Why does Australia make so much more kino than Canada?

Why does Australia make so much more kino than Canada?

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Aussie here. Name one good thing to come out of Australian TV or film that isn't Danger 5 or by the creators of Danger 5. Ya got nothing' m8. Even New Zealand makes us look like shit, movie-wise.

Australian penises, on average, are thicker and longer than Canadians. Thus they make better kino.

Mad Max 2 and '90s Shaun Micallef.

Nice dubs

Shame Shaun Micallef turned into a *le late night liberal talk show host

straya hasn't produced anything as good as trailer park boys yet, so the leaf wins this round roocunts

>aussie here
>doesn't know about mad max or any film made by george miller
>doesn't know about any ozploitation film

from south america, you disgust me

canada's cartoon game is strong

The Canadian sense of humor is stuck somewhere roughly around the age of 10. Seriously.

It's basically the same in Canada. We have Trailer Park Boys. Everything else that's good from here is American

Australia makes good movies.
Canada makes good tv.
Just please don't try to do each other's shtick.

you're a fucking deadshit mate

George Miller
Alex Proyas
Martin Campbell
Peter Erie

Uhh...I guess that's it.

Letterkenny's alright. Especially the hockey scenes.

*Peter Weir

who produces the better actors, the leaf or the roo?

Canada gets most of its cultural entertainment from the USA, with whom they share a border and lack of accent.
I imagine strayans get turned off at least a little when they watch media that doesn't feature their oxcent.

He kind of always was, but basically solely trying to be Australia's answer to Jon Stewart like he has been the last few years isn't really what I want to see him doing. Still, it could always be worse: that game show with Josh Thomas he had on commercial television was fucking horrible.

We have Vancouver though

Ja'ime private school girl

The worst part about living in Vancouver is recognizing the it in so many movies and TV shows. It'd be fine if it played itself, but it's always New York or LA or Seattle or something

>The worst part about living in Vancouver is recognizing the it in so many movies and TV shows.
That and the orientals.

>The worst part about living in Vancouver is recognizing the it in so many movies and TV shows.
>That and the orientals.

That and the worst Wage:Rent ratio in Canada

based kennyposter

Canada has the better flag.

Canada has legions of kino performers..


Canada dominates American entertainment. We know exactly what Americans wanna hear. We say it you pay us. Look at Lauren Southern, Steve Molycock and the rest of the Canadian political pundits making millions. Jordan Peterson is making 70k a month telling Americans that they are irresponsible. It a great racket. Australians are just better looking so they do ok as actors. They are tools to be used. Canadians are the pupet masters. We are god tier in our ability to force our hand on America.

Guess what's coming back. He made that show watchable though because there were still moments when his humour and writing clearly got through (it was a bit sad sometimes when he made jokes that completely went over the audiences' heads though).

the chaser

australians air just as much yank tv as we do, if not more

what is going on ITT ?

Bondi Vet

Actually not true. Our FTA (Free-to-Air, what most people have) television features heavily Australian content. Most of the American stuff on it is a night movie.

Used to be a lot more American stuff a decade or so ago, though.

do you have similar laws to canada's canadian content laws? like 60% of prime time content aired here or something has to be canada

Yeah, ours is 55%, I think

Home and Away, Neighbours, Water Rats, Flying Doctors, Blue Heelers and an assortment of other tv shows

Med Mex, two hands, the proposition

Is Neighbours actually good? I'm mates with a former cast member but I've never even seen it.

Parallax, Ship to Shore and Silver Sun were kid show kino.

it's a mindless soap opera but I used to watch it every day back in college when I was home for lunch.

>Just please don't try to do each other's shtick.


There's no Canadian Hemsworth so that seals the deal

*enters the arena*

I honestly have no idea how to feel about Big Lez show. There are some moments that crack me the fuck up and some things just miss. I think it lost it around the Choombas.

Hemsworth is pretty based, but Ryan Reynolds and the Goose are both Canadian

Don't ignore this guys

Neighbours is basically a soap for young girls. And not in the your Japanese anime "boy's totally don't watch stuff like this...right" way.

>my name's john howard, prime minister of australia


It's not even on the network's main channel anymore, it's on their digital channel.

Home and Away has blitzed it.

What the fuck is with Australian horror films? They're always so damn bizarre. Just look at Road Kill (2010) about a big rig from Hell that possess people and runs on blood.

This is my favorite Australian kino

t. Canadian

>t. Canadian
no you aren't fuck off

/The goose is Canadian, and he's through an through /our guy/

Wolf Creek is bizarre while sticking to reality.

fat pizza

>Lauren Southern
Stopped reading right ere



It's something you watch as a teenager because you develop a crush on the young actresses on it, although home and away had much more sexy girls.

Both countries lack Jewish studios (due to low percentage of Jews), hence the shitty outcome in cinema and television.

>what are lionsgate and village roadshow

I'm not sure.

Aus has better original stuff, but Canada wins out in quantity because of how much shit the US funds in Canada.

Holy shit

Literally kill yourself

Holy fuck

I hope you get mangled in a car crash

CANADA is superior

Not only in regards to America, but EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD

We are better, happier, healthier

To dispute this is to buy into American propaganda

You fucking cock sucker

Canada is the greatest country in the world

We have no wars

We have no strife

We are superior, peaceful and wonderful overall

I hope you swallow shot gun rounds to the face you artard

Fuck off.

You think it's funny to shit talk a superior nation, but you're just a wannabe American

America is the WORST country in the world, but Australia is definitely a close second

Stupid fucking prick

We are your betters

Admit this

Admit this now, or face the consequence of living in denial

Jesus Christ

Our history teachers seem to be the smartest ones out there, since they actually acknowledge how great CANADA is while you all willingly ignore this fact

None of you ever talk about how great CANADA is due to fear of facing the harsh truth that we are simply BETTER than you

Holy fuck you all make me so mad, I'm sick

Ever since I used the internet as a 12 year old, I see nothing but anti-Canadian propaganda.

We all know CANADA is the BEST country in the world, but there seems to be a systematic mis-information campaign by Americans to suppress this truth

There is absolutely no way people think that there are countries better than ours

I REFUSE to believe that people you like are this stupid

Fuck it, I'm done wasting time on this website

I'm going to go out, get fit, find a hot Canadian woman (who is FAR hotter than an American one) have lots of SUPERIOR CANADIAN CHILDREN, teach them the values of being better than America, get them into hockey and boxing so they can kick the asses of any American willing to shit talk CANADA, and live the rest of my life out in this wonderful and diverse country

This is my last comment

>This is my last comment

we can only hope

I cannot fathom how long it took to type out this drivel with your pudgy thumbs on your iPhone.

>Canadians are whores, and proud of it

It ok tho, if it's Canadian it's def got the moral superiority to make it better than the US

>not just eating the vegemite out of the tub

mad max 4 fury road

Snowtown was fucking great.

Red Green Show and Due South were pretty comfy


australia invented the modern 'le late show' with steve vizard

kath and kim is objectively bettoir

maybe in the 50's
i lived in Sydney for 7yrs, in a asian suburb, and the girls spoke with an american accent
i postulate because english wasn't main language spoken at home, and they only heard english through media

>Steve Vizard

Well thats a name i havent heard for some time....

rainy here, know i know what i will be youtubing tonite.

absolutely based
Sure he's a lefty but he's still miles better than any desk show out of the states.

canadians have this moral superiority about them, offline they seem the nicest, most down to earth people
online, absolutely septic