Coco will be a hit and this will bomb

Coco will be a hit and this will bomb.

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It's not fair!

To be honest the premise of The Book of Life 2 sounds bland as Hell. I enjoyed the original quite much, even if it really wasn't that good, and I didn't expect a sequel at all. At this point I'm sure that both the studio and producers know this is going to flop hard.

And of course Coco will be a huge hit, it's a Disney product.

As long as these 2 show up enough in the show I think we will be fine.

The first movie sucked. The gorgeous visuals and original musical scenes pick up quite a bit of slack, but it didn't save it from being an overall poor movie. A movie with a lot of love put into it, but still a poor one.

Of the 3 main human characters, only 1 was focused on to any significant degree. Maria in particular was such a generic and boring character that really needed some depth. Her only real trait was being the girl power character.

Then there is the oversized supporting cast. There were so many family members. They gave them all screentime, despite only a couple being significant. Yeah, Adelita and Scardelita are sexy skeletwins, but they just didn't have anything to do and if they had been absent the movie would have still played out the same And the Candle Maker is just a completely useless character. He's introduced so late and contributed absolutely nothing.

I really like Xibalba and La Muerte. They're probably the best characters in the movie as they were the only two that seemed to have any real chemistry. They were entertaining on-screen, but interacting they are intoxicating, which is something the 3 main human characters weren't at all. I could have stood to see more of them instead of that candle fucker and all those pointless family members.

The movie moves from scene to scene at such a hectic pace, especially when Manolo is going through those trials. It rushes through a lot of its high points so much that you'd almost think you're missing something. I'm not sure it had one single breather scene between major events to let the audience or the character properly digest the significance of what happened.

And those song covers are just so awkward. They really do stick out a lot in a bad way. If you're not familiar with them, they might not bother you quite as much, but there's still a noticeable disconnect between them and the rest of the songs.

Far too much in the movie and not enough time to use it well.

Wait, they're making a sequel?

If we're lucky they'll both bomb.

>Adelita and Scardelita

they were supposed to be part of jackal's army first, check the artbook pages.

this movie is like 3 years late. but disney NEEDS to make relevant movies for some reason.

Yeah I never even heard of this.

Yo, what in the fuck.

IO didn't even know this was a thing.

I hope it is good enough but i also hope they don't launch it besides Coco or else it will most certainly bomb.

And it should, since the first one sucked and wasted my time.
It was pretty good until they actually got to the land of dead, which you know, was kinda the whole selling point.

>Of the 3 main human characters, only 1 was focused on to any significant degree. Maria in particular was such a generic and boring character that really needed some depth. Her only real trait was being the girl power character.

The director has said that each of them is supposed to have one movie focus on them and their development. Book of Life was Manolo. The others will get their spotlight later.

>Coco will be a hit
>Pixar has such little faith in it that they're playing a 22 minute frozen short beforehand to try and bring people there

>tfw The first movie sucked but you somehow feel obligated to watch this sequel because animation is considered a joke and you know with every failure executives will use it as an excuse to continue doing even worse unoriginal family-friendly shit like Minions or Secret Life of Pets
It'll at least look pretty which already makes it better then half of most animated films released a year.

Death to Disney

What he heck happen to those two gods?
Why are those three dead now?
What the fuck is the plot?

>The first movie sucked.
Eh, yes/no. Yes, it did kind of suck in that the plot was fairly basic and didn't really do anything particularly new. It was a basic boy-meets-girl story, and there was never any real doubt that the MC was going to be coming back and getting the girl. I will note that the dynamic between Manolo and Joaquín was at least unusual for what I typically see (it's nice to see that Joaquín didn't get painted as the typical "evil villain") and the La Muerte/Xibalba relationship was also interesting. It wasn't too original, but it was a nice change from the typical Disney fare.

I'd disagree that the Candle Maker and the family members were pointless. They certainly served their purpose in the film, and just because somebody shows up doesn't mean they needed a full story arc to flesh things out. Manolo's parents in particular do exactly what they needed to do: highlight the divide in his family between pushing him to be a bullfighter and letting him go as he wants to live.

I'll admit that it's been awhile since I've seen it, but the end of the bullfight does still make me tear up a bit.

My biggest concern with Coco is that, while Book of Life really hit the aesthetic and had a good conflict behind it, Coco seems like it will just be a standard kids movie with the Dia de los Muertos backdrop to it. Sure, it will probably be done well due to Pixar working on the title, but I'm not sure how much the story will be about the setting in the same way that Toy Story or Up handled it.

