Spaghetti western

>Spaghetti western
>No one eats spaghetti.

>lord of the rings
>doesn't even have the rings anymore

>Mission: Impossible
>somehow complete the mission

>no beetles were squeezed in the making of this film

>ed wood
>doesn't actually show ed's bulge

>gate goes to planets and not stars

>North by Northwest
>No compass

>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
>wasn't afraid even once
>loathed nobody in it
at least it was in las vegas i guess

>Spaghetti western
>Filmed in Spain

>silence of the lambs
>hardly any silence

>Scott VS. The World
>Scott doesn't actually fight the world but fights Ramona's evil exes

user, we must be twins. I was thinking the exact same thing.

>mystic river
>it's just a regular river

>Watch Being John Malkovich
>19 years later and still be me

>The Shining
>No polishing scenes

>no boats in it

>Black Hawk Down
>not a single hawk in the movie

>Single White Female
>Story about two single white females

>the wolf of wall street
>not one wolf in the entire movie

>Apolcalypse Now!
>False advertising. I've been waiting 40 years. Still no apocalypse...

>the dark knight
>it's a fucking whitey

>Citizen Kane
>No one calls him that

>the plane scene
>there are two planes

>The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
>the king was actually never there before

>Bunch of japanese girls and no sight of Hugh Laurie

>scott doesnt fight __dio__ either

>Some Like It Hot
>I don't

>girl is still pale at the end of the movie

>half the movie takes place in brainerd

>The Matrix
>didn't learn any maths

>Apocalypse Now
>World doesn't actually end

>Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
>What a stupid question

>Citizen Kane
>doesn't even show his id
>could be a mexican for all i know


>The Godfather III
>Only one godfather

>City of God
>it's actually a city of people

>Duck Soup
>No fucking soup

>Life Is Beautiful
>family gets put into a concentration camp

>A Bridge Too Far
>They actually go one bridge too far

that is beautiful you fucking retard. Good job fucking up the thread

>All the President's Men
>Only a few of the President's men

>Star War
>it isn't about washed up Hollywood actors beating each other.

>The Usual Suspects
>never seen them before


> The Intouchables
>people get touched several times in the movie

> Duck Dynasty.
> Not a bunch of ducks acting out episodes of Dynasty.

>50 Shades of Grey
>movies is in color

>full metal jacket
>everyone only wears t-shirts and fatigues

>who killed captain alex
>we never find out who killed captain alex

>Modern Times

>best american old west movies
>made by italians

>The African Queen
>No Queen at all

>Not Another Teen Movie
>everyone is an adult

>black panther
>he is brown

> The Amazing Race.
> Not about white people.

>Raiders of the Lost Ark
>they find it

>Die Hard
>no erection in sight

>the shining
>no fuckin shine box

>doesnt just take a 15min flight by eagle to mordor and drop the ring in
>instead they WALK there over the course of three 200 minute movies

You're welcome ;^)

>has audio

It’s referring to bullets, not clothes
Gray is a color.
It’s not referring to that scene.
It’s the third movie in the series, not the third actual Godfather
There was a king in the book though.

still technically correct though

>Rear Window
>Multiple Windows


>Birth of a Nation
>no midwife

>Blade Runner
>MC doesn't run on blades

>Lawrence of Arabia
>it's actually an englishman

>There was a king in the book though.
it was a different guy

>The Longest Day
>day is still just 24 hours

>He's actually a cyborg

>Star Wars
>it's only one single war that is comprised of a series of skirmishes and occasional battles

>no pussy to be seen

literally the first scene

>The Last Picture Show
>Wasn't the last picture show

>There Will Be Blood
>talks about milkshakes

>Good Will Hunting
>he was just an ok guy

>Baby Driver
>He never drives any baby

The director is eating spaghetti just off camera

>Reservoir Dogs.
only one dog

>The Fifth Element.
not about boron

>From Dusk Till Dawn.
the movie begins from a morning

>Bringing Up Baby
>Not a baby

>Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
>there's one more movie

>Le Samouraï
>set in France
why is this even allowed?

>reddit approved thread

>the matrix
>no linear algebra, not even a vector

>Abotu a hellman

No. There was not. George Lucas died in a car accident in 1995 and no further Star Wars or Indy films were ever made. The End.

>The Elephant Man
>doesn't even have a trunk

>Spider-Man 2
>There's only one Spider-Man
>And it was also extremely racist, wtf?

>Gran Torino
>doesn't happen in Italian suburbs


>Duke was afraid when he was high on Acid and the camera man stops by their hotel to introduce himself

>Duke loathed all the other Reporter fucks covering the Mint 400 esp the fellow who sneezed dust into his beer.

>Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice
>neither Batman or Superman was brought to justice for the thousands of lives they destroyed as collateral damage in their violence sprees

>The Big Lebowski

>Un Chien Andalou
>pas de chien


> How to Train Your Dragon
>i don't even have one

>Escape From New York
>escapes from New York

ok that one checks out

>Man of Steel
>MC is made of flesh

>The BFG
>No BFG gun anywhere

>stalks no one