Why is pic related such good villain Sup Forums? How did they manage to turn him from "Generic Warlord 1879054-12"...

Why is pic related such good villain Sup Forums? How did they manage to turn him from "Generic Warlord 1879054-12", and into something that inspires true fear and horror with each proper appearance?



This. If you seriously think Darkseid was just a "generic warlord" from the beginning, you don't know Jack.

>Those eyes.
He seems so bored with existence in general right there.

don't you mean how did they take him from a well rounded character into a generic warlord?

Final crisis was one of the first books I read when I started out reading comics which was a mistake I had no clue what the fuck was going on. What book is before that that explains the whole " the gods are hiding inside people" shit?

>What book is before that that explains the whole " the gods are hiding inside people" shit?
Morrison's "Seven Soldiers"

Thanks dawg


>What book is before that that explains the whole " the gods are hiding inside people" shit?
i mean thats just pretty basic possession. the exorcist would work honestly, unless you mean keeping track of who is who. also read seven soldiers like that other user said

I know what possession is I just didn't know what story led up to the new gods being defeated and all that

>threading your own post


I remember my younger days, still didn't know much DC continuity (what there was of it back then), and I had been following 'The Great Darkness Saga'. The big reveal was a complete anticlimax for me, I'd never heard of Darkseid. Back then you couldn't jump on the internet to catch up either.

>New 52 Darkseid
It's almost sacrilege to post him

Post more Darkseid quotes. I need them for reasons.

There are two kinds of Darkseid in the universe. There are comics with the "I am many things, but here I am god"/"I am the tiger-force at the core of all things" Darkseid who is willing to let you walk into your living room and find him sitting there waiting for you, and then there are the generic "I am bad because I am bad, look at the thing I did... it was bad!" Darkseid comics where they just treat him as a maniacal villain that is two dimensional.

Anyone have that christian comic edit where the little girl talks her friend into worshipping Darkseid?

I want to tell her she's pretty

Found it

because Darkseid Is


Isn't New 52 darkseid just a shattered remenat of the real darkseid who dies in Final crisis, I reread multiversity and I'm pretty sure it's said that the real darkseid was reforming himself and he's still out there


Two things.
First of all how dare you.
Secondly, The Great Evil Beast is a bigger and better bad.