I think it would be awesome if this were the legit title

I think it would be awesome if this were the legit title.

Other urls found in this thread:


I think it would be awesome if you would check my digits



This but unironically!

>Deadpool just killed a guy, has to hide the body quick
>stuffs it in the dude's oven
>turns to the audience
>"Man, that was a tight fit. If a guy like me can't fit one man in an oven, really makes you wonder how war starved young men 70 years ago allegedly did that millions of times, all day every day, faster than humanly possible."
>he winks, wryly

you know what would be actually awsome? an actual thread on Sup Forums that wont involve fucking cape shit

Based. Is Rami directing Deadpool?

And my Axe! :^)

Nice try, now check these dubs

Why? Then it just defaults to other genreshit like sci-fi. It's a pleb board inherently.

This but unironically


>if you think that's tasteless, check out this guy I made into a lampshade!

very nice

>Man, that was a tight fit.
>Just like my buttplug!
>50% of the audience has a stroke immediately, the others are hospitalized for unstoppable laughter and clapping


Impressive, very nice. But check out these bad boys.

this but ironically

Sensible chuckle level joke.

Now let's see Van Patten's dubs

HAHA wouldnt it he absolutely ebin if le deadpool broke fourth wall? So funneh!

What did he mean by...

You know what. No. I'm not gonna say it. How many times are we going to say the same meaningless things to each other before we realize that they just aren't funny.

I mean, really. "What did he mean by this?" Really? You know damn well what he meant by this. Only a few people ever posted that and TRULY didn't know what he meant by THAT. If you want to understand something why not be a little more specific. Express what you think he meant by that first and let others respond in turn with what they think he meant by that. If everyone just started conversations by asking the most meaningless questions life would be a hell of a lot harder.

Imagine if every single person that goes to a restaurant asked the waitress what she thought was good. She'd go fucking crazy by the end of the week. The world can't function on stupid questions people.

That's a big statement

are you running for Sup Forums president or something

Disney bought Fox just to delete this scene

Make Sup Forums Great Again





for you

>Tfw burger Jewish producers and sjw jerks off over their progressive agenda while the rest of the world why the full would you make an established character black for the tenth time
I hate the lack of self awareness these people have



That's the joke, newboy. It is

Bum y the ou the same time as the greatest philosopher of the day they can fuck off aye

jesus christ, you guys

wtf I love corporatism now! I wish we could just attach soda streams to our taps in our house

Muppets Most Wanted was going to be called The Muppets... Again!, title is in even in the first song but they changed it last minute