ITT: actors who surely are irl chads

I'll start

Other urls found in this thread:

>This is what a black weeb looks like

he honestly looks like a gay, especially when he smiles


what's the black version of a chad?



>that tweet where someone accuses him of being a 5'9" manlet who lives with his parents
>he responds says "actually I'm 6' and I don't live with them, THEY live with me"

or Tyrone


>small dick


and it's beautiful

Chads like anime, confirmed.

>watches anime
>lives with parents

niggers like anime*

hes not chad he looke like a skinny faggot in the wire , oncea faggot always a faggot

*barks at unruly white person*

you’ve got a point. anime is cool.

He's a closeted homofag.

I get that vibe from him too. He is too well groomed to be straight and also he was never in a relationship with a woman. Oh and he is an actor,which is a good indicator.

nigga he gay

He looks like he fucks black guys

He handles hot sauce like a chad, that's for sure.

based thad

Woah. What a MAN!

>smacks lips


is that sky williams?

umm no, since when closeted men are chads?

He actually looks like the one who bullied me in school.

>and also he was never in a relationship with a woman
okay he's definitely gay then. Tons of women are crazy about him


>Tons of women are crazy about him

This guy over here. He looks like the guy who bullied me at school.

That was the tip off for me. I mean they are trying to set him up with Lupita and I googled his previous relationships and there is nothing online which is strange because a young famous actor would always be swarmed with pussy.


The only reason he scribbled it out is because he does not feel guilt over it.

your gaydar is weak friend

I always thought he was gay, since he was a literally who.


Honestly there's this black guy at my job who talks nonstop about dragon ball super to me, but when he talks to women its only flirting which they respond to, I don't get it at all.



How is this guy hailed like one of the sexiest actor out there when he literally looks like he has Down's Syndrom, escapes me

>they are trying to set him up with Lupita

No indian one.
Checks out


>look it up
>he’s actually 5’10”


>Ali Allahquaq

> tfw he was actually bullied at school and is actually a humble nerd dad irl
sometimes appreances lie

Is there such thing as being an androgynous chad?

When I was in 4th grade at 9 years old I used to be bullied by a 17 year old Puerto Rican kid and his 16 year old Puerto Rican gf.

My parents were asking wtf were teens that old doing in the 4th grade. It still bothers me.

I have it on extremely good authority that Michael B. Jordan fucked Andrew Garfield and Garfield was the catcher

dis nidda is a nerd lmao

he chooses anime over women

The only difference between you and him is that he does it voluntarily.

depends. post a pic

Chads are white, this doesn't work, sorry OP.

Who likes him? Even the black women on Lipstick Alley only like the white Marvel actors.

Black weebs are absolute bro-tier.

This guy is humble as fuck and got a boat load of charisma at the same time. Utterly based still staying with his parents to keep himself grounded.

/ourguy/ material and I usually hate nigs




Did anyone else think it was Nick Cannon?

fuckin bitch

weak af chin disqualifies him from chaddom

why couldn't i stop reading

What was posted?

"reply or ur m** ****" meme.

this guy is probably the most handsome actor right now

>Michael B. Jordan
>Garfield played Spider-Man
Checks out, do you think he ever said to Garfield "Face it Tiger, you just hit the jackpot"?

He is an unironic weeb.

black guys can't be chads

they can be tyrone's, who are superior to chads.

No actor is a Chad, OP.
It's a professional that implicitly requires always focusing on appearance to gain the approval of others which leads to them becoming neurotic, weak, and needy.

Bowie. Prince. Those are the only two though

Prince is legit 5'2'' and definitely more of a homo than anything.

bowie certainly was a Chad, prince's more of faked it till he made it.

My half-cousin is a mulatto weeb manlet but he has insane self-confidence and a love for life and is insanely good with women. They don't care what you're into as long as your game is good, you take care of yourself, and are funny.

you're forgetting marilyn manson and mick jagger

Doesn't mean he's not a Chad tho

Dat gyno

>someone actually made this

That's not gyno, that's having well defined pec's, as someone who has actual gyno I fucking wish that's what it looked like. Not having a literal washboard chest doesn't mean you have gyno user.


Well defined pecs don’t look droopy like that sorry it’s gyno user. He probably took this photo off cycle between roles

this guy has the perfect bully face

Nah too much warmth in his face

the bigger question is, who gives a fuck?

i've never understood why someone would even be interested if "x" person is gay or not. and being an actor is definitely no indication of anything.

Where do the gay rumors come from? Wasn't he hounded recently for having a non black gf?