Asscastle's domain got suspended

>Asscastle's domain got suspended

Fuck. Is there a mirror of the comic anywhere?

Other urls found in this thread:!4wYQhQ4L!3s61NJqwm2TsxiCkZzs2NkmTiuqQIkxF3OyEim5GTTA

I can mega it for you if you'd like. I downloaded it years ago.

That would be great, thanks!4wYQhQ4L!3s61NJqwm2TsxiCkZzs2NkmTiuqQIkxF3OyEim5GTTA

Sucks that it's down. Fat chance it's not going to come back.
Also fuck you captcha, I picked your street signs 3 times.

Thanks man, I'll have to hold onto this I guess.

Cate why

why did the domain get suspended?

It did something illegal.

what something did it do?

Something so illegal that just saying what it is will put you on at least a dozen watchlists.

Asscastle is a shitty retarded comic and only retards think it isn't terrible. The "lol so randum XD" writing and "ironically" terrible art with a horrible eye searing color scheme is just a shitty excuse the tranny artist uses to compensate for the fact that he's a talentless hack who can't write or draw worth a shit.

Just like Shmorky he's a diaper fetishist tranot pedophile with a broken brain that mostly draws pedo porno of kids in shit filled diapers while whining on tumblr about how bigots are oppressing zir gender identity and kink shaming him for wanting to rape children.

"Tranny" is a pejorative.

>asscastle guy stopped making comics and started drawing um jammer lammy wearing diapers and pissing herself

damn shame

The muse is a fickle beast, and the true artist knows he is helpless but to follow it wherever its voice may lead him.

I loved the dude's comics back in the day. Something clearly broke him, but I don't know what.

>Also fuck you captcha, I picked your street signs 3 times.

Switch to text captchas. Much less of a waste of time.

Since this is a request thread and oo got what he wanted and it will get deleted soon, I have been wanting to read some old picture for sad children and everyone knows what happened to that so if someone managed to save the strips and could share them it would be neat

wait what

Thanks. Anyone got the other comics he did?


Being a tranny IS a broken condition. Never be surprised when they go bananas.

Nice pasta.
Did Asscastle touch you in a bad place?

He made other stuff besides asscastle?