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women age and have a peak, deal with it

would still lick those feet though

>that tiny thumb

She peaked too early due to all the plastic surgery. She likely will rarely get roles now

>implying you wouldnt

I'd hit it, but I'd never date her should she and her husband divorce.

>inb4 fat neckbeard virgin
I'm an educated, and /fit/ black guy

Wtf is she even 30?

I'd hit it for sure. Staying with it is another matter entirely.

>2004 was 24 years ago

Stick to fat trailer trash Sambo. She's still out of your league .


I want off this timeline

Already got a girl who is also in grad school.

Do you think the guy has slowly been feeling better about himself as she swells/melts? Or is it still suicide inducing?

Half and half. Prime Meghan Fox was top tier, now she's a straight goblin. Albeit a still very fuckable one. But lovemaking with prime Meghan must have been nirvana inducing

wat do u mean she looks like she could play a top tier mommy

When did she became so redpilled about the jews?



Well it sure did her a lot of good in the end.

I was about to tell you to stfu 'cause she still looks really good for being almost forty. I can't believe she's only two years out of her 20's.

Nightmare fuel.