Why are adult comics sealed away under bags at stores?

Ffs like they don't trust us. Still getting treated like it's for kids.

Just had argument with store manager. He caught me trying to open bag to flick through. I'm sweating so much because I shouted back at him and had mini panick attack.

Pervs will beat off in the store. That's why. Probably doesn't happen as much as it used to, but that shit happened a lot in the 80s.
>I remember being like 5 and looking at penthouse magazine at a Walden books in the mall.

Because it's not a goddamn bookstore, you sperg. You want to read it, you buy it. Autist.

>in this episode of Sup Forums's dumbest criminals...

Because kids will go to the same store, and no buisness wants to deal with an angry mother when they can avoid it.

Since we are talking about sealed comics: does ANYONE have SSB2 (aka Satan's Sodomy Baby 2)?

Well you seem to be a giant child, so they treated you like they're supposed to.

>He caught me trying to open bag to flick through.
You're in the wrong, buy the book and get out.

now this is autism

Do you open mayonaise jars in the store to get a taste?

It's a necessary precaution. Never know when an overzealous cop or somebody's mom will come in and make a fuss.

I can smell you from here OP

Ahahahahaha those stickers


my lcs does it cause kids shop there

>dumbfuck comic sellers don't even let customers look at the actual art before they shell out cash
>gee whiz why is piracy so popular guys!?

1. Kids shop there and mothers, aka people that pay the money, would throw a fit
2. Perverts would beat off in the middle of the store
That is pretty much it.


Pervs used to jack off in stores. It was especially bad on the 80s. Discouraged a lot of places from carrying adult books.

Also all it takes is one overzealous mom or cop to ruin the store.

Finally you don't get to leaf throught boarded books. Buy it or get the fuck out. People using their stores as libraries is really hurtful to your lcs.

I remember being in a old lcs of mine that sold adult books.

It was really creapy watching the wheelchair bound vet wheel up to kids asking them to hand down the adult books from the top shelf.

Also you be surprised just how many mags you would find with semen stains in the bathroom.

Store owners treating floppies like they have any special value is really hurtful to your lcs.

>It was really creapy watching the wheelchair bound vet wheel up to kids asking them to hand down the adult books from the top shelf.

That's actually now considered a form of sexual assault and child abuse if it's done towards kids. You should inform the lcs to call the cops if that still happens.

>not having value

Point at this fool and laugh.


They SHOULDN'T have value and continuing the pretense that they have is why lcs retailers will die soon.

"Hey guys, let's damage the industry because I don't want to pay for books. Those damn LCS stores, am I right guys?"

Truly watching the mind of a child work.

are you saying LCS shouldn't treat their comics as merchandise? that they shouldn't be minding that people are reading them/using the m for free?

>"Hey guys, let's damage the industry
>because I don't want to pay for books.
Incorrect. Pay attention, user, I'm talking about floppies.
>Those damn LCS stores, am I right guys?"
Yes, and Diamond. And the publishers. But it begins with the local lcs stores.

Floppies are a garbage format that should be shitcanned as soon as possible if the medium wants to survive. That's it. First step: stop fetishing floppies and treat them like what they are: shitty merchandise.

Your fault to flip around in a hick town grocery shop. Go to a bookstore in miami, they´ll sell you porn straight away.
Or buy online. Every underage kid alive with a computer has seen more porn than most of us put together.

Truly watching the mind of a child work.

>He caught me trying to open bag to flick through
I hate this kind of people, and you see them in every bookstore. Fucking buy it.

Well, you clearly can't be trusted with formatting a cell phone pic, why should you be trusted with anything else?

Don't buy garbage comics to beat off to then. But please do it again you sperg so they can ban you from the store.

>mfw I open comics and spit on the pages to make them think someone came in it
>literally never been caught because I'm too much of a badass

>I'm sweating so much because I shouted back at him and had mini panick attack.
And this tells us everything we need to know about OP and his autism. You sound like the type of fellow who would cause a scene in Toys R Us because they don't have the toy you're looking for and are too busy to look in the back.

I bet you have cheese growng in your fat folds.

>garbage comics
Objectively wrong. Vampblade is great

I thought OP had the dumbest post, but you have just won that title.

Explain please

>adult comics

Are any of these actually GOOD?
Like "Cheers by Forview" in terms of writing. Anyone can draw tits but if I wanted to just see tits I'd check out /aco/.

>Looking at anime tiddies at the Barnes and Noble after school.

This is the first correct answer.

I think it's store owner driven. I've found Heavy Metal sealed and unsealed at stores. But I could never find a pattern, except at corner stores they sealed heavy metal and put censors over the nipples if there were on covers

Normal comics should be sealed too.

Buy it if you want to read it, asshole.

I want to read Vampblade, but even the pirates don't want me to. I couldn't find a rip of the current run. You got a link to help an user out?

>>adult comics
>Are any of these actually GOOD?
user....why do you act like a fucking idiot. Or are you really 14?

Do you have a phone? Do you have an internet connection the phone? Fucking google it on the spot if you're so concern about content quality.

I work at a small comic store and we have a few 18+ things that aren't sealed. It has a big ass sign saying it's the 18+ section. Probably twice a year we have some mom come in and bitch, I'll grab the boss, he points to the sign that is very clear and the kids ignored and tell her to fuck off.

