All subs banned

>all subs banned
>every streaming platform banning them
>voat exodus is dead
>gif is worthless at creating oc
>8ch board is dead
>random websites popping up just showing old oc with crypto miners but no new worthwhile oc have popped up since subs got shut down
A bigger tragedy than the death of raceapp. Zion did this because tech was too Magick for goyim to possess and meant the end of Hollywood and the end of the roastie. Soros knew this.

Other urls found in this thread:

It won't dissapear, people really want to see favourite celebrities nude/fucked. Also celebrities start profitting from it (attention) and stop being so much against it.

Dont you just need some halfway-decent graphics card to do this?

this one is still up.

The raceapp removal was worse. I hate that interesting technology is being censored because of SJW. It's the first time I've ever actually agreed with "the right" on anything.

Can't someone just make a new RaceApp and host it on a website ? It's not like it was illegal

I miss the race filter.

This hurts. No Melissa rauch fakes, no lindsey stirling. Life is pain.

They deleted all traces of it from their servers, and since it necessitated scanning hundreds of thousands of pictures, it just isn't feasible to "create again". It's gone.

RaceApp used data from FaceApp. They’d have to start a new app with their own technology and wait for it to collect data and then release a race update.
t. Knows absolutely nothing about this shit

Our hopes were dead before we even knew it.

Can someone explain to me how this is even illegal and why?

Celebrities have posted these pictures online freely that are now being used to create fake videos.

For fucks sake it sounds like they get free sex tapes without having to make actual sex tapes.

>Zooey Deschanel Black dildo

videos can theoretically be more convincing since it's harder to fake.

deepfakes still look shitty but eventually they'll become indistinguishable from real life

I can understand the RaceApp thing because muh racism, but really, celebrity fakes have been around since forever, why the outrage? Why now? Why not ten years ago? I was fapping to fakes of Liv Tyler and Cate Blanchett since LotR came out.

Everyone left of a sjw is a fascist

Again, I'm not really seeing the problem. They don't own their appearance and thanks to the privacy policies of twitter/facebook they don't even really own the pictures they post on social media.

I don't understand what legal grounds anyone has for taking this shit down.

Even if the tech is perfected to the point of 1:1 replication, these women have chosen to post their pictures publicly.


When assange had his interview in the embassy and people were pointing out that it could have been faked and identifying what maay have been graphical errors everyone laughed at them and said the technology wasn't anywhere near available for that. Now anyone in the public can make convincing fakes, makes you think what technology is available for the alphabet agencies.

guess its because its animated, therefore more graphic than an obvious shop.
plus, a well made deepfakes video can be convincing enough to the uninformed.
so imagine if someone who never knew that deepfakes existed managed to watch a deepfake video of emma roberts getting railed.
it probably won't convince a lot of people that its real, but in the offset chance that it does to some, it could be serious to the actress' rep and the overall intention of the deepfake.

Idk, making a deepfake of someone you know and posting it online is kinda creepy and I wouldn't want this on me or anyone. Keeping it to yourself or using celebrities however, I don't see a problem. There was also the non porn ones that were also banned for some reason, even though they are harmless.

Deepfakes would have replaced all forms of entertainment by 2019. The end of civilization as we know it.

>A bigger tragedy than the death of raceapp.

you can sue people for using your image without your permission and there are laws here in the UK against "revenge porn" which covers improper use of someone's image in sexual content.

I know it's been happening for decades but you can't just create fake nudes of someone and distribute them without consequences lol.

So, the Jews.

I personally wouldn't give a shit, I mean I get a little creeped out by the idea of somebody masturbating while thinking about me, but the idea of somebody watching a fake video of me doesn't make it any worse.

That was 100% fake. Assange is probably having a tea party at the bottom of the Indian Ocean with Osama bin Laden.

Can anyone deepfake this old bitch?

I can kinda' see the problem in those situations. Like how a boy who got rejected by a girl puts her face into DeepFakes and distributes her being rammed by 19 niggers. I can see how that can be damaging to the girl long-term.

That being said, I feel this is (((their))) attempt to stand in the way of technological progress. Sooner or later, some shithole of a country is going to let this shit slide and before we know it 99% of all actresses are going to be on DeepFakes being distributed in Congo or some shit.

there are many deepfake porn sites already dip shit, free

Yeah, but that's not really my point though. Those can all be taken down unless they have servers in a country that doesn't give a shit.

