Blade Runner

>tfw can't afford premium Joi and have to listen to ads while she's telling me how to tug it

Other urls found in this thread:

>she keeps offering me deals on penis enlargement devices

>tfw me and my GNU/Waifu will be laughing at Joi cucks

Those eyes

>Implying Nintendo won't enforce their patents on virtual wives, and enforce law internationally with their PMC

>install gnu/waifu
>mfw no sound
>mfw no support for popular aftermarket addons
>mfw no gui


I love her facial expressions here

wish I could give her a facial


How perverse. JOI is for tender loving

If they do, I want a Pyra waifu

holy shit
goose is truly /ourguy/

Just noticed
>red bra
>white panties
Why? That's fuckin retarded. Red with red or white with white. FFS.

men don't give a shit

>tfw this is all we will ever have of this sequence
infuriating. I'd trade all of BR 2049 for a 3 minute tease video of AdA in that outfit.

>being so emotionally and spiritually stunted that you don't have a tulpa

>men with low standards don't give a shit
Raise your game, user.

roastie detected

>outfit is actual garbage
>shoes are just garbage bags and duct tape
>doesn't matter because ass

Joi would be straight up evil. It's hinted that she shills for products and upgrades. Just imagine that. Lonely men having a Waifu-bot who's real goal is to sell you shit. She uses emotional manipulation and gives you love for a price. That's not a male fantasy, that's hell.

Worth every penny and novelty product shipped

Wow are there actual HD promo stills? I’ve been wanting to make some JOi shops but there aren’t many clear pictures of her face

I wanted to create one like 6 years ago but lost the txt
Got any useful manual?

You are literally lowering your own game by having autistic standards like this.

Just noticed
>you're a fag

Wouldn't this tree be worth like a million credits? Why not take a few branches?

Can't think for yourself now K, otherwise we'll put you in a box.

it's not a real tree brainlet.