Keep your bag in the car if you’re taking in a movie at one of the country’s largest theater chains

>Keep your bag in the car if you’re taking in a movie at one of the country’s largest theater chains.

>Starting Thursday, February 22, Cinemark is banning large size bags to increase “the safety and security of our guests and employees.”

>According to the company, any bags or packages measuring larger than 12 x 12 x 6 will not be permitted into the theatre.

>Cinemark also says it has the right to inspect any bags or packages.

>The new policy could create problems for parents who like to sneak snacks into the theater for their kids to save money.

It was Black Panther fans going too far over the opening bringing whole roast chickens from Costo and shit wasn't it?

What am I going to do for snacks now?

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Nigs ruin another thing.
Bravo nogs.

>What am I going to do for snacks now?

> was all the n.niggers' fault


>The new policy could create problems for parents who like to sneak snacks into the theater for their kids to save money.
Yeah, right...

>The new policy could create problems for parents who like to sneak snacks into the theater for their kids to save money.
>“the safety and security of our guests and employees.”
What are they smoking?

it's to stop people from bringing guns in dipshit

>safety and security
>don't have metal detectors though

Fuck you assholes. Any crazy could carry a handgun in there with few magazines and it's open season. This is way more about people sneaking in food and way less about possible shootings. They're just taking advantage of the latest shooting.

What a load of shit. This will only be enforced against white people because the pencil-dick teenagers that work at movie theaters will be too scared to tell a black person what to do.

>Pack up my AK to go on a beta uprising at the theatre
>Get to the door
>”Sorry sir no large bags allowed”
>Leave defeated
The way they actually try to pretend this is a safety measure is hilarious to me

Ding ding ding. Great to have the security excuse for everything these days

>Biggest week in history for black cinema goers.
>Many accounts of them eating fried chicken and soul food while watching black panther
>This happens all of a sudden
Really makes you think.

Not to mention the shooting. Perfect timing. Not even being racist they literally show off on Twitter doing this shit. Considering the only real revenue theaters get is through concessions it's not surprise they pull this.

I mean personally I don't buy anything anymore. I plan on eating before I go to a matinee. The ticket price is high enough on it's own. Fuck paying 8 dollars for fucking popcorn and 6 dollars on a large drink with no refills. At the end of the day though the theater model is doomed to go the wayside. They feel a lot like going to Blockbuster right as Redbox/Netflix was taking off. Not much longer now.

Well shit, guess ill have to stop sneaking in the rum to pour in my cherry coke.

I saw a note about this on a Cinemark before Black Panther

>they were planning this before Black Panther just knowing it deep down

Now that's fucking hilarious. It's a shame blacks play into the stereotypes. I know some don't but fucking hell if a lot don't just entertain the shit.

you're going to have to store it in your ass and shit into your coke in the theatre, when no kids are looking.

Lmao like ho ho guess I just have to stay home and watch the movie for free in the comfort of my own home with chinese commentary. What a fucking drag

like I need a bag

Keistering hard liquor is supposed to bring on a fast and hard buzz, better than drinking it I hear.

Fine but if I'm the designated shooter they'd better be supplying a decent rifle and at least a grade B+ cage for Artemis to rest in.

I've read it does but you're way more likely to get alcohol poisoning from it.

>Inspect a bag or parcel
But do they have the right to take my gun away which i carry around in a holster? I just might be prepared like a teacher in a school against a school shooter!

precisely why I'll never try it and the high likelihood of anal seepage

>Actually eating while watching a movie

Yeah, I'll trust my my half hardened liver anyday to nothing inbetween. I know my normal limits. People have actually tried that shit though. You gotta be real desperate to do that.

I like the irony that you're saying this in a large community filled with non-african-american people

>What am I going to do for snacks now?
They didn't say anything about guns tho

Things like this are why I'm glad I'm living in worst Korea right now. They don't give a fuck what you bring in the theater.

Genius, I know what I'm bringing.