Werewolfs are superior to Vampires

So lets take 1 example(other fiction has basically the same thing) underworld; underworld Werewolfs are superior to Vampires on all levels.

Werewolf weaknesses:
>Getting injected with silver fluid

Vampire weaknesses:
Big problem Werewolves can walk in the sun
>Other things that can get injected into them

So basically the only downside of being a Werewolf is you get fucked up by silver.
Not normal silver the special weapon silver that is in weapons designed to kill you and inject into your blood.

In Underworld Blood Wars there are other things that fuck up Vampires and ever Hybrids in one cut.

So basically you get a ever lasting youth, super strenght and all the jazz and people can one shot you only by using super special ammunition.
To be fair this special ammunition will kill IRL humans in one shot so its not really a problem.

Are there even downsides to being a Werewolf?
You can walk in the sun etc.

Granted in Underworld Generation 1 Werewolf where basically brainless monsters who attacked everything on instinct however Generation 3 or whatever we have in the movies is 100% OK.

What are the downsides of being a Werewolf?

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Traditionally when you’re a werewolf you have no control and end up killing those you love.
I remember underworld Werwolves transforming at will though.

Yea, but you're the nigger of the Underworld.

how did i end up in the deviant art comment section

Lycanthrophy is almost always seen as a curse with basically no positives for the person. It's always something you have to deal with when there's a full moon or whenever.


>Traditionally when you’re a werewolf you have no control and end up killing those you love.
I know, traditionally it was a curse.

>I remember underworld Werwolves transforming at will though.
This is true for the Gen3 (or whatever) we see in modern times.
They basically can transform at will.


process seems incredibly painful.
but if you can deal with that it seems to be a pretty sweet deal, also apart from being seen as the lowest rung by most other supernatural creatures like that user mentioned.

Everyone behaves like they are.
However are they really?

What is the justification outside of the nebulous snob vampires saying.
>we don't like their kind
>we hate them

Do werewolves die of old age? If yes vampires are just superior

What did the vampires actually think?
>These Werwolves can do everything we can and have less retarded weakness then we do like they can walk in the sun.
>Better hate on them.

I imagine immortality may lose some appeal once you realize everyone you care about will die or unless you have some long term goal once you get over the initial power trip.

>everyone you care about will die
What if everyone you care about are other vampires? And I imagine werewolves dont keep in touch with their human family

Werewolves and Vampires were both cool but the public needs time to push Twilight out of its collective memory before we ever try these again

Depend of the universe, in old movies they weren't immortals and could live a good hundreds years. In Underworld movie, they can't die of old age like vampires because they share the same virus that made the first human immortal (Corvinus)

More like
>We have all the means of production, resources, and wealth and these werewolves can do everything we can with less weaknesses
>oh well who gives a fuck, you're serving us now and if you try to start up your own operations independently from us we're going to kill every last one of you and make it impossible to every establish a foothold outside of living in sewers
The guys who pay your salary and write the rules you follow are your master, even if you can break them over your knee.

Most depictions of the transformation show it being extremely painful usually with most/every bone in your body breaking, still not as bad as being a woman but you know

>Do werewolves die of old age? If yes vampires are just superior
I was also thinking about it I don't remember anything from the movies saying it one way or another however the wiki postulates Werewolfs have eternal youth like the vampires (I checked before making a post)

I would agree with you and this would look like a normal way to balance the races.

The wiki seams to wank about the Gen1 Werewolf however I don't think he can be used to talk about Gen3 the Gen1 fucker is a mindless beast and he used some hibernation to live this long.

Yeah this is why I think arguing Werewolvs vs Vampires in general is pointless, depending on what movie/book you're talking about both change A LOT

This, if your family and friends are other vampires, where is the problem?

Yiff in hell furfags! Sparkle in hell gay goth kids.

Superior human master race.

Those afflicted with lycanthropy are regulars human until there's a full moon, and then they involuntarily transform into murder rape bots. They don't even get to remember the raping after if that's something you're into. At least vampirism has perks.

Both mythologies ruined by soy millennials turning them into fandoms

in Irish myth the victim loses their awareness and can't feel pain similar to berserkers.

>>We have all the means of production, resources, and wealth
Howe dose this even work?
Seriously if Vampires need to stay away from the sun all the Werewolfs need to do is smash their castles during the day and give the Vampiers some sunlight.

In Underworld the Vampires don't have human servants etc. So its not like they can guard themselves from basically super humans smashing their precious castles and fucking them up hard.

Only one side is limited to working 12h while the other can work 24h.

I've already got hundreds of unplayed games on my Steam account. I'm good.

>But what if you lose power?
Cue Twilight Zone theme song.

