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oh jesus christ.......

pretty bold to cast a 13 year old as Lara

What's her ethnicity?

the way she holds those guns is really awkward

Why does Vikander's face always look like shes on something?

looks like a porn parody


chanel preston was superior

every brunette with tits is a better lara croft than this flat girl



Why did they cast someone who looks like a teenager?
Lara is supposed to be a mature woman

She kinda looks like what I expected a human Lara to look like back when I was a kid, to be honest. She DOES need bigger breasts though.

how do you even get this?


this flick is about young Lara, pretty much like the new games

What´s her training regime ?

Diversity tomb raider is garbage

Lara is supposed to be British. Actress is Swedish, I think.

>tfw I have the exact same body

The way she tilts her head and smiles out of the corner of her mouth like "Yeah, I'm a fuckin' badass" rubs me the wrong way.

Lara Croft was always effortless in her ball-busting badassery in the original series.

Are you a boy? :3

5 minute jog every other day


no I'm 22

>Actress is Swedish
She looks like a typical Latino whore.

Nu-Lara is the same as Nu-Ghostbusters.

you never know user maybe it will all work out for you

Ethnicity: Swedish, approx. 1/4 Finnish, distant Baltic German

wtf I thought she was a jew

(((Baltic Germans)))


She looks like discount Charity Crawford

I hate that her agent probably talked her into doing this.

She's a great actor when she plays to her strengths but this is an obvious mis-match, at least on paper. I guess time will tell.

That's racist. Pic related are all 100% Swedish,even more swedish than so called native swedes as a mater of fact.

Whats that little racist you disagree? Hate speech! You are going to jail to be educated.

She doesnt look ethnically swedish at all. A nu-swede though? 1000 percent

go back to your cancer website


Your typical "white" Amerimutt

Honestly, at least this scene looks like it'll be better than anything in the shitty reboot game. This is more 'Lara Croft' than anything nuLara ever did.


There isn't a single WB movie that won't bomb this year

Fucking screencap this


Definitely bombing

You sound like racist to me trying to stand in the way of progress. You are under arrest for hate speech,you must be educated,it's for your own good.

Why don't they cast more women with curves?

she looked white when she was young, i guess muttland makes people darker

Nope. It's a standalone DC film and WB is going to market the shit out of it to save face for JL.

It's because they're too heavy for her. lmao

It's not the curves. Her head looks shriveled, like she's a heroin junkie.

It'll make between 550-650M$ worldwide

Its fucking sad when there are cosplayers a billion times better suited to be Lara Croft than a big budget movie actress.

La nordica draugra

Bobblehead Muttkind.

By that point WB won't have enough money to market it plus they're considering a Wonder Woman style marketing campaign aka none

Not that it matters people hate DC and there are plenty of other movies they are more interested in seeing that weekend

In fact it probably won't even crack the top 10

because anorexic feminists are the only ones who get work in hollywood now

Can you people understand that she was casted because she can do the physical parts of the role?

shoulder to hip ratio

...and it's beautiful!

cocaine and bdsd

Is that her natural hair color?

What's with her eyes?

She looks like a freaking gremlin

she makes me feel ashamed for my country... i also hate Alexander Skarsgård, worst Skarsgård of them all

All memeing aside, how is this even physically possible? Is her butthole just constantly exposed underneath her clothing? I genuinely couldn't picture what this ass would look like naked even if I wanted to

yet another tryhard

Arabic as hell

cosplay =/= acting my dude

So Sup Forums?

>1/4 Finnish

So jewish and Sami

>caring about female acting

Only 1 thing matters.


Anyone got that picture where they made her neck look longer? I only have the original

looks like a tan from the sun you know that thing that you see once a year behind the clouds when it's not raining

>tfw no brappy lara croft

If I want to watch an adventure movie, I'll watch Indy Jones. If I want to watch or play Tomb Raider I want to see a TITTY MONSTER.

Should have went with Alycia.

hes one of these retards, different kind of cancer that doesnt belong here

This desu. Sad that Angelina Jolie's are the biggest tits we'll see in a tomb raider movie.



How do you know what those people are like though? Also, casual racism and ironic shitposting is nothing new to this place, regardless of board.

Fuck you faggot I was here when Sup Forums gold membership was just a meme, I was here when loli waifu threads were the order of the day everyday

YOU are the cancer


yeah sure fassie
they out themselves easily enough, I mean look at this retarded newfag

And she has her guns?

To be fair this movie is based on the awful modern games where the tits aren't anything special.

i know what they're like because i know people like that irl. they're whiny idiots who are almost definitely somewhere on the autism spectrum. that's why their entire lives revolve around fringe-right tinfoil shitposting and larping about "traditional" relationships that they'll never experience.

why is she so cute bros

>That ass hair

What about this academy award winning actress makes you cringe?


How many mouse dicks are you sucking right now?

From the thumbnail I thought it was Tommy in coffee shop

$10 says that's the last scene of the movie

>$10 says that's the last scene of the movie
No shit which will annoy me cos I really wanted to see Lara be badass in London instead of stuck on an Island and don't care if thats how game is

>Not appreciating her Sass

El goblino