Boom, you lookin for this?


Venom -
Tom Holland as an object of affection for Hardy's character. Symbiote bases design off Holland's Spider-Man, but no solid cameo.

Infinity War -
Soul stone is in Wakanda, but is brought when Heimdall lands there. This isn't revealed until the end of the movie.
Rogers is Nomad, but not referred to as such. Both him and Tony survive Infinity War.
Gamora gets killed by Thanos at the end.
Thor forges a new hammer using livingwood from Groot. Highly hinted that he joins the Gaurdians of the Galaxy.
Strange lets Hulk change on a whim. He pilots the Hulkbuster.

Ant-Man and the Wasp -
Worst movie of Phase 3 but not by a lot. Best part is the ending.
Ant-Man dies, Wasp lives. Movie ends in "The Wasp will return in Avengers 4: Infinity Gauntlet".
Goal of this is to change how people view comic book movies - no trilogy, superhero doesn't survive. The Wasp likely getting solo film but I doubt it's going to be very good.

Captain Marvel -
Source didn't give too much. Production is going smoothly, it's said to be a more grounded movie. Ross plays an important role, Coulson cameo.

Avengers 4 -
Will be titled Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos has all stones and changes reality, but that's gonna be included in the synopsis.
Ronin and Rescue are the "new" heroes.
Story focuses on the original Avengers + Spider-Man, as Thanos tries to torment them. Revenge for the events of the first film.
Ultron and Zemo return.
Old battles from the MCU are the main action setpieces. Final act is the Battle of New York from the first film.

Spider-Man 2 -
Robert Downey Jr. is included in the cast, as well as someone for Uncle Ben.
Peter is the kid from Iron Man 2, Stark Expo plays an important role.

Phase 4 -
"Aftermath" of the previous MCU. Safety of the previous film is gone, they're gonna be killing characters off a lot more.
Wolverine and Namor are going to be introduced, and Deadpool will be incorporated.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Final act is the Battle of New York from the first film.

This better be fucking fake. What an uninspired and shitty climax to 10 fucking years.

who the fuck is rescue? All this sounds lame

venom is not a part of the MCU, it is sony and not any affiliation with marvel, so now we know your entire "spoilers" is fake news

fake and gay

>Venom - Tom Holland as an object of affection for Hardy's character.

I don't believe a word of this

>Ant-Man dies

Without his full trilogy? Yeah nah

It is MCU though? They made an agreement

Will they recast Wolverine or will they pay Hugh a shiton to come back?

He's in avengers 4 so OP is full of shit.


Fucking google it, they even had marvel studios logo in the trailer

no, they made an agreement for spider-man and vulture, none of the other spideman propertys were part of the MCU agreement. this is easily looked up stuff in their interviews about the subject

>Robert Downey Jr. is included in the cast, as well as someone for Uncle Ben.
Next time have the balls to namedrop someone important instead of making it so obvious how you are making shit up.

so did the Fox movies yo stupid fake

The Infinity gauntlet can bring people back from the dead.

Odds are they bring just about every dead hero back. Including Yondu.

I actually believed you until the ant man stuff

They're gonna allude to the shared universe, but that's the extent of it. It was in production before the deal.

false, i just watched it, the only marvel in it is the big red comic book marvel, and at the end is says "in association with marvel" there is no marvel studios mentioned or logo at all.

Even so, they wouldn't kill him off in Ant-Man and Wasp. They'd do it in Infinity War.

and yet you posted this, retard
>Goal of this is to change how people view comic book movies - no trilogy, superhero doesn't survive. The Wasp likely getting solo film but I doubt it's going to be very good.

>Worst movie of Phase 3 but not by a lot. Best part is the ending.

This makes it sound like you're from the future

Spider-Man and all Spider-Man movies are Sony. With joint production with Marvel. Basically, Sony produces the movie while borrowing MCU characters and being overseen by Feige. In return, Marvel gets to use Spider-Man in their crossovers.

