Villain is hotter than protagonist

>Villain is hotter than protagonist
Why is this so common? Aren't we supposed to root against them?

>i'm more attracted to this nigger than that nigger

You've got to go back.



>implying youʻd say no


I know that feeling uwu

Says the small dick

Its normal to be attracted to throbbing studs like

Villains are more of a power fantasy then heroes because villains are what we desire to become after years of being the outsider, or experience constant misfortune, or tired of the universe ignoring our existence and put us through cruel suffering. People secretly root for the villains as an answer to their own darkness, if the villain prevails, then people feel cathartic.

He's mcuh bigger now for Creed 2

He's 5'9", likes anime and still lives with his parents.

Obviously Boseman is way hotter than him.

How to achieve these pecs if you chest is flatter than a piece of paper?

are you attracted to swole cows aswell?

Who is this... she is perfect

I'm not really surprised that some of you faggots are starting to get attracted to black men, but I'll still answer your question. We're supposed to visualize the hero as the underdog. No better way to make them seem that way than making the villain stronger, smarter, and/or better looking. If the hero is perfect in every way it just seems like bullying when they fight the villain.

This 10/10 post

HE doesn't live with his parents, THEY live with him

Um actually he’s 6’0

Because you like violent niggers who will beat your ass after fucking it?


What's so bad about living with your parents so as long as you pay for your own stuff? Sounds terrifying to be away from the people who gave you life, and simply by inevitable effects of time, will die before you by several decades.

Bye Sup Forums


Over $500 000 000

She probably say no cause she is a lesbian. No seriously shes a lesbian.

Tumblr gilr, can't remember the name sorry. I think she erased her account long long ago.

Do bench press and flies. 3 times a week. Over 2000 calories per day



My brother lools like that. user it is really fucking hard to look like that. He goes to the gym 5 times a week sometimes twice a day.

Yummy! I want to lick his dirt scars! BTW how do dirt scars not get infected in africa?

>lives with parents
>likes anime
is he /ourguy/?

She goes by rad-infiniitum on tumblr now. Good luck trying to get on there without an account though.

Whites hate their kids.