This is also the first time I've heard about a Book of Life 2.

Sad but true and im saying this as a mexican who will probably go to see the movie with all my mexican classmates from my animation school

Jorge is easily 2nd place on my list of animators i admire

That's really not an excuse. They are the characters that the story centers around. None of them should be so depthless just because they may or may not get developed more in a future movie.

I love that scene.

>La Muerte/Xibalba relationship was also interesting.

I liked that they weren't just a good vs evil character types typically seen in other animated movies. They were simply two gods playing a game.

Is that suppose to be El Chamuco and La Noche?


I remember being in the theatre, hearing Maria utter that "I'm not a prize to be won" line and thinking "That is exactly what you are mate."

>I liked that they weren't just a good vs evil character types typically seen in other animated movies. They were simply two gods playing a game.
I liked it too but it was undermined by bringing in that bandit who is nothing more than a flat, boring, evil villain.

Exactly. I think that Mune: Guardian of the Moon handled the three protagonist angle better than Book of Life did, but they easily could've turned Xibalba isn't a Hades expy. Joaquín could've turned into the a generic Disney villain who ends up trying to hold onto the girl. Instead, Xibalba is just lonely and while sneaky, was willing to give up what he had when he was beaten. Joaquín, too, was willing to give up what made him special when it turned out that he could still help out a friend.

Coco gives me very mixed feels. On the one hand, I eat this general aesthetic up (yeah, before it became the U.S.'s appropriation of the week). It's the one part of my family heritage I share with my kid (though admittedly it mostly comes off as me having an excuse for extending Halloween into the next month.).

Coco, on the other hand seems like the first example of Disney-Pixar going all Johnny-come-lately though, where they're usually the first in some way Princess Movies/Shrek, Bug's Life/Antz, Wall-e/Robots, Incredibles/Monsters v Aliens (Despicable Me), Finding Nemo/Fish Story, Monsters Inc/Hotel Transylvania, I'm not sure that some Disney caveman/dinosaur movie predates Ice-Age or that there are Cars-come-to-life movies besides D2V shit you see.

no doubt about it, but BoL 2 will be an eyecandy while Coco...

Pixar hasn't advanced whatsoever in the visuals department since Toy Story 3. Everything looks the same. At least Disney is actually making improvements

This. Other movies have shown that you can effectively juggle multiple main characters. With Book Of Life they just screwed up.

because Disney MUST BE No 1.

The eyes are creepy

they look even worse on skeletons

the skeleton designs look kinda odd to me,mostly because some of the adult faces in the trailer, don't fit very well with these skeletons.


This really didn't need a sequel.

According to each BoL movie was intended to focus on a different character. It looks like BoL2 is focusing on Maria, if the cover is anything to go by. If so, then I could see why it would make sense to have a sequel. Rather than just Manolo going through the same steps that we've already seen him do, we can see Maria have her story arc while also something different happening to the overall story.

It would, at least, be a reason to watch the sequel.

I don't care if you movie flops, all I want is more lewds of these two.

I can't fap to this.

>And of course Coco will be a huge hit, it's a Disney product.
Say that to Good Dinosaur

Thought this picture was just fanart, I'm still pretty sure it is

And Cars 3

>Disney owns Lucas arts
>They could have just done a filme adaptation of Grim Fandango rather than something as uninteresting as Coco

>wanting modern Disney anywhere near Grim Fandango

toy commercial, only made to boost the franchise
brave tier problems during production
doubt they give a shit about LucasArts library. it's obvious they wanted them just for Star Wars money.

It's a prop for a potential movie. It doesn't look like anything is being developed yet, at this point.

Eh, the problem with the first movie is that it had great atmosphere and world-building, but the plot fell flat and the quips and pop-culture references were annoying as fuck. Better than Big Hero 6 though.

Kubo was a much better attempt at a "Cultural fantasy epic".

coco has a dog in it so yes it will

this reminds me I have to build another fucking altar next month and im not down for visiting mom and flower shopping

It had a better protagonist too

Why does Coco look so shitty? Genuinely asking. Just looks like visual pollution with no appeal.

The skeletons. They're trying to make them look all friendly and personable, and they've ended up looking highly creepy and bizarre as a result. Take a look at and you'll see that while the skull faces look "scary", they look just as strange as the rest of them. Then take a look at and it looks like a bunch of anorexics with face paint.

