"Your sword and your crest."

>"Your sword and your crest."

>and your horse

>and your other sword

>and your other crest

Salahuddin, I'm Jerusalem

>”They say chivalry is dead, here’s why that’s a good thing”

>your latest stunt cost the brotherhood countless silver
>but dammit, you're the best we got

>your short timers stay in but I need veterans out there
>and Cromwell
>good luck Cromwell

you're a large fellow

>One fortnight suspension. UNPAID.

>i know you served and received your parcel of land, but we need you for one last campaign

>I don't want you anywhere near this quest, it's too personal


>why would you stab a man before firing him from a trebuchet?

>the Muslims have taken Jerusalem, and here's why you should be glad


>your right to post and not kys

>I'll keep it short. You're a loose crossbow, Gallahad...
>..but that's just what we need. Welcome back.




>"Sir this is an elementary school, you need to leave. Sir you can't just poop right here in front of all these children"

>Thou must ponder. Did I loose the full quiver of mine arrows? Or does, perchance, one sole missle still remain? That is the riddle you must muse upon... is the providence of the Lord with you? Well is it, thou rascal?

>The king shall have my head in recompense for thy misdeeds!

>and your other sword

I didn't read the bible but DEUS VULT lol xD

>throwing him from a cog

>reading jewish propaganda

>give me your vanilla folder
>and your OTHER vanilla folder

this tbqh lads
Christianity is probably one of the most cuck-tier religions

>The duke is BREATHING down my CHAINMAIL!

>fires crossbow and impales 10 muslims
>"...i gotta get me one of these."


Underrated thread.

>I want every longbow we have, to fire on that man.

>I've got the holy see breathing down my neck
>Pigshit cardinal, nobody in this guild could've scaled that battlement
>That's not the point Kowalski III piast, you gotta crusade by the holy book

fucking kek


>Tell me about the Doge! Why did he sack Constantinople? *fires crossbow*
>Lotta' loyalty for a venetian mercenary...
>Or he is wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him off a war galley


*chews chicken bone*
ayo mah nigga saladin
*smacks lips*
hol up hol up
*holds scimitar sideways*
ayo saladin mah nigga
*sags maile pants*
yo saladin nigga dem witebois dun took our city nigga
*steals camel*
ayo saladin nigga we gots da ride up on dem
*begins covering camel in lustrous metals*

>Yea I have but until the end of Michaelmas until I should be released from service to my leige

>"Saracens and Infidels, I hath journeyed hither to smite the wicked, and eat pheasant."
>"and I'm all out of pheasant."

>Send it from your mind Jeremiah, it is the land of the Orient

>Not #handsupdontloose

Waste of dubs.

Hail Odin

Would you die if I took off that mask?


>I'm putting together a team

are there even any non nordic, european pagans? Is it northern autism or there isn't much history on the other religions? well I guess there's greek and roman but I never seen a slavic or celtic pagan.

Hath any man spot Lord Richard? Doth anyone wit why Lord Richard slayeth Robertson Lupo?


Slavic paganism was transfered into catholicism and orthodoxy. Gods became saints.

>"I've spent too many years on the Lord's earth for this horseplay"

It's quite big in Eastern Europe. Christianity was never as "strong" there as it was in the west.

Also, the UK has a bit of paganism. Not sure about everywhere else though.

>Doeth thou think he can slay every knight in the inn with thy crossbow? Thou be dead before my cadaver laid on the flor!
>Nay, I only need to slay thee

T's behind me, isn't t?

>It's quite big in Eastern Europe
No. No it really isn't. Stop larping.

>Christianity was never as "strong" there as it was in the west.
Read a book, nigger.

t. Slav

Are you a Pole by any chance?


>Curses, I got the magistrate on my ass, you have a fortnight to complete this quest or you'll have to turn in your tabard and your sword

Well obviously paganism is still a tiny fringe group, no matter where you go. Just that in Eastern Europe, that "fringe" is marginally bigger.

>Who in the Lord's name art thou?

>I'm the squire who doth his duty. You must be the other knave.

>I'm 23 years old. I should be retired, enjoying my old age but dammit I love the job, king

Send me your address. I will slay you with my own hand.

how big? like how old black people in the americans still perform african rituals while the rest of the country calls them devil worshipers?
got some source? I know some bits about it but never actually looked into it.
can confirm
t. quadroon.
It makes me hate race mixing. I'm not norse autist though

Hear me lads, I've recently attended the newest play "The 13 year old maiden" and I must say, it requires the imagination of a small child

yeah kinda. in some more backwater areas of the balkans, russia, etc. there's still some acceptance of magic, spirits, etc. IIRC.


>"Hierusalem est perdita. Deus, adiuva me"
>"in Englisc, Father!"

part that bothers me the most is murifats making a laughter of them everytime they remind people of the crusades, its like repeatedly reminding everyone of vietnam era speeches

>and your other duchy

Like the famous St. Svarog?

good post
i impepe u last

>Top 10 Facts About The Trebuchet That Will Blow Your Mind, Number 5 Will Shock You!

What the fuck

There is acceptance of magic in backwater areas through the world world, slavic countries are no better or worse in that regard

>Cursed be you're a loose cannon!
>A what? Your highness.

from the guys who brought you le 56% face meme


>I do not plyeth my trade here anymore. Giveth it to Sir Holden, he is goode.
>I did giveth it to him. He can walk and breathe fineth as long as no one removeth the arrow in his knee.
>I was quiteth when I come in here, Sir Bryant, I am twice as quiteth now.


Severely underrated post

More like 5.6%


Kingdom of Heaven has its faults but I love that movie for some reason. Directors cut blew my mind how they completely cut out a major plot point for Eva’s behavior.


>Has thou heardeth the tragedy of Lord Plagueis the Wise?

Yeah, same here. It's ahistorical as fuck and full-on liberal propaganda, but something about >dat cinematography and soundtrack make it very worthwhile.

>maiden unsheathes arrow from quiver, knocks it on the bow smoothly and hiteth the bulls-eye with great prowess and ease
>where did thou learn such skills, Maiden?
>Mine mother was fertile and I was reared among five brotheres


My local goods trader and moneylender has suggested that I surrender my wife, daughter, and hom to the Arabs in penitence for the Crusades. Will this win me the Lord's blessing?

>oh cursed day! what else do the gods have in store for us?
>starts raining

>arrows, rocks and hot oil rain down
>olde age has surely creeped in my petty pace of day to day and I need respite from this foule discharge

>S'blood! He was a mere lunar cycle from achieving his penance.

>I've got the Pope breathing down my neck

>Medieval theatre play about the holy crusade
>choir of monks start singing dies irae

>Erudite hermit starts to describe elaborate theological concepts to the protagonists using Ecclesiastical Latin
>"In vernacular, if thou wouldst?"

>ur benis
>ur uther benis

top quality posts user