What exactly did she do that was wrong? Is she not the queen?

What exactly did she do that was wrong? Is she not the queen?

who gives a shit shes a chestlet

pls dominant me

Those shitlords living in an absolute monarchy don't like women.

There's no right or wrong when it comes to dynastic squabbles except for who's left standing at the end.
She died, therefore she was wrong.

She's my queen.

My goddess, my queen. Thor should've just died on that planet.

Odin chooses the heir. He didnt choose her. So no.




chestlets btfo

I feel bad that I enjoyed this movie mostly because of him.

asgard got soft and let a bunch of immigrant niggers in

Left or right?

when will they learn?

i felt the same buddy :/

Right. She's the best part of the MCU.

Both. At the same time. They making out. Me sticking it into the acute angle's warm anuspussy, the other conjuring all sorts of playthings for her orifices.

Shit, gave myself a boner.

Explained literally nothing, entered by immediately attacking policemen and escalating the situation until she had killed the entire army and then expecting everyone to just be cool with it. It'd be like if some random fucker showed up at parliament, stabbed an MP without saying anything, and said "Don't worry I'm the long lost heir of Queen Elizabeth I'm allowed to do this I promise" while shooting a bunch of armed guards.



this nigga reminded me of the JP nigga from 1995 or some shit.

>being a tits guy

depends on the mood but god was Hela hot. i want to kneel for her like a good boy .

Left then give her the Ring to turn her into the right.

not Marvel comics fan, but I know something about Norse and hmm shouldn't she have, like half-rotten skullface? At least that's how they describe goddess of death.

>literally no one kneeled to her even thought it was her turn
feels kinda bad

Except in your comparison the dude doesn't kill an entire army, which if he did, I feel would get better results.

>not Marvel comics fan, but I know something about Norse
your "knowledge" is worthless here
they only share the name

They made her half-rotten horizontally as opposed to vertically. She has stinky rotten bunghole, feets, and pusy!

>being a nigger

>not Marvel comics fan
>shouldn't she have, like half-rotten skullface
In the movies she is not from Norse mythos, she is an alien that Norse used to create their own mythos version.

For a second I thought Thor was really gonna say she didn't deserve to be the ruler of assgard because she was a woman.

>posts a pic with no ass showing
>assume they're an ass guy because you're a normie who can only think in terms of Sup Forums memes

oww, thanks for infor anyway.

well, that sucks. she looks like generic power-rangers supervillain. having rotten face or skull like ghostrider, or something like two-face in Nolan's batman would make her really badass

Right, and it's not even close.

I thought so too.

she isn't a good villain in the comics either, but at least she has some death related powers, unlike throwing swords around.
The comic villain is bad, and the movie didn't even do a good job replicating the comic villain. and somehow I still enjoyed it for what it is anyway. Guess its the actress performance


*smacks you*

Worked for Oliver Cromwell

she pusyqueen

Kate's actually got the mom butt going too. Damn.

BASED pusy poster


Nothing. It was her turn.

I knew it! Kim Jong-Un is an ass-man!

>worships the queen of asgard

Amazing how she's normally completely unattractive, but hot af in this movie. Would most women be incredibly sexy if they'd just turn into a dominant bitch?

Cate is the most attractive woman in the world if you ask me.


Nice get.
I just see her as a really nice motherly type, but never really found her attractive.

>wants to make asgard great again
>somehow portrayed as the villain of the story

i fell asleep in that movie about the time she showed up at asgard. is this movie worth restarting? i've seen all of the marvel movies but really only have felt the need to rewatch civil war, first avengers, and guardians of the galaxy.

Really looks like Ashley Fires here.

OP's picture looks like an introduction to tentacle rape hentai.

Sup Forums now discusses capeshit without a hint of shame

>Amazing how she's normally completely unattractive
Unironically go to London and have acid thrown in your eyes by a paki browngoloid, they're clearly useless.

>actually defending hereditary rule

She was a Trump metaphor. A product of an agressive expansive (kapitalist/racist) era come back to torment, militarize and purge their own society.

Genuinely curious: how old are you?

Being into bobs is just breastfeeding propaganda that will traumatize your kids

Is there anything she can't do?


Would you, Sup Forums?



W-would you, Sup Forums?

Didn't Skurge kneel to her?

I wouldn't say attractive, but elegant (which by itself is part of attractiveness) she certainly is there

Imagine the hammer was your balls.

I'm not attracted to left at all but I'd do anything for right

White people are lost

t. Da'qwan Lopez

haha why don't you imagine yourself weirdo
what would it look like I mean haha

she had a murder boner and no one to kill. + she was from another time and no one got her.
less trump more american in general. that scene with the mural really showed it

My former housemate worked as a landscape gardner and worked at her house a few times


tfw I imagine Jasmine becoming a crazy, smelly transient and I definitely would

She's got enough of a chest. If you need anymore you're a brainlet.




She started the fight. She lost. The end. Thor didn't even want to be king. If she was peaceful and sisterly, then he might of just let her be queen.


Right, not because of the edge, i just prefer brunettes

he was the only good part of the movie

based iceland

Legit looks like a tranny in that last second.

Well for one she dresses like she's evil

being into buts is just shiteating propaganda that will give your kids ecoli infections



This. Ass fetish is gross and a gateway to all kinds of diseases. An ass is never clean even after the most thorough enema in the world.

>everything I don't like is propaganda
Seek help.

ohhh, shit.

So they CGI'd her costume in this like Spider-Man. Fuck this.

Asgardian men are too insecure to accept a pegocracy.

Dynastic succession as we understand it is a Western European concept. In the Nordic world (TL: Snownigger) the chief would name his successor who need not even be a member of his clan or there would even be a vote amongst the nobles on who gets the throne.

It's one of those paradoxes of institutionalization where formalising proto-state power takes away a communal customary aspect to centralise authority into more personal rule.

>Something goes wrong
>Dramatically puts her hand over her mouth like a fucking retard instead of rolling with it until the director shouts cut

I don't understand how actors can behave like this - they've all performed in the theatre at some point so it should be instinctual that when something goes wrong you keep going.