>Final act is the Battle of New York from the first film.

this is correct, however venom is not a spider-man movie, and venom, or any of the spider-man villians they currently have the rights to are not part of the spider-man mcu deal

Faker than a porn star's tits.

I'm not OP, just playing devil's advocate. Here is how they COULD do it.

>Ant Man and Wasp
>Ant man dies, end credits
>everyone is shocked and wowed
>Infinity War 2
>he is brought back to life via gauntlet
>they kill thanos
>he dies, restoring the natural order
>Wasp Film, hes still dead.

>Ant-Man dies, Wasp lives. Movie ends in "The Wasp will return in Avengers 4: Infinity Gauntlet".
They would fucking retarded to do this. Literally nobody gives a shit about live action Wasp.

>Thanos stealing the reverse flash villain gimmick
I know that's probably bullshit but if its real then it would be hilarious as shit that Marvel did it first.

Holland is not even gonna be on Venom. This fake shit started from a guy on Collider who said he saw Holland on set and you brainlets believed it. Thatf uy is not a reliable source, the previous things he scooped were fake shit.

Sony's Spider-Verse is seperate from the MCU. In Venom's world, Parker is dead & Miles Morales is Spider-Man.

OP is full of shit. He didn't even post the leaked art of the big surprise new member of the Avengers.

>Goal of this is to change how people view comic book movies - no trilogy, superhero doesn't survive.
its okay when marvel does it

It's not in the mcu, in Venom's world the only Spider-Man is Miles Morales since Parker died. The animated movie is connected with Venom and it's gonna be a live action Miles in the second Venom movie.

The ant-man idea sounds cool but everything else is trash.

oh no. you made me click on a photo of pickle rick, im so flustered.

Haha BTFO.

That'd actually be really cool

Rescue is Pepper Potts in Iron Man armor

>Robert Downey Jr. is included in the cast

This is 100% not true

Yep, also Tony will obviously die in Avengers 4. Another avenger is gonna be in the spidey sequel and most ppl think it's gonna be Doctor Stange because they want Mysterio as the villain. I think it's gonna be Black Panther after Chadwick's hint.

I work with actors/stand ins and have a very good hunch of what avenger is appearing in spider-man HC2 based on casting sheets. I know where and when heidi moneymaker is filming next too. Its sad people straight make stuff up when they could do a little research and make very plausible and even accidentally accurate claims.

So who is it you think?

>oh here's unsourced bullshit

Nice digits though

Who is gonna be then? I said Black Pather because of - pic related

Based on the height and hair style of the actors?

Captain America and/or Vision. Wearing a cap on their head, this is potentially more meme educational videos. Also Black Widow

.....because they're both in IW dumbass and thats the next movie.

obviously a lie dude, the spidey sequel will start filming this summer so there's no way for you to see an actor on set since they didn't even film yet

He said it was based on seeing the casting sheets. They typically give a super simple description of the character's look and desired character qualities that can be communicated visually.

Anything with more Cap is fine by me. He's also more inspirational than Tony and aligns more with Spiderman's sense of justice and morality, which might or might not work
>Cap pushes Peter to follow his ideals to their full extent
>does Peter abandon his family and friends in the pursuit of justice with Cap, who doesn't really have any of that because of his strict beliefs, or sacrifice his ethics to maintain his relationships
>Cap comes off as a bit of an extremist and well-intentioned antagonist like Tony did in Homecoming

yea and theyve already invited people back who were extras in the first one. People who were stand ins for actors in the first one are also being invited back.

>Old battles from the MCU are the main action setpieces. Final act is the Battle of New York from the first film.
>dude there's a time stone so we can just reuse shots and CGI from a decade ago and save costs

marvel was a mistake

>Deadpool will be incorporated

Fuck off with PG-13 Deadpool


Not gonna lie, I always wanted Steve to become Peter's mentor instead of Tony but I'm not getting my hopes up on him being in the Homecoming sequel because some guy on Sup Forums said it. Alos it's more than likely that Cap will die on Avengers 4 & Bucky will take his place.