>has vampires, werewolves, ghouls, all the monsters, demons, aliens & ghosts you can think of
darkstalkers live action when

Humans beat both

Lucian and Raze lived for decades. Safe to assume they are also immortal. The real way they should have been balanced would be to have Vampires have superior speed and Lycans have superior strength. But no, the regular Lycan outperforms a regular vampire in terms of strength and matches their speed

The only real advanage of vampires is that their elders are powerful

Dracula is master of werewolves and can shapeshift into one

>Yiff in hell furfags!
Dude I'm only making this comment because I watching Underworld Blood Wars and the same question her resurfaced that I did have while watching this modern variant on the Wewewolf myth.

If you where in the Underworld universe you can take the transformation that will kill you if you walk into the sun or the one that makes you weak to silver swords etc. However its OK because everyone is weak to getting stabbed with a sword.

When werewolves are humans they're weak and when werewolves are wolves they're dumb. Either way they're vermin.

>yfw Semira beats you up but doesn't sex you after

>I imagine immortality
I don't take seriously anyone who uses the word "immortality" to describe creatures who are shown to get killed repeatedly in canon.

They are ethereally young and simply don't die form old age. However they will die if you cut them into peaces.

immortality =/= invulnerability

Is From Dusk til Dawn the Vampire equivalent to Dog Soldiers?

No, Vampires are superior and can control wolves so werewolves have no chance. Also, vampires can go out in sunlight without being harmed.

>The real way they should have been balanced would be to have Vampires have superior speed and Lycans have superior strength
WEW Lad.
What you wrote is insane.
Speed is always better to straight.
Also I don't even know how to parse your sentence because...

You know bullets are normally harmless, you can throw them at your friends and it will only be annoying; the thing that makes them deadly is the fact that they are accelerated to extreme speeds and turn into murder projectiles.

Getting faster movement will translate into you having the ability to throw people at walls.

It's a shame that lycanthropy and werewolves have attracted the levels of faggotry and cringe it has, it's a cool affliction with some really great potential, but it's just too tainted now.

>ywn be able to openly admit you think werewolves are awesome

I never understood the "living long is a curse" thinking

>Yeah this is why I think arguing Werewolvs vs Vampires in general is pointless, depending on what movie/book you're talking about both change A LOT
Agreed, however if you read the OP a specific movie franchise is specified.

Best Dracula incoming.

immortality = incapable of death.
Only a handful of fictions have really immortal creatures or humans who really can not die.

I know fiction spams this word however its overused in the wrong context like the word race in fiction.

The word you are looking for is eternal youth like in the story of the fountain of youth.
So you are immune to death from old age however a bomb will kill you.

It's a cruse if you can't die ever, and so will outlive all the Stars, and eventually exist eternal hell of only your own demented insanity.
With Vamps though, whatever. They can an hero whenever they want. Even if they miss their shot to because they're so far out in space that sunlight will never reach them, once they pass the bloodlust stage of blood deprivation they'll enter a torpor state and shut down automatically.

Fire is superior to werewolves and vampires.

I think the moment they got ruined was when vampires stooped being creepy mutated (think Nosferatu) aristocrats and where turned into metrosexual porn stars.

This was the line and they crossed it.
Being a Werewolf used to be a curse while Vampires used to be creepy fucks.

I feel like that might have been part of the point, especially when you consider the 3rd movie. The wolves were stupid for long enough that the vamps dominated, but once a wolf was born that could change things it scared the shit out of them.

Vampires were a metaphor for the old exploiting the young. With all the shit the boomers are doing, it should be more relevant than ever.

The flame that burns Twice as bright burns half as long.

You think about this.

Werewolfs are fucking trash.

>superhuman strength
>superhuman speed
>heal fast
>live forever

>turn in to a wolf once a month


I think a vampire in the Witcher universe would fuck up a werewolf.

Werewolves look like, well, fucking werewolves. Vampires can pass for human.

Still prefer lycans, though.

Mmmm realistic interpretations.
I love them.

Tell me more.
I play the
>Werewolfs are 100% real because they are humans who are infected from rabid animal bites like from wolfs.
>Its basically primitive people trying to understand why others start acting aggressive after getting bitten by wolfs etc.

However I like your interpretation.

>Werewolves look like, well, fucking werewolves. Vampires can pass for human.
You have to name a fiction where this is even remotely possible.
Because a untransformed Werewolf is identical to a human.

>Vampires were a metaphor for the old exploiting the young.
no they weren't

Werewolves and vampires are different in every fictional universe and even in folklore from various nations.

Who's better depends entirely on the universe. I'm actually reading part two of a pretty cool werew olf novel right now where the cucked soy boy gets turned and develops superhuman physical abilites, a craving for meat and a libido that makes him fuck his sexually frustrated wife into oblivion.

The platitude that is cliche does not stop the flame from burning the vampires and werewolves to ashes. Alternatively, lots of bullets will suffice: youtube.com/watch?v=8SlWegS2sS0

Tell that to Bella Swan lmfao

The virging werewolf and the chad vampire.

