Is it kino?

is it kino?


For first few seasons. Romance/family shit got old quick. Still overall a solid 7.5 out of 10

The first season is good. A few others are watchable.
>ruins your show and kills the best side character

>betters the show and provides the best nude scenes

creepy ass motherfucker

It literally makes me physically ill to even think about trying to watch this show again. It’s not that it’s the worst show ever or anything, it’s just stupidly formulaic and basic. It’s also extremely cringe whenever the main character has to remind the audience of how edgy and dark he is every 5 minutes.

>provides the best nude scenes
But that's wrong. Not Riley Reid has that medal.

have any pics of fat quinn?

Breakfast kino

she has a big face

Both wrong, it’s the sister of the mexican guy that always wore a fedora

Hannah was perfect.

Only if you're an emotionally unbalanced woman who gets off on serial killers.


She's more attractive yes but never showed boobs. That's the debate. Best NUDE scene.

You forgot to finish your greentext.
>implying that all women aren't emotionally unbalanced
Good point user but some of them aren't into serial killers.


As a spic this makes me physically upset.

Season 1 is great, season 2 is very good, season 3 is alright and season 4 is alright as well (mostly carried by John Lithgow's performance).

Rest of them are not worth watching at all.

could you imagine if they saved the season 2 storyline for the final season?

God bless not-Riley. She was naked in almost every scene she appeared in.

The first four seasons are kino than afterwards the seasons are only as good as the main serial killer as dexter becomes a wet blanket.

That pic is amazing and should be shown to anyone thinking of picking this show up.
Weird how s1-4 is still so good despite this...

Their mentality was fucking kino though
>we didn't want to "save" it, we figured to just write the best story we could
And it fucking worked until season 5

Miguel prado was cringy as fuck

Though it was great until Doakes died.

it's not
one good season
and then a barely second good season
after that it's all shit
and all the babies who love s3 or s4 don't remember all the other garbage that was in the season. they only remember the good parts like lithgow.

No, it's a tv show.

>use a 40 year old as harrison's stunt double
>think we wont notice
i love how the last season is essentially a comedy


Do you have the autism cremation shake?

>blacks your waifu

Yeah, I totally believe that’s the same person
>Ages 30 years in less than 3 years

Best character coming through


more like Maria LaFishface LOL


Seasons 1-4 are pure kino. Season 5 is 50/50 among fans, I personally really liked the direction they took and atmosphere of the episodes in this season, so I consider it kino. It all went downhill seasons 6-8, I think most everyone who watched the show can agree on that.

legit thought it was Riley Reid when i first watched, same tits and nips too

>cutest uniformed cop ever
>only in half of the pilot episode

Rita was best girl


This is the correct answer

S1 was unique and interesting
Great surprise reveal of Ice Truck Killer
Even better reveal of ITK actual identity
9/10 Season 1

Rest was shit, and got even shittier as it went on

Hell yeah

best girl coming through

quinn looks unhealthy in the new seasons

Doakes was the good guy and he should've won.

Agreed. Not won per say but brought Dexter in. Have a season of Dexter in prison and crime ramping up outside so Doakes becomes the killer.

Ramsey's great tho

Didn't he have cancer or something?


The very first episode is kino in its maximum expression.

she used a body double

that scene was fucking hilarious

>build up to the incest plot line was dropped because all the writers jumped ship and all the nu-female writers thought it was 'gross'

best part about the books is that she's killed in the first one