It's a Tia Carrere undresses down to her underwear episode

>it's a Tia Carrere undresses down to her underwear episode

>it's an interactive episode

>it's a Nigel is a clumsy dork episode

its a me having my dick out when my sister walks on me episode

it was a great time to be going thru puberty

what is that Jaime Pressly from?

looks like Mortal Kombat

>it's a Nigel gets a boner episode

Mortal Kombat: Conquest

fun campy series that aired back-to-back with pro wresting in the late 90s

I see too bad noone seems to be seeding


it works for me

6seeds, thanks user. I'll try it in a few hours, have not run one in a while

>she ends up naked and embarassedly covering herself somehow

>no VIP

I preferred She Spies

which one did you want to be growing up lads


>ywn be sexy goddess of love desired by all

I feel bad for people like you who had to get it through skimpy outfits on TV instead of hardcore internet porn

>hardcore internet porn

saddest of puberties


fapping to TV shows in my youth is among my most cherished memories, along with softcore movies on late night Cinemax

God, Xena was so much fun.

Didn't realize Xena had such a solid core at the time.

imagination is a much greater tool for your tool

IM okay with this

Fucking kek. I don’t remember that episode.

yes it was

now this is 90's kino


did people think these were just cheesy fun shows back then too?
I was like 10, so for me they were just legit good shows, didnt even realize how silly they were.

Holyshit lads. Please tell me where I can stream/dl this show.


>ywn be Ares cohabiting with Xena and Gabby on a farm

pure comfy tv

Nobody's going to do it? Fine.
Sup Forums is slipping

there was a softcore porn actress that looked like the girl on the right. i miss her.

patrician taste

>it's a Nigel undresses episode

>IN THE YEAR 25! 25!
Christ that was a catchy intro. I don't actually remember anything of the show.

This! WTF. Bakc then i thought she was toned, but its more than that. Was she actually fat and just sucked in her stomach?

You should rewatch it user, probably the comfiest show about three hot babes fighting robots and sewer dwelling evildoers ever made

So what happened to the Xena reboot they were going to do?

is that tony todd?

fuck, every girl has at least some tone to their muscles,today actresses look like shit compared to them

yes, from the episode The Lost Mariner

he's also in two episodes of Hercules

Who the fuck is the black girl? I recognise her from something, but it's not whatever show that is.

it's Gina Torres as Hel in Cleopatra 2525

She also played Nebula in Hercules, Zoe in Firefly, Anna in Alias, Jasmine in Angel, and various other shows

I loved that show.
You can tell who never saw because they hate it for being inconsistent with the games.

>Jasmine in Angel

That's it. Thanks, user.

That is NOT a flattering photo for her. Her face looks like a slightly more masculine voldemort.

Did they ever fuck? Or Nigel was just always too beta for her?

to be honest her face just ain't that great, and when she smiles she looks like an malevolent alien wearing human skin

>this was considered attractive in the 90s

Low-budget Hugh Grant there would still get ladies today I think.