You lied to me, Sup Forums. You told me this was great and a good alternative to DC and Marvel...

You lied to me, Sup Forums. You told me this was great and a good alternative to DC and Marvel, but it's nothing but a shitty X-Men clone with lamer characters.

I wouldnt call it an alternative to an entire publisher like marvel or dc, thats what their alt publishers like vertigo or icon are for or if you want indie cape read valiant.

This is just a fun little eastern reconstruction of capes.

We didn't say shit, Sup Forums came in here and said it was good.

If you don't like All Might, you legit have no taste

It feels like a logical extension of the X-men's premise.

Everyone has powers, mutants are the dominant species, so no more discrimination.
Instead powers are heavily regulated, everyone has to register their abilities, and most people don't get involved in superheroics so they don't know what to do if confronted with a supervillain

it's the endgame we'll never get because of Marvel Status Quo so i'm glad we have it

Not Sup Forums

And you have no taste.

Indeed, op a shit

Never trust an Sup Forumsutist, especially shonenfags. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!

It's garbage.


No one has ever said its good beyond the frog girl.

especially the jojobronies


duh, it's shounen shit.

But that's the worst character

Ah I see now. This is a bait thread.

>Not liking Nip!Raven.
Literally worst taste

That wasn't obvious to you from the beginning?

How? She's ugly and cliche as fuck. I swear, weeaboos are the worst.

You're the only garbage here

>hurr someone doesn't like muh shitty manga that means they're baiting durrrr

Shonenshit. Not even once.

Jesus, weebs are terrible.

capeshit and shonenshit are the exact same shit

>not just watching CGDCT anime/SOL

>shitty X-Men clone with lamer characters.

10/10 troll user made me rage

Reminder those threads are made by some reddittor retard that got kicked out of Sup Forums's bnha threads and is now putting all his efforts trying to "soil" its name on Sup Forums like it's "the new mlp" to get it banned from the site.

Whether it's praising or shitting on it, don't put this Sup Forums crap off this board faggot.

I gave this a shot hoping it would be good but it's just another naruto rehash with a superhero theme instead of ninjas.

It follows all the standard shounen tropes and clichés and does nothing interesting with it's superhero dressing. I won't even get started on the everybody has super powers thing.

And like naruto and most hit anime/manga before it, this shit is gonna degrade in quality and overstay it's welcome and end in a disappointing whimper.

>but it's nothing but a shitty X-Men clone with lamer characters.
Nah, that would be more interesting that what it actually is, BNHA is just your typical run of the mile shounen but this time instead of nijas/wizards/shinigamis/whatever you have superheros as the excuse for having a bunch superpowered characters fight each other.

>fake lateral chromatic aberration

triggers me every time