

What was the point of this shit?

dont diddle kids

the protagonist is performing the virgin walk on the cover im not watching that pile of crap

To have another Cyberpunk movie as it's a semi-popular genre despite only having about 3 good movies in it, one of which is foreign.

to prove to us that Duncan Jones is a hack

Pleb filtering

I am honestly flabbergasted by that character

What the fuck was Jones thinking?

>It's a "One hit wonder amateur director tries fruitlessly to recreate his one viral chance success for years on end" trilogy

Hate when this comes on

Hoping for easy buzzfeed viral marketing over the utterly inconsequential character trait

t. soccer mom

>one hit wonder
yeah source code was pretty damn good

what are u talking about didnt seem to be anti kid fiddling, they went out partying after he had that super srs talk where hes like ur not gona do this kid diddling stuff anymore then they went and got fucked up and he had hooker sex where he played hop scotch.

worst film ive ever seen. I watched What about Monday straight after and that was 10 times better. Mute was a cluster fuck and Altered Carbon made it look like university graduate film. Absolutely pathetic

and then got killed while watching his daughter take dick on screen

something about establishing netflix as the home for cyberpunk?

Honestly it made me fucking sad, i loved Moon and Source Code was fun, this was just an ugly mess. Should i watch Warcraft ?

So why was he mute? I mean from a story telling angle, not literally.

Did he represent "silent conservatives"? Was this flick redpilled?

Here's hoping Netflix is done with cyberpunk

NO! Its bad. Though maybe my hopes were set too high after seeing moon and source code and expecting him to make a good vg movie. but seriously its bad.

What are the 3 movies?

Matrix. Ghost in the shell. And "Strange Days" a very under appreciated kino IMHO. and definitely not blade runner because blade runner is crap.

>they unironically watch Netflix shows

I was thinking Strange Days, Blade Runner and Paranoia 1.0 but thinking about it, there's also some anime I'd count among them.

It's because they thought "what interesting handicaps could we give a future noir protagonist" and worked backwards from there. I suppose you're also wondering why he's Amish. Well

yea watch it it has the best villain in movie for the last 15 or so years, absolute demonic as fuck, and the Orc CGI are realer than real life, you can work with the rest, its a great fantasy film but could be a lot more