
favourite movie



>Princess Bride

are you 33 or you was born in 2001?
I don't understand

>Training Day

>Fanny and Alexander

>Die Hard

24, eraserhead

I don't have one

>under the skin

>18 ;)
>The Dark Knight

A Clockwork Orange and has been that for the past 6 years

End of Evangelion
Silence of The Lambs

>inb4 underage b&
I'm on my phone 4g

>the depahted
Roast me

So since before you really even understood what it meant?


>Star Wars

Heh... kid you just made a huge mistake.
I'm already in your mainframe. Hide your mom cause I'm coming for her.

>Dr. Strangelove

Fight Club

I don't believe anyone has a favourite film. In Fact I don't believe you can have a favourite anything. And yes that's how you spell favourite you American retards. Want a kinder egg shipped?.. Or is that considered terrorism?

Blade Runner 2049

Paris, Texas

>Dr. Strangelove

>Pic related

I'm 28 and Interstellar is my favourite movie. Silence of the Lambs is 10/10 too, but you should avoid becoming a weeb if at all possible.

>black panther

>Wings of Desire
I just watched it for the first time last night and it was really great

23 (the German one)

Werckmeister Harmonies

>The Tree of Life

>For a Few Dollars More

>The Game

I understood it that day I watched it, and it changed my outlook on life, I thought differently about violence and stopped doing things that after watching it made me feel sick

>Apocalypse Now



where did you guys go so wrong that you're still here at 25+ years old. For fucks sake, your should Be married and having children by now, not posting memes on a anime imageboard.


Come back in a few years and you'll realize why we still post here.

>implying there aren't people here with children and families
How old are you underage b&?

Do you guys think your "favorite movie" will change? Do you think your age matures with years or do some things stay set?

You definitely mature, so it's possible for your favorite movie to change.
I don't like most the things I did 10 years ago, especially movies.

nobody would come here if they weren't broken already, you're just a few years behind us friend



>Apocalypse Now

>True Lies

black panther/ minions



>40 year old virgin
>40 Year Old Virgin

>33 also


>Riki oh: the story of Ricky

go to bed grampa

>Donnie Darko

>The Manchurian Candidate

Number 23

Pretty soon you'll learn that at a certain point, your tastes stop changing and you hang onto most of your same habits and interests. And it's not like people stop getting on the internet after starting families.

You're here forever is not just a meme

>he thinks he can leave
I thought the same thing you do right now right about junior year
t. 25 and been here since 7th grade

I'll tell you a secret.
People don't stop using the internet when they get old. In fact, you probably have more spare time once you get tied down with a wife and a mortgage instead of being out there doing young people stuff


>The Departed

You're here wasting your youth on Sup Forums. You'll never get those years back. You are young for a very brief time and you are old for the rest of your life. You are the one who should feel bad about being here.

Been here since elementary school, after some kid on a private server told me you could find porn on Sup Forums. I loved the humor when people put effort into making oc and the board culture when you've spent half your life here its hard to leave.

Dubs of truth. BTFO

>The Entertainer


nigga u should be dead by now
>btw what is the movie 33 about?



Fucking based, go get laid kid



Just had a kid back in November. My wife and I are too tired to do anything ever, so I waste time on here while I wait for my kid to start crying again.

have you never seen this or the "Don't forget you are here forever" banner? I have abandoned few boards, but never Sup Forums altogether. Sup Forums is my social media, basically. I talk to 1 friend and a group of 3 other friends outside here, but thats it. No contact with other people except for college (but only colleagues, no friends)

What kinda sucks about your later 20s is not having time for real friends. Now when I go out it's for work and networking and not really to just relax. You can't really be yourself in those situations. Then your friends start getting married and at least half of them will get shitty wives that won't let them see their friends anymore. You end up just seeing the old gang at weddings and christmas and spend the whole time talking about the good old days and wishing life could be different. fuck.


>being over 25 and not having Shoah as your favourite film

> 25
> Apollo 13

>Moonrise Kingdom

>Being Jewish

I would join you in making fun of people wasting their youth here but I already did that

you failed

It's ok, what's done is done


>wasting your youth
You're here aren't you? No one is forcing you to be here. If you really hate it so much, just stop coming here. If not, you just enjoy it. If you enjoy it you aren't wasting anything. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

>Raiders of the Lost Ark

I don’t really enjoy it but I am easily addicted. As far as addictions go it could be worse, but it still wastes a great deal of my time

>you need to be Jewish to appreciate the masterpiece that is Shoah

The word you're looking for is "habit". You come here because you're used to it and it's an easy way to feel good. If someone prevented you from ever accessing Sup Forums again you wouldn't go into convulsions after a few days. You choose to be here. Stop shifting the blame.