How does it feel now that we are movie stars Sup Forums?

How does it feel now that we are movie stars Sup Forums?

Sup Forums in American horror story:
(mentioned at 2:42 in clip 2)

Sup Forums in Homeland:

These are major, critically acclaimed TV shows. What do you think of Sup Forums suddenly playing a role in their plots? Why the sudden interest in Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

It means the public and media fear us because we are mysterious.

Pretty soon, telling a chick you browse4chan will be able to get you laid.


>Why the sudden interest in Sup Forums?
hollywood jews are scared shitless of the ongoing goyim awakening

pretty bad that it happened now instead of years ago
we have no defense against these "people" anymore

Brilliant viral marketing, Sup Forums.

Sup Forums doesn't do any raids or anything special for over half a decade

It's gay as fuck.

Steady on the chief

if only this was real

that's what happens when you allow reddit threads like dr who game of thrones and blade runner 2049

get out jidf

In the case of Homeland

How did they fuck up the site design so bad? Nested Threads? A ransomware EXE somehow embeded in a .JPG file that simply displays itself as a literal icon reading "JPEG"??? People are greentexting but greentexting isn't working?

How did they fuck up so bad

Their afraid, not just by us, the diffrent news culture the young people have who follow independent journalists, get their news from alternative outlets or from Sup Forums. For them its mind boggling, so they try and discredit us in every possible way

>Sup Forums doesn't do any raids or anything special for over half a decade
Honest question: why? I used to come here in 2008 and it was badass. Just recently started coming back. What changed?

smartphones made the internets too mainstream so any grandma can now post online

Mods now ban discussion of raids immediately.

So the media is saying we can become powerful, charismatic cult leaders or have cybersex with hot CIA women?

Damn. This actually inspires me

just watched it 6 points

It was Sup Forums but with a cucks understanding of what pol's content actually is like although I suppose they wouldn't be able to televise what actually posted here

Claire Danes is still my waifu I'd happily give my left nut for a night with her.

Character clicked on JpegImage.exe or some retarded shit, deserved to have her shit jacked.

Cringe-worthy mandatory Stronk Wymin finds and defeats evil internet muhsoggynist

Internet edge lord would never bring it into IRL doing so he sacrifices his power (although looking at Claire Danes I can understand why)

Normally I'd say her beating up him is a load of horse shit but in this case, i'll forgive it as she's had CIA training and he's an autistic sperglord

Pic unrelated

people grew up

It's been a long road, getting from there to here.

We're popular? Fuck this I'm going to reddit

They are attempting to get in touch, but by doing it here they made a big mistake.

Normies might accidentally get redpilled.

>in a TV show
>movie star

People are unironically racist. Too try hard.Everything is too serious.

you think we want more newfags coming here?
I thought jews were supposed to be smart

Sup Forums went mainstream years ago. Acting like this place is any sort of underground website its like saying reddit is an underground website.

Oh look, gotta bash the 'no no' thoughts.
hehe nice try.

But this place been anti-kike since 2012 during the occupy days.

>HWNDU was not a raid

As awesome as it was, weren't threads on it intently banned, thus it took place mostly off-site?

Copyright exists for this site.

If only it was on a show that someone watched.

They banned it.

>he forgot the flag operation for HWNDU

helping to meme trump into presidency was the biggest thing Sup Forums ever pulled off

to begin with, eventually the mods gave up


HWNDU was the gift that kept on giving. I still miss it

>everything I don't like is Sup Forums
Sup Forums is you

It appears most posts are from psyops bots these days. It's still the place to be though, as long you don't mind having shit shoveled into your face.

I wonder though if said psyop bots will have an effect on newfags, people who haven't been here for longer than a year cannot tell when its a shill speaking.

so the media thinks pol is capable of starting a major cult?

We were on Mr. ROBOT too


lol, we're not friends

>We were on Mr. ROBOT too
Seriously? I watched the first season then forgot about it just due to being busy.

Any clips?

>mods ban any talks of raids
>Sup Forums is full of shills and shitposters
>people learned their lesson and don't fuck with us anymore

Obviously you didn't watch the election

>Are you a fed
>No, I'm a concerned citizen
This is how glow in the dark cia niggers communicate. Hahaha

The fuck is this from?

no offense but alot of girls go to Sup Forums

Unironically this.


Sup Forums is not a community kid
anyone can post here

Good, and stay there.

Daily reminded Normie is a normalfag word

as someone who's been lurking for about 11 years, telling people about things on Sup Forums has never done me any favors. this will never become a reality

OP here
first link got fucked up, that's the real one

It's the best of the bunch.