Tfw no emma watson gf

>tfw no emma watson gf

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nice kittens

and here's why that's a good thing

Why would you even want that?
Ten years ago when she was just that hot chick from Harry Potter, sure. But a whiny self centered feminazi?

I want to see Brendan do a shoot like this

Thank god, that's a great thing


I would have fucked her when she was like 14 and in a frumpy skirt but not anymore.

Right after she was harvested. She's trying to pretend she's not a whole.

I hate to be the one to say, but hamster girl is best Emma

Not to mention she's past her prime anyway

Don't you love when Sup Forums's borderline pedophilia turns into legitimate pedophilia

None of those cats are male, except one, and that one is jewish.


shit nigga that's just a year away from the wall


>tfw no vintage Katy Perry wife

She's a basic bitch on top of being Weinstein's cum dump. There's really no use of her anymore except if you want to avoid paying taxes

Excuse me sir I only want to fuck middle schoolers

>mfw she's unironically aging into Dawkins more and more each year

this dude gets it

11-14. doesn't get any better

Emma Watson is worst Emma by far.

Appearance is subjective, but she's sure as shit not the best there.

Personality though, she is EASILY the worst by a huge fucking margin

based tbph

whats some other quintessential emma core?


We've made it 21 posts without the dancing webm, I'm impressed

>Not wanting Watson to tie you down and sit on your face while going off on some feminist screed

This is why you get into the movies.

hey it's that weird eyebrows guy

I changed my mind, she's alright.

holy shit, Emma Watson is actually an alt-right bigoted sexist

Yeah gimme the Dunham bowl please

>nor kiernan



Trannies btfo

she was so kawaii

the only reason you don't like her personality is because she's a feminist. And feminsim is typically associated with ugly women.
but she's not ugly. feminism is inherintly okay so long as they are genuinely striving for equality and its not about hatred of men.

Why would you want have a completely delusional sheltered rich smug feminist gf

cruz bless

Me hating her personality has nothing to do with her feminism.

I just hate hypocrites.

She really was
>No qt kiernan to give a bath to

women can never have true equality because they hate each other and are slaves to their own instincts

Why don't you take a seat right over there?

>woman is unable to commit easily because it's mildly inconvenient
>despite paying more money in a year than most people will see in their entire lifetime at an age when you'd be lucky to make minimum wage
what a fucking shock

Damn that's not even a slip, she corrected herself.

Best Starfu confirmed.

la creatura...

quality emma you have there lad


she's got some great body of work

watch them meme theire way out

I take it this is now an Ayy Emma thread

This is the video I use to make Deep Fakes of Emma - lots of good angles

>16 year old doesn't want to work full time
what a cunt

When was it ever borderline?


Just whatever you do don't watch her in an interview.



Somebody who knows damn well what's happening behind closed doors in Hollywood, and possibly takes advantage of it, who then goes on self righteous crusades against non issues is not somebody you'd particularly want to have anything to do with.

This my song for Best Emma Watson, tell me what you think bros:
Emma I want to hug you and give you many kisses, small, little cute kisses, pecks, little tiny kisses X2


Jesus christ that look.

Emma Watson = Sup Forums
Emma Roberts = Reddit
Emma Stone = Tumblr
"Emma Dumont" = The retard community


>"Emma Dumont" = The retard community
You take that back!

Emma Watson = Tumblr
Emma Roberts = Reddit
Emma Stone = Sup Forums
"Emma Dumont" = The retard community

Based xenogirl


leave emma alone!

fuck off

lol some chick went into an autistic rage in the comments section replying to every comment saying there are more than 2 genders