There's a couple of interesting tidbits in the movie but it doesn't really do too much more with the world. It's its own story and it focuses on that. It's not "the second piece of a saga" that some people have tried to sell it as. I think that coupled with the cut and paste noir story is why it's getting savaged so hard.

No, it's pretty bad actually.
I preferred both Bright and AC (if we're talking Netflix cyberpunk)

Altered Carbon would have been kino if that stupid sister villain shit hadn't ruined it.


im sure they watched altered carbon and ripped it off even though this had a limited theatrical run last year

what's your basis for this? I insist you substantiate this soy wojak

dude neon lights and rain omg

Before anyone tries to fit in here by saying it's reddit, let me just note that in fact reddit hates it. Form your opinions based on this vital piece of information.

What’s Ac

you sound like the effeminate one, basing your entire opinion of something off it's surface-level qualities

man af

Alterned Carbon.

I viscerally disliked this. It's astoundingly bad. Paul Rudd is the only halfway likable character, everyone else is dull as hell, it's packed with stupid side-plots and pointless characters, and none of it ever approaches being original or interesting.

The Moon references are also hamfisted and disappointing. Before I didn't trust the RT score for this, but it really is that bad. Goddamn Duncan Jones, what happened?

omg neeeoennnn littesssssss meliekke syyybuurpunkkkkeeeee

cybermeme confirmed for soyboy taste

Just finished it and fucking hell that was bad

ITT: Plebs

>I'm going to fucking kill you for being a paedophile, stay away from my daughter
>2 seconds later
>Lets hug it out and get some beers oh and also my daughter is here

>pedophile films a little girl in a hospital gown from behind
>show from pedophile's pov


>Netflix is going to turn cyberpunk mainstream and slaughter it before 2077 can see the light of day

cyberpunk has and always was a shit genre for ebin hacker idiots

trips of absolute truth checked

i hate binge watching. why is this a thing? lemme finish altered carbon first AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

It was a really bad spectacle. They just introduced so many characters and random scenes as a matter of fact without any kind of character-building or explanation. So it became really difficult to understand why any of it relevant and when the plot did finally unravel, it was impossible to care.

Mute's girlfriend only exists as a prop to move the story along. Paul Rudd's character (god bless him) seems the most fleshed out but solely through his acting and not because there's actually any story there. There was no real protagonist or antagonist - it might as well have been a Black Mirror episode.

Is there a 4-hour director's cut out there that'll make sense of everything? I really feel like they could've done so much more with the setting and everything.

I guess Cyberpunk is dead on arrival, maybe because we've been living it present day for a while now. Mr Robot works far better as Cyberpunk than Altered Carbon or this mess.

>big boss battle fight happens off screen

Just picked up Mr. Robot, was not ready for how genuinely good it is.

>Tfw something didn't go the way you expected it to
>You should've been nicer to me bill
>Duck turns the little tv so bill can see it
>Goes up to josie's room
>He doesn't pick her up and carry her to the bed with the scene cutting back to bill shaking and trying to yell
I guess bill doesn't know what he's doing so it wasn't really necessary for them to go that far for the audience, but it's definitely what I was expecting.

I like Mr Robot, but it is confusing.
Because some parts I really do like. But other parts are proper "so bad it's good".

I haven't seen s3 yet, but it's a weird show.

This movie manages to be worse than Justice League and Valerian. That's a miracle.

I expected it to end there or when Duck kicks Tarzan. Would've been one hell of an ending.

Utterly pointless and weird dynamic/subplot. in fact the kid is completely inconsequential to anything.

it was fucking trash

What makes no sense is
>girl tells Leo she needs to tell him about someone (her ex and her daughter)
>he thinks she's cheating on him
>she says "don't worry, I'm not leaving you"
>he says "then nothing else matters"
>they both just drop it
It makes no sense either for him to be like "oh, you're staying with me? then why would I give a shit what you have to say?" and for her to be like "ehh, oh well, I guess I won't tell him anything now."

this was exactly what i thought was gonna happen

Is it so bad it's good or just bad?

more than that

> we live in a world where and sci-fi dystopian cyberpunk society has a plagiarizes of GiTS...

This isn't a Bright situation where the critics are wrong, this is just shit. 100% baffled this saw the light of day

It's really good actually. Don't listen to the turboplebism here.

got an aneurysm from reading this, thanks a lot cunt

says the guy that loved Blade Runner 2049

SO the mute is fucking a tranny?

