What was the moral of the story?

What was the moral of the story?

war is bad lol.

Honest question. Do you think the frenchies were a bad addition to the movie or did it add something?

Write a script before making a film. Coppola was a bigger asshole than usual during this film

I liked the frenchies they added more depth to the story as well as giving a better look at what was going on in Vietnam besides Americans killing gook civilians and gook guerillas killing Americans

That being said the movie was like 7 hours long so something had to be cut. I don't think the cut detracted much from the movie.

>"Every man has got a breaking point. You and I have. OP has reached his."

dont get married.

You either surf or you fight.

American Generals are full of shit.

weed. The Doors and jungle shit goes really well together.

I will not hurt or harm you. Just give me back the board, Lance.

If I say it's safe to surf this beach it's safe to surf this beach!

Raping playbunnies is ok if you give fuel in exchange

I think it should've been early in the movie if it was gonna be in it. The dark war zone scene that happens right before is the perfect scene to have before the end. The french scene isn't bad, but it grinds the movie to a halt

what the fuck was with the black guy refusing to fuck them? was he a fag?

Nah there were no mammas

Should have pulled out of Vietnam like the French plantation owners said

I gotta get my parents to watch this movie im sure they'll enjoy it

Pulling outs for when you're raw dogging not when youre fighting a war

it is judgement that defeats us

Kurtz or Kilgore, who would you rather have as your commander? Jungle honies and feasts, or napalm and gnarly surf?

Kurtz respected the land and had a pure vision and one goal in mind to winning the war. Kilgore treated Vietnam like a holiday resort and would one way or another end up getting you killed

There is no such thing as integrity of character. Even the best men will regress into savagery when put in hellish environments like war, except it's far more insidious and gradual. Everyone has the potential to be Kurtz, it's only a matter of time and willpower.

It's almost a direct adaptation of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness by the way. They just replaced "deep, dark Africa" with the Vietnam war.

to do wha's necessary you have to shed civilization and even give up your soul

Kurtz basically spells it out. It's about the necessity of war and violence. And the horror of it.

I think they are in the right spot.
They let the movie breathe, and the whole sequence is dreamlike enough to belong more to the later movie.

Going with Kurtz almost certainly ends in death, too. On his missions, suspicion of disloyalty, or when the jig is up and the compound is bombed by the US.

It’s quite Nietzschean in its themes, if not 100% inspired. Basically, if you’re sent to conquer supposed savages like in heart of darkness or this film, you are going to have to assimilate some of yourself into them as well. Kurtz couldn’t have carried out his mission by conventional means, because conventional means are what lost the war. Yet his choice to go into Cambodia and recruit soldiers was basically high treason, so yeah.

That sounds racist...


Not racist in the contemporary sense, no.

Nietzche proposes distinctions between men in terms of their nature and spirit. The "First Men" being primal and basic, more animal than man. It's got nothing to do with race though. This idea ended up forming the basis for a lot of fascist ideology because they used the idea to justify the domination of lesser men, "first men" and (incorrectly) redefined Nietzche's "Ubermensch" ideal as a race or ethnicity.

In any case, I don't think Apocalypse Now is meant to espouse any Nietzchean philosophy. It's just a retelling of Heart of Darkness.

Do I need to watch this POS, to fully appreciate the half in the bag review?