There is a new discord server for discussion of arthouse and experimental cinema...

There is a new discord server for discussion of arthouse and experimental cinema, please consider joining in you are interested!

We also have a filmclub, this week's movie is Stemple Pass by James Benning, drop by if you'd like to discuss it with us, or if you'd like to suggest a film for the upcoming week!

Other urls found in this thread:

This picture is very easy to miss in the catalog, Sothoth.

here's an invite link

Please let me post cock pics im so lonely i need sex and art.

What other picture would you expect me to use.
this, post dick pix

That's okay, that means only more interested people will see it, and not people here just skimming for shitpost threads

Unsere's bum.

who's the best and worst user

You mean that underageb& slut who sucks random internet guys' dicks?



Fuck off

I'll finger myself for you all please.
The more you ignore me, the closer I get

Sothoth, the admin, is an annoying poof from the irrelevant and worthless country called Poland. He justifies his worthless existence by being elitist about experimental films, many of which are by gay directors. I'm pretty sure a Nazi raped his grandmother, which eventually lead to his birth. That is why he is a little Polish fascist faggot. I hope he gets cancer of the ass and dies a slow death.

Aren't you guys on IRC already? I haven't visited #film in a while, does that still exist?

We moved from irc to discord because new users were too stupid to figure irc out.
p accurate desu

Oh I thought you were talking about the tripfag/attention whore from /r9k/ who had almost the exact same name. Unless it's just a girl pretending to be a gay dude

Also he destroys everything that is nice and is huge lier.

sothoth is funny and is sincere when actually discussing a film he wants to, I would be his friend

Finally we can discuss Snyderkinos without Marvel pajeets shitting up the thread

Fuck off nigger lover

I wouldn't piss on Sothoth if he was on fire.

I would piss on sothoth because he's into that (and so am I)

send nudes in pm

Gross faggots.

He is a name dropping superficial try hard. He has a pretty good taste very often and know a shitton of obscure and artsy movies but he like zero knowledge about analytic constructs and tends to enjoy films in a really shallow way. Also when it's trashy and it has dicks it is an instant classic for him. Really sad.

how can i get into /kino/, the superior inner circle of the online film community?
/film/ is full of homosexuals


Shut the fuck up pussy
Fuck you idiot

What happened to Deschi?

You sound like an even bigger faggot than he is

No he's absolutely right. Sothoth just namedrops he never really delves into why he likes the film.

Could be, but I am not an asshole full of myself without a reason.

Call me back when you post something in the channel that employs your indepth knowledge of analytic constructs and shows that you enjoy films in a really profound manner :^)