What'd you think of the new vid?

What'd you think of the new vid?

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Get a real job Sam

Wish he'd lay off the teen girls

>e-celeb trash
no thanks, fuck off.

>What'd you think of the new vid?

hyperlink to new vid

Absurdly overrated. Contrians here have zero taste and will realize in a few years that he's just pandering to a very specific demographic of teens and early 20's who are going through an ironic nihilistic phase.

I don't know, I don't watch MDE.

anyone remember moms?

it's kinda sad to see him make 10 minute absolute shit youtube videos in 480p for years, get their chance at a big budget production, put together a really well-made season of absurdist and outlandish sketches, fall victim to the tyranny of the majority, and then go back to making shitty youtube videos. really goes to show you that actual edgy comedy that pushes the boundaries is dead, and will forever be relegated to mediums like youtube.

Unfunny mean-spirited trash.

couldn't watch the self indulgent drivel for more than 3 minutes

>10 minute absolute shit youtube videos
the vertical videos literally blow the shit out of even the best sketches of world peace.

I was an MDE fan for a long time until my friend went on a few dates with Sam. She said he was weird and horny and in treated her like crap in the end. I don't want to say too much but she told me on their first date he smelled her and smelled her breath.

>i know and im sorry about that guys. i cant speak for anyone thats not me but obviously shit is different now. nick will probably be in some hydewars stuff and in world peace 2 but we all dont talk too much anymore. you guys know the drill. sucks but it is what it is :-O

feels bad

...in your opinion

Fuck off. Sam is the smartest and edgiest comedian alive today. He's this generation's Bill Hicks, George Carlin, and Andy Kaufman rolled into one. No one jokes about the shit Sam jokes about. No one is as transgressive as he is. Sam is a revolutionary.

The ignorant masses rarely recognize genius when it's alive.

>What'd you think of the new vid?

Is this new vidya youtu.be/B8keYy2b0Xw

Maybe Sam shouldn't have acted like an autistic retarded when WP was on the air.

Yes. Couldn't get through that non-sensicle pretentious shit.

Nick, charles and ruse are all better without him.

>a talented artist gets a deserved fame and praise
>a racist sexist bigot fuck gets his show cancelled

We live in golden age of comedy definitely.

Vape Nation is one of the greatest acts of comedy of the 21st century, and sam is where he belongs, in the fucking trash with a dead career.


well someone never told sam that brevity is the soul of wit

Christ, please fuck off sam no one wants to watch your trash

>brevity is the soul of wit
Then explain this youtube.com/watch?v=x1ghVTWh2W0

When will sam finally an hero?



>Sup Forums hates sam now

is this board infested with minorities and cucks or what?

hello fellow kid. thanks for the "hot tip" on this comedic content. it will assuredly go "viral" now. many keks to you!

>million reddit extreme

Lazy trash, old videos he slammed together into one.

hey sam, since youre reading this why dont you get me some food? im in downtown providence

art girls

Sam was on the telly

What did she smell like

>i know and im sorry about that guys. i cant speak for anyone thats not me but obviously shit is different now. nick will probably be in some hydewars stuff and in world peace 2 but we all dont talk too much anymore. you guys know the drill. sucks but it is what it is :-O

Sam's fuckup caused his two best friends to distance themselves from him. Sam will never have another chance at television. His only option is to continue to milk his 14 year old MAGA hat wearing redditor fanbase for patreon bux. Icarus didn't even fall that low.

Billy and the Clown is honestly the funniest thing sam has ever done solo. The length, the "lighthearted" absurdity of the story, the dance sequence to Clubbed to Death from the matrix, it's just fucking perfect.

>He doesn't get the "pretend Sam is finished" meme

>The decline of Western Civilisation is not that bad once you give up and accept there's nothing you can do about it. Like dude, just turn your brain off lmao

is Sam still friends with Charls and Nich??

>The decline of Western Civilisation
The decline of Western Civilization began with people believing that Sam was funny


how come sam never used this in world peace

no. see

What's up with Charls and Sammy? Why did Sam unfollow Charls on instagram and remove him and adrew from the MDE subreddit mod list?

because he was too fucking stupid to stop Sup Forums posting on reddit and twitter while being in a liberal controlled industry (entertainment), effectivly ruining his friends chances at success or at least severely delaying it

Making middle aged women cry is comedy.

that doesn't answer my question. Why did sam suddenly decide to distance himself from charls? What does that accomplish? Nick wasn't exactly a beacon of tolerance either and both him and charls knew their audience. Most shows on adult swim fail to make it to the second season and considering the political climate, none of this was a surprise even though Sam's retarded tweeting habits accelerated the inevitable demise of MDE's life in the entertainment industry.

>i know and im sorry about that guys. i cant speak for anyone thats not me but obviously shit is different now. nick will probably be in some hydewars stuff and in world peace 2 but we all dont talk too much anymore. you guys know the drill. sucks but it is what it is :-O

is there a source for this?

I guess MDE will die eventually then, just slowly and painfully

>MDE never dies

Sup Forums = reddit

what did he mean by this?

Where's the proof he's giving the $500

>says nigga literally dozens of times
He's done it this time, they will take down his channel for this one

>Sup Forums hates sam now
New here? sam has always been reddit. Chuck and nick have always been our guys.


its not funny if you have to explain it to retards

Fuck off Sam


I liked it a lot.

