Mouse Utopia

What are some other black-pill documentaries/short-documentaries kinos?

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we have born just in time to witness the downfall of mankind AYY

>tfw beatiful

it's just mouses, and there's a million ways to fuck up a mouses study

>Sup Forums.jpg

>space is extremely finite

only dumbfucks post this shit or think it means anything

>overcrowding sucks

No shit. The crazy faggots crying out for mass population urban stacking of humans should be shot.

some day we will reach earth full capacity

The entire worlds population can fit comfortable in the state of Texas. Theres no reason to worry about overpopulation.

Most people don't know what to do with land. Most of of those people don't even know what to do with a house. Most of those people can barely manage an apartment. Stick them in planned and maintained buildings.

Also its worth noting, despite the fact it should be self-evident, that no one proposes ideas like urban planning on the assumption everyone will be miserable.

Entire population of the earth can fit in texas in a single layer with 1100 square feet each.

So, no, we aren't going to hit maximum capacity any time soon.

Whats interesting is the outbreak of antisocial behavior among the mice in this study. And wasnt there a rise in homosexuality as well?


The shorts on Harry Harlow's monkey experiments.

By some accounts Harlow was an extremely depressive and kind of sadistic individual. There's been a lot of retroactive reevaluation of the usefulness of the experiments, but as far as I'm concerned they offer fascinating insights into the deleterious psychological effects of inadequate childcare/social isolation that couldn't have been properly gleaned in any other experimental context.

>ecological carrying capacity is determined exclusively by the volume of space the organism's bodies occupy

you dont understand, most of the space needs to be for farming and raising animals, and the other 70% is water
we are way closer to the limit than you think

Look at the big brain on user.

Space is irrelevant, what matters is arable land, soil quality, and oil

Well in the mouse experiment's case, yeah.

cool video but I fucking hate when docs use creepy music to try and get you to feel something. Like it's a documentary let the info speak for itself, it's like the laugh track of docs.

>The entire worlds population can fit comfortable in the state of Texas.

No. They can't. We already can't comfortably fit the global population in as it is.


You can fit 50 people in a one bedroom apartment. It's not comfortable. It's shit.

>Most people

You mean you? Just because you're an autistic failure doesn't mean every other human being wants to live stacked one atop the other, constantly involved in other people's shit.

>Also its worth noting, despite the fact it should be self-evident, that no one proposes ideas like urban planning on the assumption everyone will be miserable.

That's because they're fucking retards who don't understand that urban living is inherently miserable for the majority of people forced to live in urban environments to serve a minority of people who love it.


This meme is one of the biggest pleb filters in history. It speaks to such a colossal level of stupidity it should be used a barometer on which to sterilize people.

>all those Sup Forumstards in the comments

There was still physical space left in the mouse experiment but collapse happened due to all the social roles being filled

The narrator literally says the colony can support 3,000 but it collapsed at 2,200.

they are living in your head rent free my dude

Humans aren’t mice btw

>There was still physical space left in the mouse experiment
It was also a stupidly limited and articial environment.

>like documentary
>hate when documentary uses manipulative music and editing to bias your reception of their agenda don't like documentaries?

this experiment seems like it proves something that the person who conducted it already thought before it started

Most of texas is not arable and a large number of population centers are on otherwise arable land. Hence the reason why it's chosen as an example of "everyone could, mostly comfortably, fit here with the worst urban planning possible." Moving everyone to texas would free up thousands of square miles of arable land.

It's not proposed as possible, but to shut down assertions of overpopulation, because they're ridiculous and based in total ignorance of just how large the earth is.

You do realise that there is only enough space, water and resources to maintain a level of 5 billion people, right? Anything over that and you will eventually run out and cause mass problems. Commiefornia has already drained it's lakes dry to feed it's farms. By 2050 there will be such a huge population on the planet that there will not be enough water to maintain life. You do realise Cape Town is literally dying from lack of water already, right? You do realise there are localised conflicts over water, right? You do realise that the USA needs water to maintain it's 'bread basket' economy, right? You know it won't have it by 2050, right? You realise that this means Canada is gonna start selling it's snow or risks being invaded, right?

