Annihilation General

Why is no one talking about this?

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I don't watch kino I have to pay for.

There's been plenty of threads but they're all about Natalie getting BLACKED

Because it's feminist garbage

fuck off kike

Tbh Neta-Lee getting Blacked is pretty big if true news

why would /tvpol/ talk about movies, user?

Is it online yet, or still in Theatres?

I'm yuropoor. It's not out on netflix yet, so no rips

I'm thinking of seeing it tomorrow, but I'm worried about the interracial rape scene. How graphic is it and how long does it last? Is the movie worth sitting through that shit?

>From the Director of "ex machina"
this is why


Saw it last night - best thing I've seen in a while

Its shown to be a bad life choice that is just as destructive as cancer or being a drug addict


Sup Forums is poor, not enough good boi points to get mommy to drive us to the theater

kys shills

>netshit distributed
good lord, I wonder.

Sup Forums needs red letter media to tell them things are good

I wanted it to be great. It was okay, and I think suffered somewhat under its own ambition. It tackled some heady themes, but the way the story stuck its landing felt... Exactly as you expected it to after five minutes in.

Some great scenes, though. Awesome set design. Some of the dialogue was way too expository and felt forced to advance certain themes, but the actors carried it. It reminded me of Nolan in that it sets up these great theoretical possibilities and then... Just kinda goes nowhere with them. I think that's why I feel a little letdown.

Pacing wise, score-wise, in terms of just being a good movie, I thought it was fine. But it sets up high expectations that I personally felt it didn't meet. Ex Machina, being more grounded, feels like the superior movie.

I'd still recommend seeing it to any sci-fi fan.

Sup Forums is against White genocide.

why do all of them look weird and deformed on the poster?

As someone who's seen the movie--there's a reason for that. I won't spoil any more, but it's intentional.

should i watch it?

>Natalie Portman

I'm the user above who said it was okay, not great. I'm pretty confident I'll be in the minority in that opinion. Yes, check it out. It's a very well-done sci-fi thriller.


dude spoilers

dont go pay for it anons the movie will be out on netflix next week then we will get a webrip

nice will watch it on netflix™ when it releases there

Are you really so deeply insecure that women being in a movie is feminist garbage? Come the fuck on.

theyre terrible at their mission

This, just wait for the Natalie getting Blacked webms

Should I watch this stoned?

>all female cast

Theres your answer

Watch this only if you really hate the White race that much.

If you watch this stoned the last 15 minutes will reduce you into a blubbering retard. Do it. I


Shut up faggot you didn't watch it and I can tell you didn't.

Why even bother putting this into theaters? Especially alongside black panther..

White people need to die though

>it's The Thing: American Southern Swamps Episode

>those thighs

It's STALKER without the film crew dying to radiation poisoning.

I'm just waiting for somebody to make a webm of natalie getting blacked so I can jerk off my tiny little dick

>on Netflix

Does no one use “alternative” streaming sites? I don’t pay for that garbage. Never again will Hollyweird get my money

Never heard of this movie, but just by looking at the cover I can clearly understand why no one is giving a shit about it...

>shit bitrate streams
no thanks

There's nothing to see. The scene shows her from behind from a little above the waist up. Then it cuts to a side profile, a little above the shoulders up. You don't see any real nudity. The scene is cold and sterile, played for its psychological angle. You'll only be disappointed, user.


When you take out the endless waves of boring Black Panther and Star Wars threads, this has actually been one of the most discussed films across the past week or so.

I don't care, I don't remember natalie having sex with a black guy on camera yet, this is a big deal. I want to see that.



>march 12
because it doesnt premiered yet?

>Movie with only women

It will boring as hell.

It's going to be out on Netflix soon.

>The scene is cold and sterile, played for its psychological angle
Ah, so exactly like BLACKED?

Sup Forums is just for memes and DisneyMoms
(Plus the movie was sold out near me so I'll probably go next week)

Do I seriously have to get on a vpn to see it on netflix from within the US?


just download it user

>(Plus the movie was sold out near me
Where the fuck do you live?

Anyone know the netflix release date?

> One way in, no way out
Is this a metaphor for a vagina?

12 march

It won't be as good on TV, its a very visual movie.


The jews aren't releasing it in cinemas in my country.

Yeah there's lots of spoopy parts, the bear in particular


spoopy bear? Well shit, I'm going to wait for the webrip

literally me

>no asian actress

Israel is in Asia :^)

>discuss movie on Sup Forums
>only lukewarm descriptions
>rest is leftypol and shareblue shills intent on finding out whether or not there's interracial

fuck this board

Just so you know, most people who want interracial scenes are Sup Forumsposters so that they can shitpost about them and get (You)'s
Source: I'm one of them

I watched it last night, what do you want to know about it?

Why was it such a big secret that her husband had previously went into the Shimmer? She was still probably more qualified having been a soldier as well as a biologist. Was that lady just paranoid and tied her up?

Bear scene was utter kino.

She was trying to prevent the paranoia from setting in by withholding that information from them. One of the theories about why nobody returned from the shimmer is that they went crazy and killed each other. If the others knew that Lena's husband cut open a guy they might have turned on her earlier.

Saw it last night, this movie is fantastic. Kind of a spiritual successor to Stalker

Too bad the books are shit (with the exception of the first one)

Is the feminist angle just a meme or is it a part of the story? I'm fine with an all female cast, couldn't care less, but if it's just a story to push politics I want to skip it.

Who else got the hat? It'll sell out within a day or so.

It didn't feel forced imo, worked well for the story

Paramount isn't really supporting it. It's only getting a theater release in US, CAN, and maybe one or two other places. Everywhere else it's getting a Netflix release. The reason for the lack of support is that test audiences found it "too smart."

I saw it this afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed it.


They previously only sent military squads of men in, so sending in female scientists is kind of an experiment. It's not forced.

They fuck up their mission pretty badly and the only one with military training (the main character) is only able to shoot a couple of animals. All the meme characters die off pretty quickly and realistically

So is this actually good or another jump scares trash?

It's not some stupid grrl pwr! bullshit. They're sent for a reason and they aren't flip kicking 300lb dudes through walls.

There's like 2 jump scares and the rest is legitimately unnerving when it wants to be.

Definitely one of the best movies of the year.

I enjoyed it. It isn't a lazy jump-scare fest.

>all female stronk womyn cast

they're throwing spaghetti at the wall. every mission in has resulted in the soldiers failing to come back, and soon their base of operations will be lost, so an on-staff doctor just rounds up women with specialist backgrounds and a death wish.

Apart from the blacked scene are there any other Hershlag lewd scenes?

>hasn't seen the movie

Thanks, that sounds reassuring, think I'll give it a shot


no nudity from what i remember

Lewd doesn't necessarily mean nude

>Not racking up Regal Rewards points with based Moviepass

She rolls around in bed with her husband