Sam = reddit

>litterally every topic in the existence is in reddit
>therefore ebritin is reddit
You can visit reddit and not be reddit, reddit is a mentality not a mere site.

Leftypol is here to make sure "we" dislike everything that follows the no no path.

>Unironically defending the site
Sam wholeheartedly embraces that place, he has like 40k karma and over 1000 posts there. Why dont you join him? (AND DONT COME BACK)

Probably never, the group was vapor after the whole World Peace fiasco. Good fucking riddance, their best videos were pre2013 anyway.

She had her own apartment moron.

You people post the same shit every single day, endlessly reiterating the same talking points and backing each other up. How much of it is Gammon Favreau rotating IPs?

That's going to happen when a guy like Sam barely puts out any content, and when he does it's shallow stuff meant to appeal to 5th graders. Not everything can have a conspiracy theory tacked on to it.

Is the second episode up behind the paywall? Anyone want to leak it?

You know what reddit also likes? oxygen.
Guessing you should stop breathing now

Legendary. A modern classic.

I'm old enough to remember that they cut stuff regarding the twin towers or some shit.



I thought it was fine.
Laughed a few times honestly.
So is this paywall or...?

Even as a legit fan of Sam's I would never indulge in this kind of deranged hyperbole. I assume you're joking.

Well, all his fans come from Reddit so Poe's Law and all that.

All it is is a bunch of random nonsense, but it's supposed to have some cryptic meaning that isn't really there. It's boring and he doesn't care because he knows his cult will pretend to understand anything he puts out.

MDE died

Sup Forums doesn't hate Sam, but Sup Forums loves Charles.
Sam is undoubtedly the genius behind MDE, but Charles added something to the show that I can't really explain. He was perfect.


how long until sams kills himself
i'd say 2-4 years top

Reminder that the people who actually make these threads are the people that hate him so they have a place to talk shit about him.

Name someone else who does his niche and does it better NOW


The intro and i'm still a nigga skit were funny. Rest was garbage.


i agree, i like MDE but when they take out their societal angst on it's biggest victims (unsuspecting middleclass moms) I'm hurt

lmao prtending to be a trap sam dated is a meme

or this is just sam


Episode was dogshit. Got about 15 minutes in and didn't laugh at all

I wonder if Erik had anything to do with it.

Erik and Charls are BFFs and by a small miracle, Erik managed to avoid being scorched earthed by the smear campaign against the show; even though he was front and center over Sam in both marketing and the show's most notable sketches.

Erik runs a construction company as his day job that is family owned and he could have lost everything, had any of the SJW types that were trying to kill the show, looked deeper into the group.

Also, several videos have implied Charls has been crashing at Erik's place since leaving Atlanta (both Charls and Andrew stayed there about a year after the show was canceled, in an attempt to salvage their acting/directing careers before heading back north).

So I can see Charls having heavy sympathy towards with Erik's super close call towards having the SJW hate machine destroy him, the family business, and put a lot of innocent people who work for said family business, out of work. And wanting to distance himself from Sam as a result because of the fact that Sam's antics could have much worse consequences.

Trips channeling the truth.

Kill yourself you fucking piece of shit.
>it's mean
Fucking faggot.

"Please DO strap yourselves in for the Best Damn Internet Community™ on God's green earth." - Sam on Reddit

How does it feel that your hero is a sellout faggot.

What the fuck was pretentious about it.
>it's supposed to have some cryptic meaning
Says who, you? Stop trying and just fucking get out of here already you goddamn faggot. Literally just stop talking about him or viewing any of his shit if you don't like him you fuckin retard.

Love Sam and the gang and they started off uh pretty 'innocently' at first but its just more negative modern mind poison, Sam has nothing interesting to say anymore other than how much he hates gays and blacks, MDE 2018 and hydewars are some of the bleakest fucking shit I've ever seen. No hope at all for Sam. I'm not a JBP fan by any metric whatsoever, but if his and Sam's fanbases mingle in any way, I'd recommend they start cleaning their rooms starting with Sam

I don't know, Sam should really explain what the fuck is going with mde without hiding shit. I think all of then knew how unstable the entertainment industry was as an environment for controversial comedy. Sam was way too uncautious on twitter but the show was kind of doomed from the start with the current political tensions. Nick has his antique store and I don't think he's ever going to risk losing that by getting bad publicity from collaborating with a man associated with "alt-right". If it's really true that they don't speak to each other any more, I don't know how sam has energy to keep going with mde. He seems desperate and his video game projects sound like a huge waste of money and time. If the three aren't working or even speaking together, watching mde videos will be only sad in the future.

Nick is the Comedian
Sam is the Tragic Poet
Charls is the Artist

Also as a former Sup Forumslack who's trying hard to become undepressed and quit hating everything

This stuff is radicalizing young men, including myself over the last 4 years. I'm 27 now and just getting over how fucking retarded the way I've talked and thought about politics and society has been since the election. I feel fucking stupid. Thanks Sam.

The alt right is fucking cringe.

you sound like you fuck niggers.

stop posting this thx

You sound like a maladjusted edge lord