ITT times television or film have brought you to tears

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great scene. imagine being the other guy who comes in to shoot one single scene and you end up being such a huge part of the show

I cried for an hour after I saw this scene. It was just so unbelievably cathartic. I felt like she was speaking to me with that scream, telling me that no matter how much pain we face the only thing we can do is keep fighting and never lose track of what we're fighting for.

I cry every time I see this, srs

Had been watching the season with my mom and the finale got us both in tears

HAHA pussy!

Only the endings of Filth and Leaving Las Vegas.

Honorable mention to the ending of Walkabout.

the carousel scene made me tear up

Only the ending of Terminator 2 made me cry and I was 4 years old when I watched it.

>t.harry crane

Smallville with Clark and his dad.


why the fuck was brett gelman in this scene


what episode is this scene in? what does the guy don hugged say? I've seen the show but don't remeber what it was about


The finale. The guy just admitted he was gay and afraid to admit it to himself.

I dont think so




r-real niggas know whats up

Still Mad Men but a different moment...

Godspeed you magnificent old weeb!


>bubba was gonna be a shrimpin boat captain, but instead he died right there on that riverbed in vietnam
>and thats all I got to sat about that

or alternativly
>is he smart..or is he like me...

Talyn... Starburst

I bawled at the end of that movie.

scarred me as a kid

Wow, that could not be further from what I took from the show. I saw it as being about Coop's inability to accept his second chance at life, he immediately goes back to trying to solve something that was already unsolvable 25 years ago, and the most he accomplishes is bringing back a trauma that the world had moved on from. Laura "wakes up" to another day of abuse and self destruction, what is that to be proud of?

TP The Return is the rare movie made by an elderly man that is actively against nostalgia. I find it's whole ethos really empowering. The last show that struck me so hard was The Sopranos, which sort of has a similar message of embracing your life for what it is right now, but that existential horror of that cut to black ruined my life more than anything else. This is just a few hairs softer

i agree with you on twin peaks, good post

>Now it's gone, gone
>And I am who I am
>Who I was I will never be again
>Running out of sand