You're a fucking idiot. If living space is all that was needed it'd be fine, but we need water and food, both of which cannot be maintained. By 2050 meat (beef and lamb and pork and so on) will be so expensive that only upper-middle class people could afford it. It'll be a luxury. Unless we switch to insects (which produce more protein per gram of feed than any mammal) then meat is gonna be a luxury few could afford.

It's not leaders of countries or businessmen that will be the doom of mankind, it's fuck wits like you who think they're clever but actually know very fucking little.

>its another rural bumfuck thinking he represents even a fraction of the population of humanity

You shits aren't even 10% of the US population, yet you keep getting your retarded candidates elected to ruin everything for everyone else because of how the electoral college works.

Space is irrelevant, who cares about arable land being freed up when oil will be depleted by 2060 and the oceans depleted by 2040, and the top soil is completely depleted

these insights seem very obvious and the overall experiment pointless. nothing much to glean except "yes it is confirmed, when you keep a baby from its mother and social interaction it does not develop properly". such thins had already been apparent in cases of abandoned children/abused children since such crimes were recorded.

seeI don't even need to read your post to know you got inb4'd on all your points.

>Peak oil AND global warming dunning-kruger

goddamn man calm down. You're going to hurt someone.

That post is not relevant to anything he brought up

>global warming

Not mentioned at all, please learn how to read

The point of an experiment is to take something which happens naturally in an uncontrolled environment and study it in a controlled one. Yes, there are anecdotes and case studies one could refer to for a broad-stroke illustration of the effects of child abuse. It's not complete obvious that something like touch or comfort over sustenance drives a child's attachment to its parent.

the only people trying to argue anything will happen to the oceans are global warming fanatics.

Unless you're one of those people who thinks water vanishes once its drank. In which case you're a special type of retard.

I'm talking about overfishing you retard

Any 2070 predictions?

Except nothing I mentioned was to do with your dumbfuck 'fact'. You could put everybody in fucking Texas but that doesn't change the fact that you can't provide water, power, gas and food to more than 5BN on the planet without irreverssibly damaging the planet. This isn't about climate change or anything, it's just fucking facts. Destruction of nutrients, the destruction of rivers, streams and lakes. The desertification of huge parts of countries. You do realise a huge part Sahara desert is the way it is because of human interference? You do realise huge parts of Australia is now shithole desert because the Abbos overdid fire farming and shit?

Nothing you mentioned was relevant to what I said so I'm guessing you're pretending to be retarded, I refuse to believe anybody who can type a coherent sentence is so unbelievably stupid. Maybe you're American and you're just proving stereotypes right. Maybe you're a shitposting leaf or aussie. Who knows.

>tfw we are the Beautiful Ones

This has to be one of the most retarded posts I've seen in a while

see Calm down, read it.

The fact that you try and link population levels to surface area means your IQ is probably in the 70-90 range

This thing is posted so often to any threads about over population regardless of language. I am starting to get convinced it's a fucking bot.

I don't live in a rural location you stupid faggot. I live in one of the most densely urban environments on earth.

>muh American politics
>muh completely unrealted political whining about American election processes

You're an embarrassment, burger.

t. ADHD brainlet

>overpopulation is only about how many people you can physically fit in a space

You're a special kind of stupid.

World population of around 10 billion. Islam is the worlds dominate religion (mainly due to birth rates in Africa). However this will be the 'apex' of population and by 2075 the population will fall as there's just not enough anything to maintain it. This is ignoring possible wars and shit.

Again, you could have as much arable land as I said but that's not the problem. The problem is FUCKING FRESH WATER. YOU CANNOT GROW FOOD WITHOUT WATER. YOU CANNOT MAKE MEAT PRODUCTS WITHOUT FEED. YOU NEED WATER TO MAKE FEED. What is so difficult about this? Unless the USA starts building scores of desalination plants, it will have to buy water from Canada (it can't drain the Great Lakes as they're partly owned by Canada and they cannot use aquifers as they cross boarder boundaries as well) to maintain the farms.

What is difficult about this? What don't you understand? This is what happens when the drought happened. This will keep happening. The more farms there are, the more water you need. You need more farms because of people. Arable land is fucking plentiful. Water supplies are not.

it is true, you couldn't tout up such a thing as empirical fact. however, either way, the conclusions reached seem much the same as not doing the experiment at all, no applicable real use or truly new thought/understanding. unless I'm somehow not reading deep enough or understanding the meaning of results.