You seem to be in the minority. What did you like?

Billy Idol already did this in 1993 and it's still been dead ever since.

Blade Runner did that 30 years ago

>duncan jones
Dead on arrival

Honestly, neither. It's not entirely bad, but it really isn't "good" either. It's kind of a big heap of occasionally jarring mediocrity from a guy who absolutely could have done better.

I really wanted to like it, and I did in certain parts and because of certain characters (Rudd and Theroux seem to be having a lot of fun with the material), but I was mostly just bored.

The only times I really thought it was "bad" were during the initial scenes with the love interest because of how cheesy it all was and, sadly, during the fight scenes that come later. They were really poorly staged.

>Goddamn Duncan Jones, what happened?

He's a trustfund kid that didn't even write the movie he's famous for

At least you can tell Neil Blomkamp has actual skills and a certain vision, this guy has nothing lol

Leo uses strains his new vocal cords to keep his wife's daughter safe, and the charms he was making his wife are on her kid's bracelet. And I enjoyed Cactus' conversations with her.

I fucking hate Netflix.

I think it was just more implicit that Cactus' last visions/thoughts were that his kid was going to end up with the pedo, and he literally couldn't even move to do shit about it.

Wow this is what Bladerunner 2049 would have been like if it was a good movie.


literal fucking vaporware

Sad thing is, there are probably plebs out there who think this. Or feel that Altered Carbon is a better example of modern day cyberpunk.

I can't believe I waited nearly a decade for this dud.

I feel you, bro.

I liked the realism of it. this is gritty, it works with your feelings, and maybe even a little meta as you think you are going to watch a cyber flick. And it's not. You are a little disappointed at first, the story looks a little reheated. Then you realise that it's the flaws that matters, it's the characters, it's actual people's life. You don't follow a story, you just happen to be here as things are happening. You are not in control, you don't know what is going on, what will be next. You are in an other reality, you can feel it and measure the life of the characters.
It is as awkward as reality.

Wait a minute, those guys in the restaurant...

And GITS ripped of Neuromancer

glad i'm not the only one

What the fuck are you talking about?

The movie's great.

It's fucking horrible. I would have rather seen the money they used to make this go to a Transformers movie over this trash.

The main character is the definition of a Gary Sue, the only likeable characters are Paul Rudd and a fucking pedophile, the plot meanders all over the place and it manages to make a 2 hour movie feel like a 4 hour movie, the effects range from PS2 level shit to just okay, The little action is entirely laughable, the dialogue is fucking retarded, and it's all muddled with edgelord garbage.

It's literally a show for reddit retards except those faggots don't even like it.

See, this is the kind of person that disliked the movie.

What more evidence do you need that it is good?

Now think about that, Reddit hates a movie, therefore Sup Forums must love it... but.. your favorite cantonese socks knitting forum hates the movie too....

Maybe you will realize....that... the film is actually good

lmao kill yourself

>first you think he is gay cause, he call him babe.
>he is a pedo

Duck was the most deliciously hatable character in recent memory.

>Friend spares your pedo life and even forgives you and promises to never stop being your bro.

>Manipulate him to his death and then lets him die thinking you're going to rape his daughter

>Just because he was mean when he found out

I yelled out

>first you think he is gay cause, he call him babe.
>he is a pedo

>When you realize he will let his bro dies

Theroux was really great from the first scenes to the lasts. You see in his eyes that there is something twisted. And his fucking hair.

the gays are pedo meme is true !!

>they proceed to show children undressing into their underwear
Am I even allowed to watch this?

only if you don't have a full boner

to be fair GiTS drew a lot of influence from western cyberpunk from the 80's

>I'm literally too stupid to construct an argument as to why I think this movie is good

I'd love to hear why you think so.

I actually liked it. Good neo-noir. Solid cyberpunk film; not as good as BR2049 but leagues better than Altered Carbon. Not quite as good as Moon, but that was a given.

Reddit hates it. What more reason do I need?

They use to show children naked before too, feminist could not compete so they has systematical programmed you senpai

It could've been worse.
But it should have been so much better. Kind of like the spiritual direct-to-dvd sequel to BR2049

this pissed me off the most about the film

what the fuck was up with the henchman who looked like a roided up Michael Caine?

What is this in reference to?

So Duncan Jones is the new Richard Kelly right?

His career is finished.