If Batman supposed to be their father figure and Batgirl is supposed to Robin's older sister figure why does she have...

If Batman supposed to be their father figure and Batgirl is supposed to Robin's older sister figure why does she have romantic relationships with both of them?

Crappy writers generally need to fall on the crutch of 'relationship drama' because they have family issues that prevent them from writing decent family drama.

She doesn't have any relationships with anyone in this show, are you retarded?

Daddy issues.

I don't think op meant "the Batman" show in specific, but as a trend in gneral.

>Bruce is Barbra's father figure

Do people forget that Barb has a very loving relationship with her actual father? Bruce and Barbra's relationship could be more like mentor and student or hero and fangirl. Either way, nothing really there to stop her from jumping on his dick of the mood is right

Batgirl was never supposed to be Robin's older sister figure.
The original Batgirl, Betty Kane, was added to serve as Robin's love interest (Along with a Batwoman of her own for Bruce) to help fight the Batman and Robin homosexuality aligations.
This connection was later revived with with the Barbara incarnation where she's always been in an on-again off-again relationship with Dick.

And Bruce was never supposed to be Barbara's father figure. She already has a father figure. You know, a little side character named Jim. Nobody important to the Batman mythos, but he's there.

>both of them
Dude don't count some hacks fanfiction shoehorning shit in. In canon as in the main universe at most I think she had a crush on him when she was younger. Honestly always hated her and Dicks relationship too, bitch should've stayed forever alone crippled.

>He'd jeopardize the mission.
>Bruce is a zen master he don't play the game, the game plays him.
>Bruce doesn't know about her relationship with Dick.
>Bruce would jeopardize his relationship with Dick, his greatest ally and apparent heir, just to get his dick wet.
>He would even entertain the apparent drama from fucking Jim's daughter.
>He would weigh the rewards to the potential losses and instantly turn the cunt down.
>Bruce is interesting in a smelly hipster when he's got Catwoman, Ivy, Vicky Vale and dozens of other bitches.
>This is a virgins fantasy who don't understand what it's like to have a bitch, much less side pieces.
>Timm is that lonely jailbait loving virgin.

I personally kind of liked it. Rich men shack up with younger women all the time, Barbra is spunky but not slutty like Catwomen and Talia, and she gives Bruce a closer link to Gordon, giving him something that resembles a sort of family and not a collection of disturbed vigilantes fighting crime with animal names

The DCU, especially the Batfam, is full of whores of both genders. Somebody should make a chart of it.

Bruce is in his early to mid 30's, regularly hangs out with the most beautiful women in the world and thinks of the mission before of anything else. Why would he >> ? He's not some 80 year old perv or ugly guy. He's legit one of the most handsome men in Gotham. Why would he betray his oldest son when he could literally text one of the dozens of gorgeous women and hero's(and villains) he's exposed to for a booty call? You my friend are a lonely guy who probably grew up alienated from women so you can't fathom turning down an opportunity to get your underused dick some tail.

>Why would he betray his oldest son when he could literally text one of the dozens of gorgeous women and hero's(and villains) he's exposed to for a booty call?

Lets be real here.
The only woman Bruce has any longstanding love for at this point is Selina. Talia was the only other contender and she burned that bridge hard.

And Batman is hardly the bootycall type. Most of the supermodels he dates as Bruce as just arm candy for the public to keep his playboy persona up.

Bruce has and does give into his urges with women from time to time, he's not a monk.

Gordon wouldn't be bothered much by his daughter fucking a billionaire who's made it his life's mission to help Gotham. As long as he doesn't break her heart of course

Dick's relationship with Barbra is on Again-Off Again. Bruce wouldn't be that torn up about it and neither would Dick, especially if he's with Starfire or someone else

Where does this come from?

You just hit the nail on the head. Why would, at any point, even entertain the thought of banging a subordinate? Even without Selina. Talia. Vicky. If Bruce Wayne want's to fuck all he has to do is walk down the street and take his pick. Him fucking Batgirl makes about as much sense as him fucking Jim Gordon.

It's not that weird. Bruce and Dick also both fucked Selina, and Bruce and Jason both fucked Talia.

>Bruce has and does give into his urges with women from time to time, he's not a monk.
And why the fuck would he "give in" with Barbara? He regularly sleeps with beautiful women so it's probably not attraction. He ain't horney cuz the dude is an adonis with willpower so strong he can probably go celibate with barely an effect on him. Dick is his fucking son, raised him and his most loyal ally and second in command why would he even bring drama like a bitch into the equation?

>Gordon wouldn't be bothered much by his daughter fucking a billionaire who's made it his life's mission to help Gotham. As long as he doesn't break her heart of course

But we don't fucking know. Bruce and Gordon are a team why would he entertain the possibility of him risking his partnership with the man making it possible for him to not be chased down nightly.

>Dick's relationship with Barbra is on Again-Off Again. Bruce wouldn't be that torn up about it and neither would Dick, especially if he's with Starfire or someone else

Again. Why risk, future drama? Because it WILL come up haven't you ever dated a friends ex? I have and even though its "cool" shit like that festers and bubbles up eventually.

>Where does this come from?
Something called a comic, try reading some.

>Dick is his fucking son,
They canonically don't have a father son relationship tho.

Ivy used to be obsessed with Batman, though it wasn't requited.

>Bruce and Dick also both fucked Selina
Citation needed because I've read from DC 600 to today and multiple Batman, Batman & Robin and have read every Nightwing comic since his first run on TT and I've never seen them fuck. Flirt? Yes. Kiss him? Sure. But it's never been confirmed they've fucked. But please. Prove me otherwise.

>Bruce and Jason both fucked Talia.
Honestly what else could possibly break between these two? The shit they've been through? Who gives a shit about a chick when it's stacked up against everything else.

So calling him his son, raising him, taking care of him, training him and everything else just nullifies it because as Dick got older their relationship changed to bros? That's not how relationships work they're always father and son first. Everything else second.