Perfect movie don't exi-

Perfect movie don't exi-

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One of the movies I have watched more times, I think.

Eventually a got bored of it because I know it by heart but it still makes me want to watch it again.

Great soundtractk, great effects, good actors, good story...

I'm gonna say it. The middle of the movie, like many films of the era, was just filler.

Most of the movie was just filler, the story is murphy gets killed, comes back as robocop, discovers his killers, regains his identity, kills his killers then dick jones

but some of the best scenes in the movie are just the ones of him being a cop and all the side jokes from the setting and news channels

those elements only help to make it perfectly paced



the second one was good too.

forget about the third one

theres alot more to it than the base line.

corporations taking over police. martial law. corruption

>DAE MISS LE 80s :)

You fucking faggots are the worst

kys scumbag

third one was rated PG13 and didnt even have Peter Weller in it

thats all filler to the main plot

but there is a difference between filler, and "filler"
robocop is full of "filler" which is actually world building and important

contrarian kino post my dude

Thinking that wonderful stuff like this is "filler"

Interesting piece on how Robocop's script is almost perfectly structured. In the comments one of the writers, Michael Miner, comes in to say most of it was actually quite intentional.

Or the scene when the mayor is taken hostage

Ron Miller: And I want a bigger office! And I want a new car! And I want the city to pay for it all!
Lt. Hedgecock: What kind of car, Miller?
Ron Miller: Something with reclining leather seats, that goes really fast, and gets really shitty gas mileage!
Lt. Hedgecock: How about the, uh, 6000 SUX?
Ron Miller: Yeah! OK, sure! What about cruise control? Does it come with cruise control?
Lt. Hedgecock: Hey, no problem, Miller. You let the mayor go, we'll even throw in a Blaupunkt!

That is cool, never realized how its the same scene structure played out over in reverse

Best. Movie. Ever.
I first saw it when I was 7 it was the first VHS I bought and I must have watched it at least 200 times but I haven't seen it in the decade or so since I got rid of my tapes.

Same, I saw it when I was 3
As a kid my parents would always fast forward past Murphys death when I wanted to watch it, and I never saw it until I became a adult

After not watching it for 15+ years I finally checked it out, only to be thankful I never had to watch him die as a toddler, that shit is rough

Clarence Boddicker is one twisted sonofabitch. You gotta love him.

Can you fly Bobby

So fucking good.

And that was toned down, too. Verhoeven's original vision was even more gruesome than what the theatrical version showed.

I fucking love that part
Peters work in mimiry or whatever he studied for the role makes Robocop come to life

Murphy's death scared the shit out of me, same with Ed 209 and Emil in the toxic waste but the second the tape was rewound I wanted to watch it again.

Do you know why he made it gruesome. I read he said he did it that way to make the audience care about Murphy, despite only seeing him for 10 minutes

Its a brilliant writing trick

Also pic related

>You idiot! You burned the fucking money! It's as good as marked, you asshole! You stupid, stupid asshole!!



That scene and meeting Biff Tannen are my 2 favorite introductions for a movie's antagonist.


My mom would just tell me to "cover my eyes" during the scary parts.
The sounds the dude makes when he gets melted and the splat when he hits the car haunted me for years.

>difference between filler, and "filler"

mental gymnastic at its finest


>My mom would just tell me to "cover my eyes" during the scary parts.
Oh you dont understand, I watched it all the time almost everyday when I was a kid. The only rule was "come and get me before that scene happens"

So I would call for my mom to fast forward because I was too young and stupid to know how to work our beta max with a controller that had a cord and plugged in

Check out the arms on the main villain as he falls to his death.

Robocop is a 9.9/10.

Try again.

It's a ballet of carnage. Big love for Basil Polidouris' score too. Had the LP until my dog chewed it up. Ed Naha's novelisation wasn't too bad either IIRC.

He didn't need to employ it. There is no filler in Robocop.

Filler is superlfous and adds nothing to the film. "padding" or "filler" is empty junk that fills out space. There is none of that in Robocop.

>Most of the movie was just filler
It's world building, which is some of verhoven's best stuff.
The news reports don't serve a narrative purposes, but they help inform the world, and to let verhoven show off his clairvoyance.


>being unable to read beyond semantics
what's being said is that the worldbuilding sets the tone and is not simply filler to pad out the runtime as the other guy suggested.
pretty common turn of phrase, nothing that was written was wrong.

Having been born nearsighted I've always liked Antagonists in glasses.

I remember seeing this on Efukt. Fucking classic.

Was this from the Robocop fan movie made by like 50+ people all re shooting different scenes in different styles?

I remember seeing this, but not what it was from

is efukt still around? Haven't been in years

yeah, but this was the only good scene. this scene was made by the fatal farm guys, the ones who did all the garfield kino

Yep. Still only has one new video every fortnight but it's still quality failporn. The weird Japanese stuff is incredible: Japanese Tranny Power Ranger Circle-jerk fights, chicks getting eels up their ass, it's good stuff.

I liked the puppet boardroom seen when ED209 kills the guy

Bad grades at school champ? Why don't you graduate then come post here friend :^)

Verhoeven did it because Himmler was the pinnacle of evil to him, so he wanted to evoke that

This making off is just great. It shows the amount of work and imagination that was needed to do movies in the past. For example that part of the ED2009 stop motion effects.

Also, is Paul Verhoeven just mad?

Go to 25:08.
Robocop is Jesus.

>Robocop is Jesus.
Best scene in the movie imo.

It would be perfect if not for the wonky looking special effect of Dick Jones falling off the building with his long spaghetti arms

You're like the third dude to post this scene in this thread alone. Great thread btw OP, my favorite kino ever.

Paul Verhoeven is one of the all time certifiable mad cunts of cinema

Not posting the superior Commodore 64 version:

Mind if up?

Take a look at my face, DICK.

no nudity, but otherwise a great kino.


No nudity? You need to pay closer attention. It's only for a few seconds, but it's there.

the shower scene bitch

>John McTiernan will never make another film


>garfield kino comes back in full force this year
Jesus that was a welcome surprise

He's shooting in China rn nigga.

Look even if we wanted to take you seriously you type so stupid we can't read it.

Oh shit, how did I not know about that. Thanks user

Wrong. Frozen has two women with perfect faces, chests and bodies.

I really can't think of any substantial flaws. Or any flaws at all for that matter. It's also the first movie I remember seeing, I believe I was 3 or 4 years old when my mother first played it for me.

Bitches leave.

I work for Dick Jones... DICK JONES!


this image is 100% correct

you're dead we killed you

The first time I watched it all the way through, I was extremely high, and also binging Sapolsky lectures...

... So maybe it was just the weed but that scene where he twirls the gun again as Robocop really jumped out at me. Like... maybe the surviving synaptic network that would compulse that behavior, could have provided the scaffolding for him to develop back into his identity. It added a layer of depth to the movie I'm sure the writers never intended, but I could see how and why it would be so well lauded for it then.

I wonder what I would think if I saw it sober.

Man, I feel bad for everyone involved in the remake. It's just embarrassing comparing that by-the-numbers cash-in to the auteur craftsmanship of the original. I love how Robocop's free hand/arm is usually angled to protect his face from incoming fire in all these gunfights, it's a subtle yet brilliant touch.

I used to clear it with one credit

>Thinking that wonderful stuff like this is "filler"

Thinking that wonderful stuff like this is "filler"

I think Conan the Barbarian is the most complete, perfect movie, but Robocop is second.

Probably no coincidence they were scored by the same guy.

got piss on his pants

intensely gay undertone

>Dat Terminator music in the trailer