Has there been an adulterated film released? Its script and direction untouched by committees pushing agendas...

Has there been an adulterated film released? Its script and direction untouched by committees pushing agendas, or meeting quotas, or worrying about factors of distribution. budget, and monetary gain. A direct transplant of the writer's/directors vision onto screen?

Can't imagine capeshit would be the place to look for it.

That illustration on the right is about as accurate of a portrayal of MJ as the Zendaya is, and I really wish people would stop posting it as a proper representation of the character. Same goes for people who post Dunst as MJ.

*illustration on the left


She's not Mary Jane. Why are you deluded faggots still posting?

hello tumblr/twitter, yes we know you love and worship your woke queen Zendaya, now exit and return to your social media accounts

>my friend's call me Mary Jane


>completely missing the point
Zendaya has nothing to do with MJ. My point is that the comic art isn't based all that much on the original character either so it's stupid to use it as a benchmark.
It's like casting Zendaya as Bowser and then saying "hey this is nothing like the real Bowser!" and then showing Dennis Hopper in the Mario Bros movie as the real Bowser (I'm aware that he's not called Bowser in that movie).

The MJ in the comic IS the original one.

Danielle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub's films come to my mind as ones who actively do that. After that, there are MANY directors who are left on their own with relatively big projects after they have succeeded, theorists, pioneers, people that get to produce their own films...

She's just so plain.

Its actually very accurate depending when you look

you mean unadulterated you dumb fuck

That's a recent illustration based on what the character has morphed into over the years. The 60s and 70s character is dead and buried. I don't think modern audiences would be able to deal with her, sadly.

Straub-Huillet are in a strange position because their entire deal was taking other people's stuff and then turning it into 100% their own expression while still remaining loyal.
To be on topic, there are quite a few auteur driven movies that would fall into those categories, sometimes to the point of punishment (Zulawski and Parajanov come to mind).
Hollywood movies generally don't fall into that category because there's simply too much at stake, but that's obvious. Tarantino gets free reign I guess.

Spawn (HBO)
Watchmen is close...but not quite there.

I'd like to say The Mask but the comic is way more violent. Honestly it needs an R rated reboot.

John Waters filmography.

I mean, there are tons and tons, so I would've rather sticked to the ones I know that make a point and action against distributors and the most minimum production that is not straight funding, because if you go for "people that go with their artistic vision", there's hundreds. Hell, even in the deepest set of Classic Holywood you had Alfred Hitchcock, Howard Hawks, John Ford doing whatever they pleased.

To those that have read the book, how faithful is The Road film?

Of course, why the fuck am I talking about Huillet-Straub in he 400th thread about spoiled comic book movie brats I don't know I need to leave this shithole

you started it

Not very. Quite a bit has been cut (including the last ~20% of the book) and although the ending is similar to that of the novel (they just stick the ending at an earlier point in the story), it's not the same. Also, the tone of of the movie is a bit more bombastic and Hollywood-y than the book, and there's a whole lot of content in the prose that is completely ignored.


God 80's/90's MJ was great.

>That's a recent illustration based on what the character has morphed into over the years. The 60s and 70s character is dead and buried. I don't think modern audiences would be able to deal with her, sadly.
You mean the extremely outgoing party girl flirt that does it to cover up self loathing over a dysfunctional childhood and is Peter's silver trophy but they come together anyway over Gwen Stacy's death?

>wants the vision of an artist, untouched by execs or committee
>instead of small budget, self funded films where there was no committee at all and the director was completely at the helm, he looks for hundred-million dollar capeshit

It worked for Raimi. At least for a couple of films.

>kids these days will never fap to mid 90's x men and spiderman cards

sucks for them