Also, maybe it's just me, but I'm getting a bit tired of the Disney/Pixar featureless rounded faces on everyone. They're all beginning to look very much the same, to the point where I watched Polar Express just the other day and was amazing as how much the characters actually looked like people in a 3D movie, for a change.

Because all their talent left

This is becoming a problem.

>Not one undead I can waifu. :(
>The Book of Life
>More waifus coming out of the woodwork than I can count.

The Disney-side faces are still okay; just look at Moana. Pixar's faces on the other hand are getting increasingly creepy and same.

People will go see Coco because its a Pixar movie idiot not because of Frozen

>At least Disney is actually making improvements

>He actually believes this


Oh my god why didn't anyone think of this

>Why does Coco look so shitty?
Because you fell for Sup Forums's Nu-Pixar meme
>Every Pixar movie has made bank
>Suddenly people aren't going to see Coco for being a Pixar movie

In terms of visuals Moana is easily Disneys best looking 3D animated movie, what are you implying?

>In terms of visuals Moana is easily Disneys best looking 3D animated movie,
Get your eyes fixed. Jesus Christ

... the first one was successful enough to warrant a sequel?

>Two of their last three movies have flopped
>Coco looks even more bland than The Good Dinosaur

>Why are those three dead now?
Because... why the fuck wouldn't they be? Did you think they were immortal all of a sudden?

>Two of their last three movies have flopped
>Inside Out
>Budget: $175 million
>Box office: $857.6 million

>Good Dinosaur
>Budget: $175 million
>Box office: $350 million

Not even going to post Finding Dory because I feel you've embarrassed yourself enough. And Cars 3 has already made over a billion in merch alone. All their movies make a minimum of twice their budget and do well in merch sales. Why is Sup Forums so hellbent on proving that Pixar is dead that they need to act contrarian over every new movie that put out? May I remind you that you're defending Book of Life a movie that nobody remembers or cares about.

Why are you so assblasted? Cars 3 and The Good Dinosaur only made twice their production budget back. That's not including marketing, and the actual cuts the theaters get. These movies both flopped

what anime

>marketing budget meme
Sup Sup Forums

When I figured out Manolo was singing Creep I laughed. Not a good look for a sad moment.

>Dude marketing costs don't exist lmao

>when you get proven wrong so you have to make up bullshit
So user what were their market budget?

>If we're lucky they'll both bomb.
You have some fuckin nerve to assume everyone wants the movie to be bad you fuck, kys and kill your ponies too fag

You're so clueless it's actually kind of baffling

So user what were their market budget?

Ranger Skiddoo

Cowboy Bebop

Marketing budgets aren't usually foreclosed but they are usually 2/3 of the production budget or more. Spider-Man Homecomings marketing budget was $140 million compared to its $175 million production budget for example, but that was considered a huge marketing campaign. So for your average $175 million budget Pixar movie you could expect a marketing budget of around $80 - 100 million.

>but user, it already bombed
>actually look at the image and read the thread
Wait, they're making a sequel? When did this happen?

See It's not being made yet, but they are planning on it. Looks like the story might focus on Maria this time, if the poster is anything to go by, rather than just retelling Manolo's story again.

I'm curious about Coco
even my young cousins immediately said "is this book of life 2?"
yes it's dia de muertos based so my first assumption was that they were going to try to bank in the latino market but practically no one here really feels it and man people band around latin stuff for some sort of empowerment

if the latin market is not interested then I really don't know who this is going to appeal to

So if you're still around user. Or any user of Mexican descent, I've got a question. What did you and your family/friends think of the first 'The Book of Life' movie? Did you/they enjoy it? I'm curious as to how this movie was received by people who were it's target audience.

>people who were it's target audience
I thought that just kids were the target audience, just with a Mexican flair for storytelling rather than the Disney/Hollywood one.

user back in 1928, when cartoons ran as shorts before movies, there was a little cartoon short that ran before a feature film. When people saw that short they were shocked an amazed by what unfolded before them. So much so that the people in theaters were willing to tell the projector operator to play the short again instead of playing the feature presentation. People came just to see the short and left afterwards. That short was Steamboat Willie. It launched Disney as what it is today. We don't think of Mickey as being a huge thing, but back in the day Mickey Mouse was a fucking Juggernaut. Mickey was the Elsa of his Day, which segways us into Frozen. There is literally nothing that can compare to the popularity of Frozen today. Maybe the Lion King in the 90s, but that's about it.