My point is that there will after a while exist such a country that doesn't, and when that happens all the whores-of-Hollywood don't have a legal leg to stand on.

It's been banned on popular sites like reddit and whatnot (except here, based hiroshima), but the tools were already released so anyone who does a quick google search can have them. It's just a matter of time before a community grows large enough to replace the old ones.

Its a technology that leads to the possibility of making movies without actually hiring the real actors. More importantly, it could be used to frame people or clear the guilty of crimes.

It may no be obvious, but this tech scares Hollywood and every government on the planet. So you bet your ass it got shut down.

I hope your whole family gets raped by a pack of feral apes you fucking autistic faggot

Cry me river you dumb fuck, go back to redit.

But this has been a long-time-coming and I doubt the "stick your head in the sand" approach is going to make it all go away.

We all marveled (or, some did) at how effectively they put Paul Walker into FF after he died. Sooner or later these tools, or something like them, would be made public.

I don't think the government can do much against that. Hollywood might be shitting bricks though, because this tech has the ability to prove how truly useless and overpaid actors are in the digital age.

Give this shit another 20 years and I doubt the profession of "acting" will look anything like what it does today.

how does letting people create fake sex tapes inhibit "technological progress" lol. the technology is just algorithmic face matching and hollywood has been doing it for ages.

and I'm pretty sure porn sites ban tons of celebrity content anyway so banning deepfakes isn't some new censorship.

>this tech scares Hollywood and every government on the planet
And it doesn't scare you? If this is what's out to the public, imagine what the fuck the government is already capable of and has been doing without notice.

it's not illegal, it's just controversial.

because jews literally control all media and have insane clout with the US government and through (((trade deals))) have power in any country that wants to trade with us

did you know that the MPAA had its own paramilitary task force it would use to fly around the world shutting down "pirates"?

>imagine what the fuck the government is already capable of
This shouldn’t be the thing that makes you concerned about the government’s capabilities.

AFAIK it's not illegal. Just controversial because it looks so real. The one caveat is that if you use training images with even ONE of them being underage, then that might count as illegal content. For instance googling a young adult female celebrity - if they've been doing TV/movies for a while, they probably have images where they were a minor. If they were 17.9 years old it won't be obvious.

Love your forced meme, dude! Persistence is the key, you piece of shit.

Pretty much this

Blame the Jews all you like, but the truth is this tech is dangerous. If something can be learn from history, is that the first uses for a new tech are always for porn. It's innate to the species, however, it's not the only use.
If you think like a degenerate, of course it's "wrong" to take away muh fun, but in the shoes of an actress it could feel humilliating. In the shoes o a random person it's also humilliating not to mention creepy. And if future uses allow to create anything, then the line that separates reality from fiction will no longer be distiguishable.
Framing, creating false propaganda, the hijacking of someone else's personal image will achieve a whole new level of possibilities
Honestly, people, someone needs to control this shit before it really gets out of control.
I would like it as much as the next user that the ones in control werent' the Jews, but the alternative is really fucking scary too. Someone needs to contain this, a free dangerous tech is not really that different than allowing random people to buy nukes at their nearest store

If it can be done once it can be done again.

To clarify here: "training images" refer to non-pornographic images of just the person's face. The person you want to put on a legal adult porn video.

You can kill the prophet but you cant kill a god

i saw one with Sophie Turner's and goddamn, the first few seconds really looked convincing


>Can someone explain to me how this is even illegal and why?
about the only legality issue is copyright infringement and defamation. There's a fair use defense for the copyright aspect since this is clearly transformative of the original work. For defamation they'd have to make the case that someone viewing it would actually think it was real. If it ever went to court it would likely fall flat on its face since its arguably protected under the first amendment. This really isn't any different than someone drawing a picture of a celebrity.

Right now its the controversial thing that gets the interwebs up in arms. So privately owned companies have decided its not worth keeping on their servers.

I have her deepfake

I've seen about 50 of them and they all look like shit. I don't get the hype at all

>Persistence is the key, you piece of shit.
worked for dole dippers and sneed