This is how Disney is going to sell movies from now on

This is how Disney is going to sell movies from now on.

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la mongrelo...

This one will flop though, which will prove Black Panther's success as legitimate

It might fail but it's because you can only do the same trick so many times.

i genuinely hate niggers

jesus christ, if little black girls STILL aren't fucking em[powered after all the bullshit that's been done for them there truly is no hope

>Disney is so desperate after the last flop that it's tricking lefties to use donation money to buy tickets for them
Pretty smart, it's working great for BP


dark skin, black hair, brown eyes 100% of the time is not colorful.


They can't push this beyond one maybe two movies per minority. The inevitable BP sequel won't even benefit because you can only be the 'first' once.

They will have to wait 20 years for black people to forget about Black Panther to push the "First Black Movie Ever!" meme again.

That's very smart actually. Niggers are so retarded that they will make the Mouse even more richer. Great PR job.

>colored = colorful

nice 2 digit IQ you got there

>This is how Disney is going to sell movies from now on.

You can only really market a movie as a movement once though. And there is a limited amount of disenfranchised groups that actually have buying power.
Black Panther was black people. Winkle of time was Black girls. After that you don't really have much. Hispanics and Asians don't really give a shit. Handicap, trans, gays are too small of a population to matter.
You can only go to the 'its the first black movie of its kind' so many times before people stop giving a shit.

>prevent Black Panther from flopping by making it a political ever kind of movie
Poor Mouse, after fucking up Star Wars they must be panicking

>because you can only do the same trick so many times.
You'd think that but Marvel has been repackaging the same movie for a decade now and they're showing no sign of slowing down

yes. Ant Man is exactly like Winter Soldier and GotG is exactly like Iron man.

Are they actually saying they’re target demo can’t afford to go so pay for them? Sad!

And you Sup Forums babies will never stop crying about it

dude fuck poor people lmao

I was talking about the marketing, which is not the same as story elements.

They are pretty similar, yes.

Niggers are stupid and Hollywood knows it. They are talking about that garbage Panter like the best movie ever just because the MUH NIGGA publicity stunt.
Good per Hollywood, by the way, milking the nigger cow as much as they can.

>Black people can't afford ID
>Black people can't afford internet
>Black people can't afford movie tickets
This is what "not racist" people actually believe.

>Good per Hollywood, by the way, milking the nigger cow as much as they can.
This. Disney makes really fucking terrible movies but no one knows how to get those sheckels like those hebrews god damn

Dem Slay Kweens.

Oh btw, because that article talks around the issue a bit.
She tortured and murdered him with a welding torch.

More boring victim narrative, just fuck off already. Africa is vast, go live there.

I remember the director Ava, said around the time that Dunkirk came out that going to the movies was “white privilege” and I couldn’t imagine how retarded you’d have to be to say that you’re own race can’t afford 14.50 plus tax for movie tickets. Seems pretty ass backwards for “not racists”

>Hispanics and Asians don't really give a shit
Coco did pretty well in Mexico.

la idiota...

Nerdy black girls is such a ridiculously small demographic to go after. I read AWiT as a kid but I have no interest in it since I'm not a kid anymore. It's like Power Rangers, it didn't appeal to kids enough and couldn't bank off nostalgia enough either.

Yeah, I'm sure they had to work extra hard to prevent a Marvel movie from flopping, retard.

Acknowledging that black people generally have lower incomes than white people is not a racist belief though, not even ironically. You are stupid.

It isn't about "disenfranchised groups", it's about making people feel like they're supporting a movement by seeing the movie.

Trans and gay rights, even though they have every right normal people do, would make a very popular movie because straight people would feel like they're helping out the weak and feeble, fighting against an oppressive world, like non-whites and black panther.

winter soldier and the original Captain America are literally the only marvel movies that aren't action-comedies with jokes every five minutes.

el monstruo...

>lower income automatically means the entire race is too poor to afford movie tickets

That’s racist.

This will make more than Tomb Raider and Ready Player One COMBINED

based Disney doesn't flop

Acknowledging black people have a higher AIDS, crime, rape and murder rate, and using it to call black people AIDS-filled rapist criminals isn't racist then either?

Wrong. At the university library I work at Black women are constantly chattering about films for children because they have blacks in. They are so dumb they fell for it. Disney pushing blacks is supposedly “our time, our movement”

They didn't "fall for it", they just prefer people of their own race. Why do you think they only hang out with other black women?

Niggers are the ultimate racists. I don't care who is in the movie as long as it's good and not super hero pandering garbage.

What did innocent, proud, brave, strong, loving, beautiful PoCs of African descent mean by this?

Make no mistake, big companys like Marvel dont care about sjw shit, they care about profit, and currently social justice and diversity is TRENDY and therefore; profitable.

>make expensive product, but earn huge profit
>repeat x18
>make expensive product, earn huge profit
>forced to givevaway 25% of that profit

You can only push that trendy shit so far, not when it hurts their wallet. When the topic of which movie to fund next comes up,at the next board meeting, you think they wanna repeat that, a black panther standalone? or repeat a thor ragnarok or guardians of the galaxy and simply pull what they did to the hulk character and integrate black panther into other future movies for max profit?

I feel like a lot of directors and writers actually care about the liberal agenda, though. There are a bunch of pretentious Hollywood elites who think their movie can legitimately change the world. Half of all award speeches include something like "this movie is progressive and will change the world forever"

Ask the dindus at your university library if they can name a single colored-majority country they'd like to live in. Then ask them why that is (and if they blame white people, cut their fucking welfare recipient monkey heads off on the spot.)

The people calling for Disney to gibs the Black Panther revenue are irrelevant and forgotten about.

Damn, that woulda been funny as hell.

white men still cry about being disadvantaged and they have 1000x the opportunity of a little black girl

what disadvantages would i have if i were born in the exact same situation but as a black woman

Lower IQ

No, it's not. Being lower income means you can't afford frivolous purchases.

Nothing racist about it.

Of course it's racist. I don't even know what sort of logical "got you!" puzzle you were trying to make here.

>black people are generally poorer than white people
>therefore, black people can't afford id, internet or movie tickets

>black people are generally rapier then white people
>therefore, black people rape

they're both sweeping generalizations justified using rates or the thing happening among races. They use the exact same logic, "more black people X therefore black people X".

"black people are generally poor" uses the same reasoning as "black people are generally criminals". Therefore, they should both be just as accurate.

you got BTFO. sit down be humble

Surely those kids parent's could afford one lousy movie ticket if they wanted to. If not they have bigger problems than kid seeing some movie.

and no father

no, thats a recent trend after the success of guardians

>56 replies


black panther was a legit movie

no one really supports oprah like they say they do, other than house wives. this movie will be out of theaters sooner than later

not being able to go to one of the most popular websites without having legions of angry white boys dehumanising you 24/7?

How bad do you hate them?

Can't afford to go to a movie.. pays for cellphone, internet access, shitty clothes ect.

Dont like the new disney product
thats Raycist!

Can't afford food...pays for car, multiple kids, shitty tattoos etc
The absolute state

I agree, it screams marketing campaign. They think we're suckers. And isn't Black Panther rater PG-13? That little girl can't get in.