Who cares. Deadpool is just a cheap copy of Spidey.

the point of Tony being the mentor is him taking resposability and trying to be a father figure while Cap has already all of that

I know this all seems bullshit, especially the Venom part. Apparently Sony has the rights to Holland so they wanted to use that despite the wishes of Marvel Studios, and it's just a still image. They needed to make have a reason for Venom to look like Spider-Man.
The Ant-Man series is pretty much screwed. They're pulling this death to try an shock audiences but he's still part of Infinity Gauntlet (check set photos). I would like to add that Ant-Man and the Wasp is directly after Civil War, though.
The guy who mentioned saving CGI money hit the nail on the head. They're saving big by reusing New York especially, as that has an entire model and costumes already. It's gonna end up looking cool anyways and it might tie together the 3 phases nicely, though. Acts 2 and 3 are going to exclusively be the reduced cast, with the climax being a trippy reality-screw thing. It's gonna be mostly CGI :/
People expecting deaths in Avengers are going to disappointed. They want more standalone films from this point.
Tony has a minor role in future films. He's not gonna be an Avenger anymore, and has a reworked contract due to only being a supporting member.
I have no idea who the Spider-Man 2 Avenger is. Probably Strange because New York, but I don't see that happening. They want grounded stuff, as I said

Yeah but if that's been done and Peter's walked away from that then he might seek inspiration from somewhere else

>he might seek inspiration from somewhere else
and this is how they will introduce Deadpool to the mcu

>I know this all seems bullshit, especially the Venom part

They keep on "leaking" info about Venom, no one knows what the truth is.

>Screen Rant, citing sources familiar to the production, claims that Peter Parker will be involved in a school trip to the West Coast, where Tom Holland’s character will be given a tour of the Life Foundation by Carlton Drake, played by Riz Ahmed. However, as of now the outlet has no tangible evidence such as pictures or video. So for now this is nothing more than a rumor. Screen Rant claims that the cameo was filmed on a private property in San Francisco, which makes the report even harder to verify.

>Ant-Man dies, Wasp lives.

I'd like this. Wasp is a better character. I just hope she gets a costume that isn't complete horseshit

This seems very unlikely. There was a huge internal conflict between Sony/Marvel regarding this, and the picture thing seems like a fair compromise. He would have no reason to don the suit on a school trip unless he directly fights Venom. These sources familiar to production are likelier to be bullshit than me.

>Final act is the Battle of New York from the first film.


Don't want to sound like a creep but the main reason I know for sure that Holland won't be in Venom is the fact that when that guy said he saw him hanging out for three days on the Venom set, Holland was on private vacation somewhere in Europe with with girlfriend Zendaya, so for that main reason the whole rumorabout him filming for Venom is a lie.

They're changing a lot, but yeah, pretty lazy. Check image, they're even reusing the Avengers 1 costume for Cap

hopefully the colors get touched up in post production, but god damn does she look good here.

Ultron I can get, but why would Zemo come back?

>bottom right corner

>MCU spoilers
the good guys win


>Peter is the kid from Iron Man 2

>Tony wearing a SHIELD uniform

Based off the title, people are already on this rumor :P

Not OP but I knew about this too, it's something Holland said in an interview. I think it's mostly for fanservice reasons, obviously back then that was just a random kid, not meant to be Spider-Man.

>Wolverine and Namor are going to be introduced
I guess Disney is going to retcon the kino that was Logan for LE EPIC QUIPS

If anyone posts this for the Reddit plebs, make sure you get the rest of my posts in the screencap. They aren't gonna believe jack shit but whatever

How the fuck does Antman die if the cunt is in Avengers Infinity War, which is set after Antman 2? At least get a little bit more creative with your bullshit, mate

A real shame they changed her hair. She look so cool with the old "bop" hairdo...

He isn't in the trailers or posters and no set photos. He could be in it, but so far it's looking like an L for him

>Avengers 4

So wait are the Guardians of Galaxy NOT in Avengers 4?

