
No X-men
No Fantastic Four

How come they were allowed in the first Lego Marvel game but not anymore?

Ike the kike

I think you will find they are allowed but marvel won't put characters they lack movie rights to in.


Once he dies, Marvel comics will return to be glorious.

Or maybe not.

Who knows?

Oh, I must have never seen the Cosmo the Space Dog movie or Forbush Man movie. When did they come out?

Because fuck you faggot.

Cosmo cameoed in Guardians of the Galaxy, remember?

No Xmen no buy

I didn't see it. But what of Forbush man!?

HAVE THE MOVIE RIGHTS OF, not made movies of. American education system, everybody.

>Spiderman 2099

You are brain dead retarded if you think that.

After three games, what characters can they add that would really surprise people? Lego Avengers pretty much had everyone outside of X-Men and FF including the Avengers Academy kids.

Alternate realities?

Like Cowboy Cap? Kind of a copout.

Lego Marvel Zombies?
Lego Marvel Babies?
Lego Marvel Apes?

Well according to the trailer, Krang the Conquerer decides to fuck with reality, and makes a nice pocket dimension.

Lego Battle World?

It's a crime that there won't ever be a non Lego equivalent of the first Lego marvel superheroes game

So this sort of push happened when the Avengers came out, right? I recall Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 having various characters that would eventually end up being part of the movies, then around that point they phased out Earth's Mightiest Heroes and lots of X-Men stuff.

>Lego Marvel Zombies?

They'll only have the villains be zombies though

Secondary Defenders
Squadron Supreme
Old West guys
Millie the Model
Nellie the Nurse

Yeah. If you pay attention to the stuff they push in games and toys you'll start to get an idea of what they have in the pipeline.

But they already did Lego Marvel Avengers.

That's what's getting me. The first game was released in 2013, same year as when Iron Man 3 and The Wolverine came out. I guess that's when they started to get all anti-mutie.

Why dont you just killyourself?

>Kang story written by Busiek with a chunk of the story taking place in 2099
Man, I don't even care about no X/FF, this is fucking awesome. Lego Avengers was hot trash though.

are the lego games good?

Can't be as bad as australian education.

Yes, but they're all very same-y. If you've played one then you've played them all, and they come out with like twice a year.

Wait Busiek is writing this? I might give this a look.

You already know why

Lego city undercover was an underapreciated gem.
Enough so they remastered it for the switch.

>Lego Battle World

But it's kinda weird they're using Kang as the villain since he was supposed to be with the Fantastic Four rights (which Gunn confirmed years ago). Maybe they traded something for Kang?

Disney and Ike being jews.

They got Busiek to write the story. Having Kang as the main villain was probably his one stipulation.

they can use them, but they would rather not give fox any new ideas for their movies


fuck namor