It was a metaphor for eternal youth.
That the creatures have.

I'd argue that witches were more of an allegory for Jews.

>live away from civilization
>conservative black clothing
>pointed hats
>hooked noses
>speak a bizarre language

You got that backwards

No, werewolves are gay.

How autistic are you to start a debate about werewolves vs vampires?

Also vampires are clearly superior.

The virgin vampire and the chad werewolf

More like eternal sleep, because they have burned.

I have the urban fantasy werewolf where they always have to be in a "pack" and just turn into normal looking wolves. and of course then the literal "Alpha" loses his shit for the uninteresting female lead and gets cuked by a vampire

I don't think Dracula and Carmilla really ruined vampires
Vampires are all over the place in terms of metaphors. The only thing that really isn't true about them is that they were ever a single thing.

Witchcraft was a real crime.
Everyone who has not memorized the Malleus Maleficarum
Is prohibited from interpreting witches and witchcraft.
Because this text was used in law!

The important question: Who would make a better girlfriend

>Vampires are all over the place in terms of metaphors. The only thing that really isn't true about them is that they were ever a single thing.
>White people are vampires

Ever notice how as you get older time seems to go quicker? A day seems to fly by at 20 compared to 5 since you have much more to compare it to. At 2000 you wouldn't even notice a decade happen.

Only furfags would choose werewolf

I dunno, do you like goth girls or biker chicks?

One wants to suck your blood.
The other is part beast and will rip you apart because she is a raging beast.

"White people"

I feel like cutting down the disadvantages is pretty stupid. in that case, you can just get rid of disadvantages of being a vampire and basically level the playing field.

I always found vampires to be superior because they have more control over themselves. despite the sun weakness, they are still better off in the long run considering that people will sooner or later catch up to you if you're a werewolf. give the government like three or four months and those fuckers have pinpointed your location and fucked your shit up. meanwhile, as a vampire, you can always stay on the down low, you're strong as shit and get to live forever

>How autistic are you to start a debate about werewolves vs vampires?
OP here.

Its like everyone jumped in sand started writing without reading my post.
I specifically specified Underworld!
A movie! Series!
This is Sup Forums can someone talk about this specific movie?!

If the werewolves are immortal in the universe they're better. But in most universes they aren't

Witch/Wizard > Werewolf > Vampire

Usually how it goes in urban fantasy

Are you somehow both 13 and in 2008?

Vampires are sexier. They use black leather and shiet

>other fiction has basically the same thing

there's your problem OP. it doesn't, so people started mentioning other versions

(((White People)))

Can't a vampire be also a wizard?

>no movie about a vampire that just eats gerbils or whatever and plays vidja.

Yes, but for some reason 'vampires lose their magic' is a common enough trope.

That would be the Tome of Bill series

>in that case, you can just get rid of disadvantages of being a vampire and basically level the playing field.

They did that in the movies, at the end of the second one the main chick can walk in the sunlight.

Stronger vampires could also fly and shit.

Witches were an allegory for witches.

It's leprechaun that were an allegory for Jews.

I thought witches were an allegory for bitches

>I feel like cutting down the disadvantages is pretty stupid. in that case, you can just get rid of disadvantages of being a vampire and basically level the playing field.
This is why I started talking about it.

I think its related to the more you are removed from the primary vampire/werewolf the less of the "curse" you get this is why the Gen3 are not mindless beasts.

In Underworld the Werewolfs win the persecution war because it turns out if the humans are hunting you its far easier to hide your nature if you don't burn in the sun.

The humans need to do tests on your blood and there are undercover werewolf's faking the results.

Yes finding out who is the vampire is far easier if they are the ones who burn in the sun.

It's the perfect loner affliction.

>live innawoods
>know nothing there can hurt you
>wolf out at will

White people are vampires because they burn in the sun = get sunburns.

yeah, I remember that. I really need to watch the franchise. only saw the first movie back in the day and loved it but never got around to watching the rest

I kind of like the more grounded approach when it comes to regular vampires. really liked Dracula Untold because it had a lot of traditional Dracula powers even though he did feel OP at times

second movie is good as well, stop there. it becomes a shitfest

Slayer/Hunter >>>> any of those

depends on the mythology, the 'curse' concept is from hellenic mythology with King Lycurgus being cursed to turn into a wolf, but in Ireland it was just a battle transformation brought about by rage and fearlessness called a 'riastrad'.

I did say this trope pops up a lot.
However I wanted to talk about Underworld.
Blame me for not anticipating people will autisticaly try to derail the thread.

Next time I try to make my post autism proof.

Here is a list of fiction where practically the same thing is going on

I did say a lot of other fiction has this.
Not ALL or THE MOST however its not unique to underworld.