Dad character has a "man cave"

>dad character has a "man cave"

Never hapenned

>teenage girl character is obsessed with her phone

>teenager is caught masturbating by grandma

>white teen from the suburbs is into rap and dresses like a gangster

>white teen from the suburbs is into retarded clothing and dresses like rock music

pre-teen kids don't like vegetables

I honestly find dabbing to be smugly amusing

>nerd character has a chance to lose his virginity to a hot girl but he messes it up at the last second

>nerd charachter has a cute gf

>teenage character has a dildo and lube in his bedroom

that's two threads you've posted this in now

Go away danny

I posted it in this thread first by accident and the other thread got deleted anyway

>adult character realizes that his childhood didn't actually get send to a farm

Is man cave one of the soyest things a guy could have,along with husband points?

>black teen from the ghetto is nerdy and dresses like a white kid

>teens from the 2010s are still depicted as generic 90s kids

I agree.

>upper class white family in the suburbs
>own a pet orangutan

>the school shooter character browses Sup Forums



>dad was obsessed with having a man cave
>builds a shed which becomes mine and my brothers problems to fix and basically build
>I managed to leave home 19 since I got blamed for my parents fighting
>they get divorced when I am 24
>both get separate houses
>he builds another "man cave" in his garden, calls it that
>he has an entire house to himself

that's more a symptom of our stagnant culture than anything

Because of the writers who don't know how kids these days act or,I am not even baiting here,because of the fact how most kids today live their lives online and you can't show that like you could show them hanging out in the mall.

>in office scenes, no one is doing any actual work

you'll understand once you get a house and married

what do you mean, like wearing ripped up jeans, flannel shirts and converse All-Stars? Hipsters have been wearing that stuff pretty consistently through the years since as far back as I can remember (I'm 29). Their clothes always fit much tighter than those worn by the original grunge-heads of the 90s though, and the flannel shirts are usually buttoned up instead of open

>the social outcast regularly has sex with different females

I have that now, this was years ago, he is still obsessed with it

I keep getting told that it has pool and darts, the uk doesn't have the best weather to have a wooden club house in your garden, he has an entire house to him self which defeats the entire purpose of having a "man cave"

>character calls his cuck shed a "man cave"

A Man Cave is just another name for a Swedish Cück Shed. You own the house, not the woman ergo you dictate the rules. Cùck.

i agree with this. Basically, 90% of the today youth culture is unknown to the 40+ y/o

>well,we know how they LOVE their phones...and memes,don't forget the memes!

>tfw boomer execs at work talking about appealing to millennials by sponsoring YouTube celebs.

