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another netflix movie gets shit on by critics... also water is wet



Ohhhh that's aggravatin'.

Yeah, just ignore the awful audience score too

>lower score than Warcraft
Oh come on, it can't possibly be THAT bad. At least this doesn't look like a cheap video game.

Does it have evil corporations again? Im so profoundly tired of this scifi cliche.

haven't watched it yet so I can't say, but after the last few movies have gotten terrible reviews from critics I take the critic's score with a grain of salt

>that critic/audience disparity
>It was released on Netflix on February 23, 2018 and received negative reviews, with praise for the visuals but criticism for its pacing, plot and mishandled subject material; it drew unfavorable comparisons to Blade Runner from many critics.
>criticism for its mishandled subject material
Alright, what did the movie do to trigger so many snowflakes?

>poster is literally the virgin walk
oh no no no

This, I want to know if there's a political angle to this panning.

>somehow rated worse than The Ritual which was fucking garbage
See above. I will grant you that The Ritual wasn't made by Netflix though, whereas The Open House, a decent movie that got completely shit on by critics, was.

if the same critics that gave black panther a 100% hated this then it gives me hope


These are the same critics who review Disney movies giving them a 10/10.

Excatly, there are only two chances with this movie:

a) It's really, really good.
b) It's really, really bad.

Fuck i was literally about to watch this. Welp, critics have saved me some time yet again.

I-i-it's only d-dysney buying the r-reviews its good, I swear im not a contrarian g-give money to netflix NOW!!!

Why, 2real4u?

Yeah go see Black Panther again

>bad movie gets bad reviews

Ignore what? The massive 49% disparity?
That only further proves the point.

maybe you two fags should watch it?

masterpiece that wont be recognized for its brilliance for at least 20-30 years like all truly great movies such as carpenters the thing.

Can't speak for the other user but I will after I watch Moon.

How come Netflixs original movies are so bad when their TV shows are so good?

Man you really are stupid

I want to but I'll probably just wait until the bluray rip. Can't really justify spending that much money on a repeat viewing.



I'm going to watch it anyway. I can't trust any reviewer anymore. Come at me.

Water... wet.

Hey, is that guy white? I can't tell.

I just downloaded it and im 15 minutes in and its so mediocre and holding my interest so poorly I decided to com in here and let you guys know about it.
>I understood that reference.gif

Well, that career is sunk.

He's the new Richard Kelly.

Yeah, this one is a genuine turd though. This is no Bright.

why the fuck do all these romance movies have to pretend to be scifi! im 20 minutes in and I hate it.

Duncan found a way to both make a boring cyberpunk film and ruin any potential world building of Moon.
Shit at least Bright had a decent idea with a alright character in Jakoby with some moderate make-up prosthetics of the orcs.

this movie is actually fantastically accurate representation of the future. rampant degeneracy, douchebaggery and homosexuality everywhere. the last shred of decency is exclusively in religous traditionalist families

>another Netflix stinker
its over this site is fucking finished

It wasn't *that* bad

Kelley gets too much shit. The Box had two decent acts. And Southland Tales is like a bonkers Heaven's Gate level of director self wanking. Yet it works somehow.

Jones started off strong followed it up with a good sci fi Hitchcockian film. Warcraft wasn't too bad but the edit deserved better.
Mute was trash.

Guess that answers these.

no user you dont get it i-is great
its ju-ust disney trying buying all the crittics
please dont go

>this is the movie David Bowie's son decided to dedicate to his passing


Donnie Darko was a fluke. Southland Tales was an embarrassing train wreck of stupidity and pretension, and he managed to fuck up a simple low budget thriller with the same pretentious obsessions with The Box.

Moon is looking more like a fluke too - Source Code was a generic mid budget picture, Warcraft was an absolute disaster (honestly in the top ten worst studio releases of all time for me). Mute, like The Box, was him fucking up a pretty straightforward smaller film.

So far this movie is fucking great. But I'm only a half hour in.

Southland Tales works. Yes it s a bizarre but it works. You just have to let go and realize that it was a comedy sci fi that was about the near future yet predicated now.
The Box I can understand not liking cause it's sci fi elements. But what's there is mostly well done.

Source Code really isn't awful. And Warcraft really isn't that bad. There is so much worst out there.

Mute is trash. Like if someone thought he could make both Blade Runner and Brazil at the same time.

>mfw when its 2018 and people still fail to recognize Southland Tales as the masterpiece it is

why the fuck would anyone want a moon expanded universe. it was cool and all but not the kind of thing that warrants spinoffs

Which shows are so good exactly? Because the only one that wasn't disappointing was stranger things, and that's only because it had youth thing going on where it's an adventure. Every other show was lacking in every aspect and just barely ok-ish. Even stranger things wasn't a masterpiece at all...

Narcos is also pretty good.

Ok i give you that, but it's not a masterpiece. A solid 8 i would say, maybe a 7.5.

It doesn't work at all. You're in an incredibly small minority of humans. 99.9% of people who saw it acknowledges it is a fucking disaster that doesn't work on any level whatsoever. It's not funny, it's not intresting, it's just an embarrassing slap dash of random ideas.

>Source Code isn't awful

It's not. But it's interchangeable with any work done by any TV director.

>Warcraft really isn't that bad

Probably where I have to diverge the most from your opinions. It's genuinely one of the worst major studio releases I have ever seen. Every single element of that film is Uwe Boll tier. The effects even were utter garbage, yet coming from some of the best in the business. His career should have been ended after that. Now it's finally finished.