People will see CoCo because its a Pixar film, though their brand is being destroyed because Lasseter treats Pixar like his wife and Disney Animation as his Mistress. Pixar films have fallen in quality since Toy Story III. However, a non-minority of people will come out just to see Frozen and might even leave afterwards. That is the level of popularity Frozen commands.

>People will see CoCo because its a Pixar film, though their brand is being destroyed because Lasseter treats Pixar like his wife and Disney Animation as his Mistress.

i read about "new girlfriend" , but this seems to be accurate now.

This bubble will burst soon.

out of 24 upcoming films, only 1, CoCo is based on an original idea, albeit a stolen one, and another, Untitled, may or may not be original.

it's "Planes in Space"

>it's "Planes in Space"
Why can't it be 'WALL-E 2' I'd watch the fuck out of that!

The Good Dinosaur was still considered a fucking bomb by Pixar, since it underperformed in the US.

Coco will probably perform the same and be quickly forgotten like Good Dinosaur was, with people only remembering it was a inferior Book of Life ripoff

People won't remember Book of Life because nobody saw it.

They'll just remember Coco as that disappointing Pixar movie with the silly mexican skeletons, and end up thinking that Book of Life is some budget Coco-knockoff and not even try it.

>literally everyone compared Coco to Book of Life when the trailer was unveiled
>lol nobody saw Book of Life
>P-people will think that BoL is the rip-off to Coco!
What kind of glue are you smelling, you retard?

Yeah, movie reviewers and Sup Forums did. Although to be frank, I'm surprised that movie reviewers actually saw Book of Life.

Most of the general public didn't, and the first thing when they see Book of Life (and especially Book of Life 2) is to be reminded of that mexican kid Pixar movie they most likely did see. Hell, if the number of people who watched Disney/Pixar regularly also watched Book of Life or the Laika movies, then things would probably be a lot better.

>Most of the general public didn't, and the first thing when they see Book of Life (and especially Book of Life 2) is to be reminded of that mexican kid Pixar movie they most likely did see.
So a movie that isn't even out yet will, will totally remind normalfags of a movie that is out for 3 years, not the other way around?

Here is a thing: why don't you show me evidence of normalfags doing exactly what you are saying?


>The Good Dinosaur was still considered a fucking bomb by Pixar,
No it wasn't.

> with people only remembering it was a inferior Book of Life ripoff
Nobody even remember Book of Life to begin with

>literally everyone compared Coco to Book of Life when the trailer was unveiled
The only people who made comparisons were animation buffs who were the only ones who remembered Book of Life to begin with whereas the vast majority of people didn't even bring up the comparison since to say Coco is a rip-off of Book of Life is to say that the latter invented Day of the Dead.

You're a fucking idiot. Pixar is an ESTABLISHED BRAND name on par with Disney itself hell most people don't even know about the Frozen short accompanying Coco or at least they have enough fucking sense TO NOT BUY A FULL PRICE TICKET FOR A 22 MINUTE SHORT.

Sadly if Coco does well people will say its because of the Frozen short and not the film itself.

>No it wasn't.
It made less money domestically than it did overseas. Even if you argue that oversea costs did make the budget back, the profit is significantly reduced from cuts taken by international chains. Not to mention marketing costs.

>Nobody even remember Book of Life to begin with
1 in ever 5 comments in a Coco video will feature a BoL comparison.

>whereas the vast majority of people didn't even bring up the comparison since to say Coco is a rip-off of Book of Life is to say that the latter invented Day of the Dead.

I thought the first one sucked, but I really wanted to like it, so I'll probably give this one a chance over Coco. It at least looks like it will give more focus to the land of the remembered. Hopefully supporting it will springboard Gutierrez onto more interesting projects.

>Not to mention marketing costs.
This meme again
>1 in ever 5 comments in a Coco video will feature a BoL comparison.
>check youtube comments for every trailer
>nobody mentions BoL
>trailers numbers for Coco are much bigger than BoL
Really makes you think.
So Book of Life did invented Day of the Dead according to you.

>This meme again
Funny how you didn't disprove the other guy when he explained how important marketing is.

>nobody mentions BoL
>third comment with 155 upvotes
>From Pixar's own channel
Learns to fucking read you tripple faggot.

>So Book of Life did invented Day of the Dead according to you.
That is a false equivalency, I called you out for saying normalfags are calling Book of Life a "Coco rip-off" when the opposite happens regularly.