Memes and le ebin racism aside. Is it actually good?

Memes and le ebin racism aside. Is it actually good?

It's a standard marvel movie.

If IM1 is a 10/10 and Dark World is a 1/10

I'd give this a 8/10, interesting, but still a shitty Marvel formula film

It’s a Marvel movie. Hero faces evil version of himself, is never in any danger, everything resolves itself, and the villain dies

It's a marvel movie, dogshit by default

Best serious marvel since winter soldier
Beat marvel since GOTG

Best since Iron Man 1 for me.

This is true but Marvel is on average shit so it isn’t hard to be best in 4 years

This is exactly why I don't care for comic movies. There are no stakes for the main protagonist because you know they will win. Stories are supposed to be captivating because you don't know where it'll go. Marvel movies always have a hero, a villain, opposition, a big climax, then the hero defeats the villain. Every fucking time. They're meant for children.

One of the better marvel movies but not even top 3 tier(winter soldier, avengers, iron man 1).
So if your not into capeshit, you’re not missing anything. Would rate it a 7/10.

Pretty dumb that this movie is now the best movie of all time on RT.


Standard Marvel movie with black people instead; down to the quips. Killmonger wasn't bad.

The cgi is bad.
Rhinos from nowhere.
For me is 5/10.

mediocre capeshit flick which is getting critical acclaim for removing all wh*te "people"

Exactly. It’s hard to be compelled when you know the ending of the story, and that the studio is going to make dozens of sequels with these characters.
BP takes the cliche a step further and gives you the ol’ fake out death. Although T’challa Is only off screen for 10 minutes.

its not perfect, it has issues with some choreography and logic in its fiction.
buts its a solid movie, great villain and story hopefully 2 improves

if you like the source material it's hot garbage. If you don't give a fuck or are black it's probably a 6-7/10 flick.

That's my honest to god opinion.

We know it’s good...

I thought it was good (but only good, not great) when I saw it, but that might be because I had Mariana Trench levels of expectations. It's solid enough and ironically all the Kangz stuff is actually the best part of the movie.

Do people just not know about the age limit?

Good for almost an hour and twenty. Final act is garbage typical MCU shit. Expects audiences to care about relationships mentioned in a sentence then abandoned for large stretches of the film. Killing off Serkis was a poor call

not terrible but not great either, typical post first-phase MCU film, follows the same formula etc.

I thought that was a chain dangling from his neck