He is in it. The photoshoot confirms it.

This is the first source directly contradicting mine. This could be time stone fuckery, misdirection, or my source just getting something wrong. I'm betting on misdirection for now, as they've done this before (such as Thor's eye). I'm gonna follow up with my guy sometime, if he doesn't already know I'm posting this to Sup Forums.

they tried their hardest to make sure there was a black man in every shoot, but they just didn't have enough

wasn't there a set photo going around of Scott and Tony in what looked like new York getting its shit wrecked?

Yep, I posted that above. It's from Infinity Gauntlet, not Infinity War

at least they had a woman in every cover

Venom will be a standalone thing. It's Tom Hardy's passion project and he doesn't care if it's MCU Canon or not. He just wants to be a kick-ass antihero.
I don't believe the Soul Stone would be in Wakanda. If it was, then it would be revealed in Black Panther as being in the asteroid that landed in Wakanda all those years ago. I do believe your Nomad, Gamora and Thor stuff because that's been said by so many people so many times.
Ant-Man isn't going to die, not yet anyways. It doesn't feel like it's the right time. Maybe in Ant-Man 3.
Your lack of information of Captain Mavel, Spider-Man 2 is telling and leads credence to the possibility your a lying POS.
As for Avengers 4, we know for a fact time travel is involved because of the set photos, but it could be that there using the SHIT technology that Iron Man used in Civil War to recreate the memories of the Battle of New York. I do believe the title and that Thanos wins in Avengers 3. But I can't buy Ultron, Ronin and Zemo.

Not enough Cap in the MCU, and Bucky too. I wish there would be a 'boys' own' film of the pair without any Carters or Black Widow, as women only ever bring bad chemistry, too much muffsplaining and Mary Sue explosion dodging and not enough male bonding.

t. most female European fans

Captain Marvel and Spider-Man just aren't that developed right now. Also, there is something in Wakanda, cuz it gets invaded in the trailers. Thanos wouldn't just go for it like that. They're gonna mislead audiences into thinking it's the vibranium asteroid, but in reality it's Heimdall. The survivors of Asgard land at Wakanda early in the film.
There is no Ant-Man 3.

You literally just posted a set photo with antman in it

Other people have said that Thanos is invading Wakanda because Vision is there and he still has the stone in his head after Cap comes to the rescue. I'm willing to believe that over this new information of Heimdall that has never been brought up before by anyone. Same with your Ant-Man bullshit

>Ant-Man dies
Well fuck.

I’ve always thought it would be cool if the only way to resolve this whole “defeating Thanos” thing and to tie together this MCU that started with Tony Stark would be to use time travel to have current day Tony kill old Tony in that Humvee terrorist attack in Afghanistan. Maybe use Dr. Strange to assist with the time travel aspect of it.

Iron Man/The Stark Family has always been the one to cause essentially all this shit in the MCU world good and bad(Captain America, Obadiah Stane, Vanko, The Avengers, Ultron, Vulture, etc.) so if they were going to use time travel, instead of time traveling to the Battle of New York, I say time travel to 2008 and have Tony die in Afghanistan and basically wipe the whole MCU clean.

It would also help make things smoother, especially with the Fox deal to bring all those characters into the fold. Have it be like the whole world has been rebooted, with all new characters like the mutants and the Fantastic Four and all that shit now. But what do I know, I’m just a retarded Sup Forums poster.

Thats a dumb idea. It wouldn't even undo the whole mcu like you think it would. Cap would still be around as Tony had nothing to do with him. Thor will still be Thor and still get banished to earth. Bruce will still become Hulk etc...
You could argue that Ultron wouldn't happen but thats about it.

Ant-Man takes place before Infinity War, despite coming out after it.

Fucking liar.

>Ant-Man dies, Wasp lives. Movie ends in "The Wasp will return in Avengers 4: Infinity Gauntlet".
Bullshit, try harder next time. We already know stuff that completely rules this out.