From the recent test-screening.

Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa) is the son of human lighthouse keeper Tom Curry (Temuera Morrison) and Atlantean queen Atlanna (Nicole Kidman). She was forced to abandon them and return to Atlantis, where she had another son, Orm Marius (Patrick Wilson).

As a child, Arthur learns that he can telepathically communicate with marine lifeforms and is trained by Atlantean elder Nuidis Vulko (Willem Dafoe), but is rejected by the Atlanteans for being a part-human and leaves them behind to travel the world, helping people in need.

Orm becomes king of Atlantis and plans to destroy the surface world for polluting the oceans. Mera (Amber Heard) decides to stop him and recruits Arthur to help her find a magic trident belonging to King Atlan (Graham McTavish).

During his travels, Arthur killed a pirate, Jesse Kane (Michael Beach). His son, David Kane (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II), becomes obsessed with avenging his father. Orm recruits Kane to stop them and provides him with an Atlantean armor. Kane then becomes Orm’s enforcer, Black Manta.

The Atlantean army commanded by Murk (Ludi Lin) is loyal to Orm. Mera’s father, Nereus (Dolph Lundgren), also supports him at first, but Mera eventually convinces him to help Arthur prevent the war.

During their quest, Arthur and Mera fall in love and uncover Atlantis’ origins. The trident is guarded by the Trench, amphibious monsters averse to sunlight, and a monstrous octopus called “Topo”. Arthur is able to communicate with Topo, who is surprised to learn that Arthur can understand him.

Arthur reclaims the trident, becoming the rightful king of Atlantis, and leads his forces in battle against Orm and his followers, leading to their defeat.

Arthur is known to the public as a member of the Justice League, and Mera references Steppenwolf’s invasion.

At one point, Arthur is approached by a group of townies at a local bar. They recognize him and ask him if he's the "Fish-Boy". Arthur points out he's the "Fish-Man". They keep pestering him for a selfie, and it appears Arthur will beat them up, but it immediately cuts to them all getting drunk together. Mera then arrives in search of him, and when one of the townies tries to hit on her, she swiftly throws him across the bar with her powers.

At one point, Arthur and Mera must hide from Orm’s forces in the mouth of a giant whale. Mera later finds a copy of “Pinocchio” and chastises Arthur for borrowing their escape from a children’s book. Arthur points out he never knew about the book and stole it from the movie instead.

At one point, Arthur devises a plan. Mera kisses him, and Arthur is so captivated that he forgets what the plan was.

At one point, Atlanna vows to return to Tom during sunset at the beach where they first met. Tom goes there every day to wait for her.

Arthur wears an Atlantean armor, which is later replaced by his classic golden and green tunic when he reclaims the trident and becomes king.

There is a flashback to young Arthur discovering his powers by communicating with a shark.

The movie ends with Arthur and Mera together, and Arthur accepting the throne and embracing his legacy, proudly declaring “I am Aquaman!”

A literal sea-monkey

>Every thread

But why?

Missed opportunity to name his dad Tim Curry.

i know hes pretty sick but I wonder if they could still get tim to do some voice over work.


would you let aquaman fertilize your eggs?

What' next? Bumblebee spoilers?


Idris Elba is....


>proudly declaring “I am Aquaman!”
Does he do it during a press conference too?

I think he can't speak properly anymore.

>proudly declaring “I am Aquaman!”

Do Orm and Black Manta survive?

Black Manta does.

Orm is unclear.

man thats depressing
the guy had a god-tier voice

>Mera kisses him, and Arthur is so captivated that he forgets what the plan was

DC """"humour""""

Audiences will love it.


>Arthur accepting the throne and embracing his legacy, proudly declaring “I am Aquaman!”

Ocean Man starts playing

>During his travels, Arthur killed a pirate, Jesse Kane
This is how i know it's bullshit. That, or we later learn that Aquaman tried to save him.


>At one point, Atlanna vows to return to Tom during sunset at the beach where they first met. Tom goes there every day to wait for her.

fucking roasties

Didn't read. Won't watch

Spoilers: It's the same fucking movie as the other 50 capeshit shite

It's based on Johns' shit, where Arthur was trying to kill Black Manta for "murdering" his father and kills Black Manta's dad on accident.

I look forward to the Armond review

Oh, he'll love it.

>le 56% atlantimutt
Flop incoming

how the hell is possible that dc quips are even worse than marvel