The let me see the manager starter pack meme is actually very spot on

if a fucking library can do it why can't a comic store? I can walk into my library and pick out an adult comic with nudity on the cover, sit down and read it right there! It's just cowardly comic stores that are ashamed of their own material and pussy out. They don't stand up for comics but instead seal their material cause they are ashamed to sell it.

fuck off, people want to look at the material before buying. LCS's sell much more material when it's unsealed because a person who is on the wall about a certain comic will buy if they can open and see something good.

What would you have done if OP was trying to open something with his fat cheeto fingers?

I used to look at Marilyn Monroe's titties on the Wikipedia playboy article when I was in high school

Tell him to buy or leave. If something is sealed that means it was shipped that way, we don't seal anything ourselves.

Surprisingly I don't have much trouble at the shop. Most people are regulars who buy, chat for a minute and leave. There is a group of kids that come in to play yugioh all the time and buy cards. Now and then some neckbeards come to play and without fail make a scene or try to rip the kids off, always gotta kick them out. I get some secondhand embarrassment from how a group of 14 year olds are more civil than some 20 somethings

just be a smart business owner. If it happens once, ask them not to do it. If it happens multiple times ban them. my LCS has banned people who wreck their merchandise. Some customers will take out a comic and bend all the pages, then leave it on the fucking floor. Those people cause more damage than they bring in profit. Other customers are happy when those people are banned

How many girls visit your store?

I assume you mean ones there for their own interests and not just moms tagging along with their kids, I can count them on one hand. All are first name basis regulars as well.

>I can count them on one hand.
you run a shit business and I hope you fail.

>"Hand me that issue of "Miss Yoshida Teaches Kobatsu," son.
>"Uh...are you sure?"

>Finally you don't get to leaf throught boarded books.
You do if you ask an employee first before hand.
What kind of uncivilized hole-in-the-wall are you guys running/frequenting?
You people are the reason Adam Hughes will never need to draw another page of interior art in his life.Why must you turn our beloved hobby into a house of LIES??


>They don't stand up for comics but instead seal their material cause they are ashamed to sell it.

or they know you won't buy it after you've read it for free

>if a fucking library can do it why can't a comic store?
Because a LCS is a fucking buisness.

OP is retarded

Nah. He's just got autism or doesn't know how to behave in a store.

> In highschool
> wikipedia articles

Goddamn in my day we had Medical CD-roms with breast in them and the one kid who read most of the books in the library so he could tell you which ones had breast or vaginas in them.

> That enraging feeling you get when your younger cousin tells you that porn is too hard to find nowadays
It's like "MOTHERFUCKER I had to buy so many shitty comics just to see badly drawn boobs and hang around liquor stores to get adults to buy you skin mags. You think you have it hard when you have to search for FIVE WHOLE MINUTES to find instagram/tumblr sluts? Get out of my face"

maybe they will. Do libraries keep people from buying books? the people who go to libraries usually buy more books. It's the same false arguement against music piracy. The people who download the most music also buy the most music

>Some customers will take out a comic and bend all the pages, then leave it on the fucking floor.
Why? Is it some kind of autism or is it intentional? I know some people will cause some minor damage to a toy box/card to deter scalpers, but doing that to a floppy?

It's because comic book stores used to get in a shitload of legal trouble involving parents complaining about adult comics and people are understandably paranoid.
We're talking "shut you down and fuck your life" legal trouble. It's one of the main reasons the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund exists.

I don't know why. But every LCS owner I've talked to have had these people. They wreck everything they touch.

Wish I could help you friend. I just have floppies though.

A guy knew I collected comics, he rarely read. Asked to look at one, so I handed him a random copy of Exiles I had. He opened the cover and tore it immediately.

Some people are just buffoons.

I've had several LCSs over the years, but I've never seen anything quite like that. I have seen the usual gamut of stereotypical neckbeard-nerd behaviour, along with people just hamhanding merch, but never to the point of ruining shit and then leaving it on the floor.

If it's bagged that means people think it's essentially porn, which means increased sales because people like porn.

Basically, bagged is more eye-catching.

You're one of those people who goes to the Comics or Manga section of Barnes and Noble, camps out in an isle for five hours and proceeds to read through 20 volumes without spending a dime, aren't you? Fuck off.

>not buying your first issue of a comic on spec and reading it after the purchase

Filthy commies like you should be shot

I buy mostly. But I'm also browsing to see what's new, in that case I have to be able to look at the book or it's not even considered as a buy

see, here's the thing. the examples you cited don't really have a time frame. you can read a book at the library/listen to the downloaded music and you can wait for weeks if not months to buy your own copy.

in this specific case we're talking about adult comics. the type where nowadays you rarely buy unless you can't find it online.

>they wreck everything they touch
God I know that feel, it's why I'm apprehensive about going into stores
>few years back around Christmas
>mom had hinted at a plate set she wanted so I went to get it
>find it but the low shelf ones are all gone but I see some up top
>climb up the shelf to get one
>one of the cheap shit shelves bends and makes me slip
>fall backwards into different shelf full of glass shit and knock it and all of its contents down
>leave and never come back
I should go back some day to see if they installed more durable shelves