>Warcraft was bad
Movie wasn't made for you white devils. Opinion discarded.

kys monkey

I tried to watch it last night. Man a lot of the acting and writing was high school play tier. Couldn't get to the end.

ok im only halfway through it and i can tell you why it has awful ratings. so far there are only 3 characters portrayed as morally decent. the protagonist is some sort of amish or mennonite fish out of water. hes a valiant white knight for his girlfrien who is probably secretly a prostitute(barring crazy scifi twist). the girlfriend seems nice but her best friend is a flaming gay prostitute who treats protag like shit solely because hes a religious weirdo. paul rudd seems to be the only other positive character in the film and hes an ex military doctor and single father who genuinely cares about his daughter.
basically this movie is unfortunately kind of bland and accidentally redpilled.

hopefully it has a decent ending, i remain optomistic

More so build on the world as to show earth lacking resources. No showing of characters.
I thought it was a good idea.

There's a "gritty, edgy" pedophile subplot that's just clunky and pointless. I'm not queasy about dark subject matter, but I thought it was a poorly-handled subplot in an already terrible movie.

Agree to disagree.
Southland Tales will catch on if more watch it.
Warcraft worked best when it was the Horde. And most of the heavy orcs looked good. Not Planet Apes good but still good.

Why can't Netflix make decent films? Aren't all their acclaimed films festival pick ups?

Little do you know.

Protag is pathetic. He's a naive hothead who's manipulated the entire movie. His devotion to his girlfriend is childish. He never even really knew her. And neither did the audience, so why should we give a fuck?

this (((desu)))

this but unironically

Did anybody think of Idiocracy when you saw the giant touch boards?

This sums up the film's biggest flaws.
It's weird where you have a film like Drive (or any of Refn's later filmography) and the character is semi-mute and yet still has so much depth and impact, and then you have a film like this where the characters' muteness genuinely seems to be a way to avoid having to write any lines for a one-dimensional reactionary hot head

That's one unfortunate rating.

I don't doubt this movie is shit but the same critiscs shitting on this are the same niggers that thought black kangther is good so what the fuck do they know

that gas station at the end felt straight up Idiocracy

>paying for netflix
nice one goy keep going
supportor shitty movies

was this supposed to be funny??

without spoiler, what's so bad about it?

could Disney be paying them to get review bombed to slowly ruin them? they've been fighting with Netflix for a while now

Completely consistent with the audience score. A 50% from audiences means it's unwatchable. A 90% means it's an average blockbuster.

Netflix basically scrounged through the bargain bin of movies. That Cloverfield film they got was dumped by the studio that made it and Netdlix bought the rights for pennies.

Short answer is, they don't make most of these movies. They purchase the rights to cheap movies.

The Mouse strikes again!

Missing on this masterpiece because of MUH STANDARDS. You're not going to make it, user.

i just finished it and loved the ending. the first half was admittedly pretty boring but it got better towards the end. for a minute I almost thought jones was crazy enough to actually let the pedo get the kid. wouldve been an insanely bold and respectable choice for a sad ending.

this movie doesnt deserve a 9%. id give it around 65%. some compared it to Drive because of the silent protag. I think Only God Forgives is a better comparison and this was definitely better than that.

>Critics didn't get their free vip seats
yup, it's shit alright.

stop fucking saying "oof"
why the fuck is everyone saying "oof" all of a sudden?

>stop fucking saying "oof"
>why the fuck is everyone saying "oof" all of a sudden?
Oof, why so angry sweetie?

More like another Netflix movie gets shit on by Hollywood, because that's who's in their pockets.

>So far this movie is fucking great. But I'm only a half hour in.
Agreed. 45mins in and it's good. Not much has happened but it's slowly unfolding and I'm intrigued. Looking forward to watching the rest.

I pretty much was bored to tears for the first half but it picked up and I got really into it by the end

but Bright is a turd



Just watched it. Firm 4/10. Paul Rudd tries his HARDEST to make the movie worse and it seems he accomplishes his goal.

>“It was really good fun. Sam was wondering, ‘How does this fit into the film?’ I was like, ‘Look, it’s a little Easter egg for those people who cared about what happened at the end of Moon, and it fits into this universe’ — because the idea is that that story of [Moon] is ongoing in the background of this story. If we do ever a chance to do a third movie, maybe we can tie all of these things together a little bit more.”

This guy's a fucking idiot.

Paul Rudd was the best thing about this movie.

no his pedo friend was


His pedofriend wouldn't come off nearly as good without Rudd to bounce off of.

French comics are shit
Trying to channel Luc Beson is also a shit idea

It wasn't an easter egg. it took up the whole damn screen and was a loud out of place comic relief gag

There was a person posturing on the net a while ago that Kelley actually took the screenplay off his roommate after he committed suicide. He changed a few things and that's why nothing he's done since has been anything but awful, because he didn't write the piece in the first place.

Not saying I believe it, but it's just interesting - one of those things that is so bizarre, it could be true.

Because it both doesn't fit into the film AND isn't a satisfying Easter egg for people who liked Moon. It's just more tone-deaf horseshit.

>should we be eating tide pods?
>black panther deserves a 10/10

>he's an idiot because he references his movie in another one of his movies

lol. grow up kiddo.