Movies nobody would believe you've never seen

Movies nobody would believe you've never seen.

I just dont get the appeal

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I'm gonna guess you're not white

I’m white and I find lotr incredibly boring

never seen a Harry Potter, capeshit or nuTrek movie

nignog confirmed

My GF hasn't seen these and says the same thing. It's almost impossible to explain how good these three movies are, and I don't even know why they're so fun.

So i should believe you have never seen it and yet you think they are boring... you know, thats nigger logic

Roastie or chad

I fell asleep during Twin Towers
I lost interest during Return of the Jedi (extended edition)

easily the most overrated flicks of all time

I am white though

white or 56% white?

I just dont like those mystical shit



fuck that man im not a faggot

>I just don't get the appeal

You would, if you'd watch them.

like probably 99% if not 100%

They're truly fantastic films and one of the first actually "epic" in every sense of the word trilogies ever created. It's a damn shame the director kind of ruin his reputation with later films, but damn did he do a fantastic job with these. There are imperfections, but for the most part for such an incredible task... he did very well and created something worth watching a hundred years from now. I've shown the films to my wife, and we watch them once a year. When we have children, we'll have them watch them, too, once a year. And when they have children, we'll have them watch them once a year, and so on and so forth as will be written in my will.

These are not only worth watching, they are worth remembering for ages to come.

I’ve seen two of them, the first one and whichever had Robert Pattinson, and I don’t know how anyone can make it through all of them without contemplating the noose

>not liking fairies and unicorns

>liking marvel tier cloakshit

>I just dont get the appeal
This is the main appeal.

They’re fucking suck. Too weird and long.

I’m pretty sure the second one never even ended. People just got bored and turned it off.

This. I also have never watched and will never watch any movie about boats.

I've never seen Forest Gump, Titanic, Avatar or any of the Harry Potter movies

Well I’ve only watched the first two

How whitebread do you have to be for LotR to be too weird for you? It's not Captain Beefheart.

I've seen the LoTR trilogy a load of times and this part always gets me in the feels

Idk man. I just thought it was weird. I like GoT, loved Naria and Hitchhikers Guides (books) as a kid.

LotR just never landed with me

i have yet to see lord of the rings because i know theres shelob in it and i fucking detest spiders
i hate them so much and they creep me the fuck out
im going to read the books soon though, maybe that'll make me grow a pair to watch the movies and sit through the 5 minute shelob scene

Seen these, and I've been ashamed ever did my life go to that I have 12 hours total to pay for the privilege of watching Peter Jackson drop 3 turds?

>I just dont like those mystical shit
>fuck that man im not a faggot
lmao honestly fair enough

I also dont like Star Wars/Star Trek

And I tried watching that

I dont.

I do like Matrix/Terminator sci fi but shit like LOTR or Star Wars/Trek, Superhero movies can suck my dick

I havent seen Avatar too

Tried watching it but dont get the appeal. No idea how they made so much money with that movie cause it fucking sucked

its not even until the last movie you pleb

all my life, crappy hippies and boomers have been trying to convince me that LOTR is the ultimate in entertainment, books and now movies. It isn't. It's really gay.

Who was in the wrong here?

what's the other 1%?

i dont know, rough estimate

>friend likes fantasy stuff
>hes never seen lotr
>make him watch it
>he said he fell asleep during fellowship because there wasnt enough action
I hate my friends

Or pseudo Christian allegory. No thanks, JRR, I got enough of that in Catholic school. And you can take your pal CS with you.

>Citizen Kane
>Mulholland Drive

One day.

I didnt care for mulholland but Platoon was great

t. nonwhite

I knew this guy that would obsess over LoTR and he was a goddamn mongoloid.

He couldn't shut the fuck up about it. Wannabe musician too but all he knew was tabs.

hi jidf whatcha doin

Now he has a late night talk show.

I didn't see them until a year or two ago, didn't get the appeal
they're in my top 5 now

Yeah they lost me when the Ewoks showed up and started beating the shit out of the orcs

People who dislike Sci-fi and Fantasy have no imagination, their sense of wonder and curiosity gone or perhaps it never existed in the first place.

You have no soul user.

I'm convinced that any man that doesn't like LotR or Star Wars is a feminized manlet who is obsessed with his social status. The kind of manlet that are way too self-conscious to enjoy real escapism into a high fantasy setting. It's the same way a woman looks at a typically male hobby and thinks "ugh, this isn't going to make me more beautiful or improve my desirability, I'll pass".

I liked the scenes with Darth Vader.

I don't get it.

Agreed, isn't Harry Potter amazing, anons!!

fuck off with harry potter

I enjoyed it. I was a kid when the books were being released and I read all of them. Then I watched all the movies.

Not sure why it's popular to hate on Harry Potter or LOTR on Sup Forums. Are you faggots too busy read biographies and watching horror movies like some kind of pathetic wannabe normie?

You have no soul, user. No sense of wonder and curiosity or perhaps it never existed in the first place?

its a kids movie franchise. my mom used to read me the first couple of books out loud.
there's something about laying there, hearing a story and visualizing the universe - and then see it on the big screen some years later, that you just can't replicate if you didn't grow up with it.

I don't overly love the movies, but I was always excited for the new ones when I was younger.

I've never seen the Star Wars original trilogy, just the prequels

What are you like 19? 20? Sounds about right.

27. Just never got around to it and don't feel the need to.


You missed out. Most people that age were exposed to it by their family or friends like I was. I guess you were a sheltered child.

You're missing out.

Let me guess. You thought TFA and TLJ were good movies.

The Godfather trilogy. It insists upon itself.

Godfather I is the only good one. The second one is only worth it for the Fredo subplot.

Haven't seen those either.


>The Hobbit Movies
>All of the capeshit except Batman
>All but the first Transformers
>All Harry Potter except the first
>All Star Wars after the first six
>Everything on Netflix released in the past decade
>Everything released on cable in the past decade
>All the Saw movies
>All Paranormal Activity movies except the first
The list could go on for quite awhile. Pretty much I avoid all pop culture trash. I my tv has no antennae, cable connection or streaming service hooked to it by the way.

>All of the Capeshit except for Batman
I've avoided EVERY MCU garbage since Iron Man came out. However I did give Deadpool a chance since everyone raved how different it was, it's probably the last time I'm ever going to watch a superhero movie.

Projecting hard there

>Everything released on cable in the past decade
There have been a couple of good shows on cable, but there's nowhere near enough to be worth paying for cable.

Jesus Christ the SW fanboys on this board need to be gassed.

I watch the trilogy at least once a year. I was having a bad day, housesitting and having a few drinks a week agi and there was a dvd of return of the King so I popped it in.

Fuck, I get feels everytime I watch these movies. I started crying when Frodo told Sam to eff off. Again.

Um no sorry sweetie. It's bugmen like you who defend TFA and TLJ that need to be gassed unironically.


Those are all things people would believe you haven't seen.



You don't get out of the basement and talk to people very often do you?

HTF does one not see the greatest comedy of all time, Forrest Fump???

Sure is soylent ITT