>he still hasn't read the post
>he's still mad


>how to tell when someone hasn't read a post

... this is amazing. All these people so mad they don't even want to read something.

t. brainlets

If the problem was simply "too many mice in a small area", then the population would've swiftly rebounded after the population started declining.

Except that didn't happen, the behaviour of the remaining mice had become so aberrant that they just died off and the colony went extinct

Mate, you've got three people calling you fucking stupid, now a fourth. Just quit or play the 'I trolle u xDd' card. You're wasting people's time. Overpopulation =! 1 thing. It's many things. Space, Food, Water, Power, Resources.

where do you put farms, livestock, sewage, dumpster areas, natural resource extraction, parks, office buildings, etc. you dumb mutt

they're not wrong

Dude if we just move to Texas we will have infinite oil, high quality topsoil, fish stocks, and fresh water

>catastrophic behavioral changes which cause inability to procreate will be corrected as soon as space becomes available

To put it in terms you might be capable of understanding, hat's like saying all you need to be a chad,, after years of isolation from the opposite sex, is to go outside.

We'll go to war for Water in the next 20 years I'm sure. Land and food doesn't mean shit. There is plenty of that.. Water? Not so much.

I read your post. It's entirely centered around overpopulation not being an issue because you can fit "x" number of people in a certain space and sustain them.

Which is why I just said it was a special kind of stupid (and also completely irrelevant to the thread, since the Mouse Utopia had more than enough space left for further populations before it collapsed).

No one is saying you can't fit "x" into "y". They're saying it's fucking stupid because there are a host of other problems completely unrelated to the practicality of space and sustainable management.

My nation can fit, hundreds of millions of more people in. Unironically. But under our current political and economic system we are already massively overpopulated and unable to sustain the same quality of life that we once had. Bangladesh is holding a good 100 mil in it's tiny little corner of the world. And overpopulation has led to an incredibly shitty standard of living.

Overpopulation isn't simply about space and resource allocation, because we're not interchangeable units like light bulbs.

Except they have. This is your argument
USA has plenty of areas left that have good arable land. What they don't have is easy fresh water sources. That's the problem. You cannot grow food without water. You cannot feed animals without food. If there is no water, there is no food. By 2025 huge areas of farms in USA will be suffering water shortages (they already are). By 2050 this will be much worse. Therefore unless USA builds desalination plants and pipelines to these farms, on top of dozens of reservoirs to catch rainwater, then they're in trouble to produce food. If USA can't produce food, the world starves. Most of the world relies on the USA for food.


Its centered around the idea that with proper planning of population centers (instead of dumping them on top of farmland), the earth's capacity skyrockets.

But hey, that was explained.

There is plenty of water if we can solve the energy problem.

Except space is not the problem. Food is not the problem. Water is the problem. Power is the problem. China and India are fucking shitholes unless you're rich. China literally Jew'd Hong Kong out of British hands because it had a massively higher quality of life than China did and the elite wanted to live there. Guess how they Jew'd something that wasn't theirs? They threatened to cut off the fresh water source to Hong Kong island, effectively killing the population. Britain gave it to them to avoid hundreds of thousands of deaths. You're an idiot of the highest order and obviously American. Well done for making your country more of a joke.

My country has enough land, food, water and everything else to take another 100 million people.

But the only people pushing for it are the wealthy. Why? Because when we had a significantly low population, our standard of liiving was much higher. High quality housing was affordable due to abundant land. Wages were through the roof due to labor "shortages".

As our population has grown, our standard of living has decreased. Majority of my nation born in the last twenty years will not own a home. They will be at the mercy of landlords. Wages have stagnated forever and will continue to stagnate (and realistically decrease). People are drawn more and more towards urban areas they do not wish to be in because of outsourcing leading to a service economy, and those serivce economy positions being terrible because of a decrease in wages and workers rights thanks to a huge increase in the population and the increased cost of living leaving low bargaining power.

Shit sux.

We have every technology necessary to turn rotten sea water into potable/pure water. The problem is these technologies are not commercially viable due to the abundance of fresh water. We aren't heading for total depletion of fresh water. We're heading towards alternate sources becoming commercially viable.

>the earth's capacity skyrockets.

[citation needed}

Improper use of space is the problem. Hence .


