Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Who is best TMNT girl?


>Lotus Blossom
Isn't that the chick that had a thing for Leo?

Why does Leo always attract Katana wielding Asian babes? Is it the swords?

It's probably the swords

Sure, just dump some Karai pics.



Mona Lisa




>those tanlines


She's not even popular anymore thanks to the writing making her shit tier.

Bitches love the sword man

What do you think about Dimesion X? I like it, the first issue was the weakest and issue 3 was the best.

>tfw no qt reverse trap amnesiac monster gf

Weakest was issue 5. I felt like I was reading a nickelodeon tie-comic. Rousseau's art is too "cartoony" and story was meh. My favorite was issue 4 with Ace Duck. Johnson's art is amazing and the story was fun. Issue 3 was fun too and art was great. First two issues were okay.

I don´t mind Rousseau´s art being cartoony, but the entire issue felt kinda empty.

It was okay, it was essentially filler this month.

>I don´t mind Rousseau´s art being cartoony
It fits better with Nick comics in my opinion. I wish Chris Johnson will have a run on the main ongoing. I will be pleased with Universe too.



I don´t like how Sophie draws non-furry girls, but his Karai looks kinda cute.

Sorry man, but Sup Forums doesn't like TMNT. It's such a hit/miss franchise that any talk for it is minimal. That and IDW is recently screwing up. This whole Krang Trial and Karai Mini is very boring.

Granted you're not here to discuss any of that because you started by asking about which TMNT girl is best...

What happened?

What do you mean?

Leo=Karai, Lotus Blossom
Raph=Alopex, Ninjara

Am I missing any love interest?

I haven't read the comic in awhile, what did they do to make Alopex shit?

awful writing by tranny Campbell

Let me answer then. Alopex essentially became a Personality-Less type of character without much purpose in the series. Her only apparent use right now is sucking Raphael's penis. That's it. And it became obvious that now Alopex is essentially a shallow cock holster love interest type of character. The cancerous pairing of Raph/Alopex which is shipped by the staff at IDW wrecked her potential as a character. Usually former villains turned heroes can be fun and intriguing, but Alopex it feels was only reformed into being a heroine so that she can have sex with Raphael. That's it.

Additionally they weakly tried to make it seem like Alopex's best friend forever (and that's quoting the actual comic script) is Angel. A random character who doesn't have much substance nor is she very interesting. Putting it simply, they stuck Alopex and Angel together in a weird half-assed mishmash to make it seem like the writers have an actual purpose for these third stringer type of characters who are purposeless and very detached from the core group driving the story.

Say what you will about Old Hob, but he actually stands out independently while being interesting. Leatherhead also despite a lack of screen time has an intriguing concept behind him. Alopex on the other hand has nothing. Same to Angel and together they are a big nothing. That's why I feel Alopex is garbage and why no one really talks about her anymore.

>Sorry man, but Sup Forums doesn't like TMNT
Not true. The problem is that many of the tmnt threads are made by stupid autists from technodrome forums.
>This whole Krang Trial and Karai Mini is very boring.
Kriang Trial is just one issue for now. It's too early to say that and Karai's story arc in Universe is decent for what we have read now.

Mikey also liked April

And I recall Mona Lisa used to be Ralph's crush

Don had a thing for an alien princess back in Mirage.

Raph has Mona Lisa (both times).

Mikey dated an alien dinosaur until she turned out to be an evil bitch.

Koya's whining is because of the emo teenage mind of Campbell. Same with the stupid look of the bald girl with tatoo. Campbell is now a big problem on the IDW comics. All of Campbell's ideas are stupid and awful.

>Koya's whining is because of the emo teenage mind of Campbell

Well, she did lose her wings. Its not like she doesn't have a good reason.

Like Campbell lose "her" masculinity.

Is it true that Donnie won the Aprilbowl in the cartoon?

Is Karai a lesbian now or something? The cartoon has her with that other ninja girl so much that I get lesbian tones from her

or do I visit /u/ too much?