The only solution to that so far is nuclear power but even then you will face uranium shortages unless the thorium meme is true, also the amount of capital and time needed to transition is immense

And that is just for electricity generation, for the transportation network there is no alternative to oil yet

But that's irrelevant, because proper planning of population centers only pertains to the practicality of fitting people in and providing services. Which aren't the problems the documentary addresses and aren't the problems with overpopulation.
It's like saying you can practically find a way to shove a large dildo up your ass without causing permanent damage. That's not the sole reason I don't want a large dildo up my ass.

>As our population has grown, our standard of living has decreased
This is how you can tell a poster from a shithole country is trying to make a blanket statement on the entire world.

Good luck. Guess we'll just desalinate the fucking oceans. That won't cause any problems. lol

delet this

>Get triggered by comments you can't refute so you just resort to ad hominem


It's completely true of Australia and Western Europe.

I do know it's somewhat different in the U.S.

>Blanket statement

As opposed to saying "in my particular tiny corner of the world there isn't a problem with overpopulation, therefore it's not a problem"?

Holy shit, I saw this on PBS back in the 70's. Really creeped me out, couldn't remember the title. Thanks, user.

I feel you cousin.

Yep, electric cars are also a huge meme. There needs to be a huge fucking breakthrough in battery technology for it to be ever a viable alternative to replace oil based transportation.

You can quickly google the percentage of earth's landmass that is(n't) arable simply from natural environmental concerns. Then it only takes a functional brain to realize people historically settled where they had food.

The ganges is a river of sewage because of the amount of people shitting into it and that has ruined countless square km of would-be arable land.

>Water? Not so much.
Umm...have you seen the world map?
About 70% of earth is water.

Except it's 2018, user. 7 years before major crisis point (we're already there in California). It will take at least that to build plants on the East coast (I seem to remember the USA was planning to do it but I've not seen shit recently about it) and they'll need to be big and many. You'll then need pipelines to the farm land. There isn't enough fresh water from rainfall currently. Desalination affects the ocean (salt water becoming more diluted will damage the Gulf Stream, this is why the fear of ice/snow melting from global warming is a problem) on it's own. USA should be building massive reservoirs in the bread basket areas to catch all they can.

Fucking WHAT? YOU CANNOT MAKE MORE WATER WITH BETTER SPACE MANAGEMENT. Holy fucking shit, user. You can only make more fresh water by desalination, nothing else. You can attempt to collect more via resivours. You can pump aquifers. You can melt snow and icebergs (UAE is having to do this as it's out of fresh water too). But this takes time, money and effort.

I mean it's not going to be so blatant. The water wars will start when people start mass migrating up from one place or another. (one reason a wall between us and mexico is such a good idea) Either that or climate change which will also impact water scarcity.

Mass migrations will start boarder wars and human suffering we haven't even seen yet.

It'll be good though. The more people that die the better.

If you put every person in texas, wouldn't you have the rest of the world for that?

The documentary doesn't address anything beyond the idea that artificially limiting mice to a very small area (and giving them limitless food/water) kills them as they unlearn how to reproduce.

Yes and we can't drink it. If we start fucking with the oceans on a mass scale we'll set off other problems. More climate change. More death. Not happening.

Is this dude going on about 'space' being the problem retarded? Can somebody explain to me how having an autistic guy organising a layout for a city of 7BN will suddenly make more fresh water appear?

>he thinks I'm not gonna notice he didn't name his country
Wonder why. Could it be because your country has bigger problems than overpopulation, so you turn to well developed nations for the sake of cherrypicking non-issues?

We may never know.

I see you're determined to dunning-kruger-chicken-little all over yourself. That's nice.

>what is the water cycle

dude you are a fucking brainlet. We aren't going to desalinate all of earths oceans and make them into fresh water reservois. There is a much bigger problem facing our oceans which is going to kill them way before we even get to make extracting salt from ocean water a viable process, like the acifidication and general pollution of microplastics and other shits comes to mind.

Cape town is already fucked.

I hate faggots who post like this.

Go back to R*ddit

The texas thing is about how space and arable land aren't concerns. Water not being a concern has also been addressed.

Understand it's difficult to read when you're hoping it'll HAPPENING soon.

The irony of this post is almost like a solid manifestation.